The transports escape and it's dull, but you'll win without getting nuked. After that, it should be all straight-forward. 2 pip however has pretty good chance to hit. The Restoration Army is engaged in a battle of attrition against Directorate forces, and our ground forces need resupply if they're going to prevail. So I dealt with it, collected my meager 'good try' compensation and did what little repairs I needed because I concentrated on saving as much of my mechs as I could once I saw that I couldn't win the main objective. All rights reserved. So I have to fight off 8 mechs at the same time while dodging LRM turrets AND focussing my fire, not on the turrets or mechs, but on heavily armored transports. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2. I like that you included some small resume before the videos, so we know what they are about. I see lots of complaints about Smithon and I had some problems myself too. Scan this QR code to download the app now. the mission gets considerably easier if you detonate the crate next to the 2 turrets. Liberate: Smithon. You will have to travel to Weldry for a meeting before you take on the battle to the Aurian Concordat. To that end, I'm sending you to capture a Directorate munitions dump. This scene is more for story telling than anything, but depending on what you chose for your background information, some of the dialogue will be different, some giving you multiple options of response while others only give you one. Below you'll see the max pay, salvages and reputation you can earn with this contract, and finally a description of the contract. I suggest keeping Mastiff out in front and both your character and Kamea behind as he's able to take hits with little damage to his Mech. Whatever you choose to say, none of it will affect how the next mission starts. 3 Assault Mechs and a Light Mech. Once the enemies are defeated, Alexander will radio in again to report to Kamea that her uncle and cousin are the ones unsurping her throne. Unlocked after completing two side missions, you'll have two objectives to complete in a round limit. close. Be aware that it might be a little too far standard range weapons. Valve Corporation. At first, you can focus your fire on the Battlemaster, if you kept one piece from the previous mission, you can safely destroy both its legs and keep 2 pieces. Beware of your Mech's temperatures when near that fire starter, if it gets close enough, one attack will overheat and possibly shut down your Mech. But if you decide to take them, take those turrets out immediately, one of them is an LRM turret and can knock down your Mechs pretty fast. It's saved my butt plenty of times during this and previous missions. Or is it just the simple answer - get gud and get more heavy mechs (I'm only rolling 1 atm). BattleTech is about a war fought by noble houses through the use of giant Mechs! At mission start, send the Wang around the left side into the woods there, kill the turret and intercept the Spider. Once you get there, you'll have to hold your position for 5 rounds and a lot of Mechs will show up. Again, the only threat being a vehicle, an SRM Carrier, but you'll be shooting from a distance. Doing so without losing any limbs or getting a single injury . When you click on 'Negotiate', you'll have to decide whether you want to increase the pay or be able to gather more salvage. . With the Jagermech out of the way, you're gonna want to aim for the Trebuchet as it'll be aiming for Kamea most likely. The game will then randomise the items specific to that attribute that will spawn and most of the times, you'll only be able to buy one part of that Mech at that particular store. Once you've destroyed the second generator, reinforcements will spawn in the middle of generators Bravo and Charlie, you'll be able to attack them from both sides. Advance until the road opens and hold your position there until you've destroyed the Mechs and the few first turrets to break open a path for the APCs to get to their destination points. Behemoth and Glitch can perform long distance attacks, but you will likely miss or do little damage, I suggest you keep them sprinting until you get there with all your units. Pull them and then get back to break LOS, then focus on the scouts that sensor lock you first. Stuck on loading screen for Liberation Smithon . As far as I know, they will keep spawning until you destroy the garrison. To take the Mech down quickly, I suggest moving one of your characters to the cliff with a lot of cover and perform a Called Shot on its CT, for me, this took the Shadow Hawk out in one go with Behemoth. it takes a pretty good grind to build in mid game, but Griffin 1N with 3 +4dmg +2 stability dmg SRM 6's, full jump, 3 tons ammo and a sensor locking, extra evassive or bullwork pilot can do a TON of work. Ammo Truck number one has too much of a headstart to catch, and I needed to wreck 5 of the ammo stacks just to bring the opposing lances down to manageable numbers. Privacy Policy. Now let's review how we're gonna do this: Every shop has a possibility to spawn certain items, what determines what kind of items spawn is the planet's 'attributes'. After destroying the generator, you'll be given a new marker to move to and a new objective to complete: to destroy the Corpsec Tower. You'll also have two enemy vehicles to destroy alongside it. Conversely if the enemy is standing in them, prioritize another target. it's a story mission rated 2 skulls, I did 2,5 and 3 skull missions right before this and i was fighting groups of 2-4 light/medium mechs with the occasional single heavy. Pilot Dekker has a Light Mech and can reach further. Go for the power conduct immediately, as this will allow you later to have more mechs ready for battle. During the Smithon Liberation story mission, I will get threw a varying number of rounds but it will eventually switch to enemy's turn. It's armed with 4 flamers, 2 M6 and 2 M Laser. I then took my Mechs out of the Mechs coming from the north's line of sight. The way you hunt for those is the same as you'd do for Mechs. We have various types labeled above each one. Use this when you need to get away from the enemy's line of sight. Alternatively, you can navigate and take cover with a pilot with Sensor Lock, then just hammer the transports with LRM barrages. Oh I farmed a lot myself between the story missions Nice walkthrough. And if you have an opportunity for a melee attack, I'd use it. Goat. I see lots of complaints about Smithon and I had some problems myself too. Bagged 2 wins now with very different strategies and no changes to my lance composition doing it. To that end, I'm sending you to capture a Directorate munitions dump. I also have another LRM boat. One mech break left take out the turret (used thunderbolt ss with mlas and 1 srm). Thanks for putting this all together for people like me that run into tight spots as to what to do. Reserve all your Mechs to initiative phase 1, so you can have a better idea on where to move exactly after all enemies have moved, but more importantly, the APCs. They provide a signifcant defense bonus and can make incomming missile spam tolorable. Mission was pretty easily completed by staying in the drop zone and letting them come to me. If you use a faster mech with long ramge weapons,(i used a wolverine) and never leave the small area you start in aside from the immediate adjacent area to the left, wait for them to come to you. You will have one more ammo you can kill without it cutting into your bonus. I forgot my lance composition but I think I did it with full medium lance and successfully kill all the trucks without blowing any ammo (because every ammo saved going to be useful for the restoration army). You'll have the chance to choose the direction your Mech faces before left clicking again to confirm the move. Gotta say, I love how this game refuses to show a bit of mercy. Make sure to destroy it, if you let it roam free, it can and will shut down your mechs with those flamers. The Taurian Concordat governed Coromodir for many years. Please find below a list of Achievements and requirements to obtain: A really superb comprehensive walkthrough guide. The second will be a bit more sensible, running into the trees for cover after taking its first hit. I wonder how the beta testers completed the game and getting 100% score on every mission. With my new BattleTech campaign going incredibly smoothly, and a crack team of elite MechWarriors and mechs at my disposal, I felt like I could get through the game's notorious Smithon mission . This second objective will be much more difficult than the first despite its longer limit as the control centre will be heavily guarded by seven turrets, four of which will be Light Sniper Turrets, and three of which will be Standard Sniper Turrets. Once your character and Kamea have moved, your second objective will be to meet up with the royal guard on the main road past the guard post. For more information, please see our Use the Sensor Lock ability to lock onto the vehicles to be able to fire rockets at them from behind hills where your other Mechs can't be seen. You'll be in control of Kamea and a Lance fully armored with SLDF Mechs. I used a pilot with high pilot skills to jump on the crest to nail the ammo crate to kill the 2 LRM turrets (reserve him until every one has gone so only the lights get a shot on him next round. I evaded the turrents by running to the lake on the right side of the landing area. The enemy will be ordered to ignore all of the friendly turrets, so try and fight them in a place where all the turrets can reach while you use your sneaking Mech to complete the second objective. Once its taken enough damage that it can no longer fire, it'll rush out of the trees and deliver a melee attack to one of your characters. Once you're done, you'll go through the tutorial. After escorting Farah to the communications tower, a Lance of 2 Orion and 2 Quickdraws will appear from the side of your spawn point. Note that "reinforcements" will be mostly APCs, I believe not all 6 are present from the start of the battle. This is the full release version! Bagged 2 wins now with very different strategies and no changes to my lance composition doing it. Keep your units close to each other as you advance towards the generator. As you get close to your destination, you'll encounter some drones. Now I can move on finally. Just finished the Liberate Smithon mission, get the perfect result thanks to Dekker in his Shotgun . The initial missions in BATTLETECH start off easy but become extremely difficult as you progress your primary campaign. now comes this 2 skull mission where you have to fight 8 medium&heavy mechs, who trigger on turn 1, have a shitton of . Useful to new players. So if you want to target a mech with 4 pips, sensor lock it, and the other 3 mech can focus fire, most likely knock it down so you can finish it off next round. My advice is to train Dekker to learn Sensor Lock. In the wake of Commodore Ostergaard's initial attack, Taurian BattleMechs have continued to wreak havoc on the general population. Hello and welcome to Shadowcoast's complete guide and campaign walkthrough of BATTLETECH! CMD Center: Here's where you'll find contracts, i.e missions. You'll have to make your way towards the PPC Carrier's direction anyway, so I suggest to take most of your Mechs to that direction. I ran a Shadowhawk (2H), two Archers(2R), and a Dragon (1N). If you have someone on the top of the hill where the turret generators were, you'll be able to shoot at the incoming vehicles. Dekker will get another turn before your other units get a chance to move. You'll be going to a moon, which means your heatsinks won't work at their full potential. Just finished that one. 7th try, i decided to just hang out in the LZ crater and pick the enemy mechs off one by one as they came over the hill after me. You'll also have 15 rounds to get to the Dropship Control Centre and destroy it before the Adv Coronach arrives. The Restoration Army is engaged in a battle of attrition against Directorate forces, and our ground forces need resupply if they're going to prevail. griffin 1N -> Trebuchet (Substitute Trebuchet from Liberate Panzyr) Newgrange. The first part is not really that hard, and the mission will go smooth if you manage to escort both APCs without destroying many turrets. For more information, please see our You should see all the mechs in your sensor once you get there. :-). Checking my battletech_log.txt, I found this at the bottom, what to do? AndreasK Apr 25, 2018 @ 4:50pm. First try with each strat. Kickstarter Update on the game's setting. Eliminate their defenses and prevent them from getting away with the munitions; our support staff will handle the rest. I jumped jetted him up there so he had 5 pips of evasion so a lot of the fire next round missed). I had Blackjack, Shadowhawk, Trebuchet (the only 'Mech I could find at that point) and the free Centurion. It's two full lances with turret support vs your single lance with no support. Oh by the way, you're also missing 1 video guide up there from the main campaign missions. Kamea will join you in her Atlas for this mission, meaning you can only take 3 of your Mechs. Liberate Smithon is a storyline mission given by the Arano Restoration as part of the campaign in Battletech, available after completing a couple of contracts after Liberate Panzyr. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Check the phase they'll move in (the little number left of their name) and shoot at the ones who will move first to avoid damage, since you can take them out with one alpha attack. absolute cakewalks. The station in front of you will have two Recurit lasers firing at you, so I suggest moving out of their range or destroying them as quickly as possible. Make your way to the gates from the left. These turrets will become allied units once all enemy vehicles are destroyed, and will reveal the rest of the map they are based in, also revealing the six Mechs that will also be guarding the control centre. the trucks spawn right next to it. The easiest way to destroy it quickly is with physical attacks as they shouldn't miss. A Melee attack from the Griffin can knock it down, get a Called Shot on its CT afterwards. And if you've got one of those Mechs equipped purely with lasers, get lasers with damage bonus. Light mech (single PPC panther for me) plus Master Tactician outspeeds the locust, line up behind the rock first round, second round pop over the top with Panther, shoot first crate, take out 2 turrets, the locust, and turn the Firestarter into a stick. my advice for smithson is pop the ammo next to the two LRM turrets instantly, it frees you up to deal with the secondary objectives of the trucks without getting worn down by LRM every turn. It's the latest in the Battletech universe and was developed by Hairbrained Schemes, the team who also published the Shadowrun series. There will be a lot of cover in this area for you, too, so use it as much as you can. For me, the biggest challenge was the Locust. First I used my lrm boat to take out any missle turrets. So I was able to sensor lock and grind him down with LRMs over 5 or 6 turns, hahah. Is there a cheat to just skip missions? You must destroy five enemy vehicles in five rounds, one being a Striker model, two being a Bulldog model,and two SRM Carrier models. It's one of the hardest story mission because my personal goal but I do managed it with a lot of retries and hefty repair bill afterwards. The remaining 2 mechs are all medium lasers, and the other is SRMs. After destroying the last of Victoria's units, Alexander will radio in again, somehow surviving the bombs. Please see the. Your next objective will be to jump over a hill and towards the lake on your right to get to the marker. I had a hell of a time with this but I adopted a third strategy. Once the last enemy is down, more dialogue will begin with a man named Alexander Madeira radioing in. Once the remaining enemies have been destroyed, move all of your Mechs to the marker at the entrance of the Drop Ship and the mission will be finished. Liberate Smithon sees me drop against 2 lances of mechs, supported by turrents, with the intent to capture the supply dump from the Directorate. Once again, go into the tab where your actions are and choose "Sprint" before clicking on the next target areas. Kamea will demand answers from the guards, and as the penny finally drops, one of the guards orders to attack. Once it's down, you can ignore the vehicles and go straight for the tower with a long-range attack, destroying it in one turn. After securing the crash site, you'll be given another objective to defend it against 7 pirate reinforcements: a Commando COM-1B, a Jenner JR7-D, a Locust LCT-1V, a Galleon vehicle model and Scorpion vehicle model. At this point you can divide your Lance to cover the hills where the barracks are and the APCs coming from the right. Take advantadge of its short range and attack him from the distance. Once you've completed those two objectives, you'll be given your first turn of the game and to move to the marked spot above your Mech. The Directorate has taken possession of Itrom's largest processor and refinery, and is attempting to loot the attached silos of rare and valuable minerals. You drop in the southern end of a map, on a small rise. Slightly east of the Commando, there's an Assault Turret, and a Light Turret. The problem with the mission is the sheer amount of LRMs facing you. Sensor Lock the Jenner if you can, as it'll probably try to stay out of your line of sight and fire missiles at it if it's too far away. It can be done with mediums. I want to like this mission but it's insane. Next is rotating the camera's angle by right clicking the mouse and dragging, or using the Q and E keys. Lets call it "unorthodox" or "attrition approach" to keep it interesting and for the overly frustrated : if you give up the two ammo trucks, it's beatable by going right of the starting point, using the hills and playing LOS. Should I blow up all the ammo crates? It'll come in handy with his high movemement stat. In my opinion, the best way to go about it is to complete missions with a high pay and go for 2 salvaged parts. Despite the whole new bunch of things you can see, there's not much to do right now. Hello everyone! In Round 4, another DropShip will drop more reinforcements, but this time very close to the command center, southwest of it. They'll claim to be on parade duty and that the rest of the road is clear for Kamea to travel through, but Mastiff will claim the guards are lying as their Mechs have been recently damaged. Kill the other 3 mechs first, surround the catapult with your whole Lance and you'll be able to incapacitate the pilot with melee attacks. Unlocked after completing one side mission. After getting there, you'll be given two objectives, both telling you to destroy a radar tower. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with BATTLETECH. I can't run and separate them long enough to kill them individually, and my mechs get worn down and destroyed. The following videos and content is focused on procedural missions (missions that are continuously generated throughout the game). Negotiate the only available contract for now. so many things that are just missing in this game. Position a Mech near the truck's spawn point, slightly south if possible, preferably one with Bulwark that can stay still while it shoots. My goal is to clear the mission 100%. Next round ammo truck spawns, jump down, and precision into it's side or rear or jump on top of it. Hope you're having a blast! All the optional goals (the ammo trucks, keeping the ammo crates intact) are just that - optional. Liberation: Smithon. We want you to claim them for the Restoration instead, in . One vehicle that will move in phase 2 will approach from your right as you get closer and one that moves in phase 3. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. The single player campaign is the story mode of Battletech. Reply . Cent or Dragon plus something else is probably worth it. I'm also having a hard time hitting the light mechs they use as spotters, despite taking their evasion pips with sensor lock etc. He runs with a mercenary company that did work for Mastiff and the Royal Guard. The best part of this is that it was a joke by fans that Catalyst ran with! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. As soon as the mission begins, you will have made enemy contact. I had a Dragon and a Wolverine (the laser boat w/o jumpjets) with Lancers, a Recon guy in a Shadowhawk, and a Sharpshooter in a Centurion. Assistance with mission: Liberate Smithon. A Jenner will make its appearance first, try to keep your mechs close to each together as you explore the prison. Attack it again the same way on your next turn. Make sure you have the funds to survive an expedition and set course towards Joppa. I did it without destroying any ammo, but had to let the trucks go. After getting the Argo there's a bunch of new things to do, if you just wanna continue with the story, feel free to skip this section. First try with each strat. At that time, I sent the dragon to the tower at the end of the road, and he was able to pick off the mechs that had climbed the rock formation on the other side of the road. Once you've destroyed all of the vehicles and taken out the towers, sprint north up the road and towards the marked area with all four of your Mechs. chevron_left. I am stuck. BATTLETECH. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. From the sides, they have 75 armour and 18 points of internal structure, that would clear a path to the core part which has 90 points of armour and 18 points of internal structure, this means that assuming all your attacks connect, you'd need to deal exactly 201 points of damage to destroy it. There's also a Catapult, which you might be interested in capturing. I had trouble with this initially. Navigation: Here is where you move among star systems. Super straight forward. After destroying one of the dummy Mechs, a target dummy on autopilot will drive into the woods near you. Didn't even change my mech setup. General Gameplay Mechanics and Tips for Success. The campaign will start with some customizations. Seems I will need to farm some more in any case :P Thanks for the general walkthough. No Idea to survive with all four mechs AND get both trucks without 3 assault and one fast Mech. The Restoration DropShips en route to evacuate as many refugees as they can carry, but the . That is - if you stay at the starting location and don't chase the convoys. seems bit buggy for me. Hilariously, the heaviest enemy mech couldn't climb up to reach me, and got stuck on the bottom of the hill without line of sight. Things will start to get complicated here, but if you had those turrets playing for you the whole time, you had time to destroy the first reinforcements while they wasted their time shooting at the turrets right? North of the turret generator, it's a Panther with an SRM4 and PPC. I am sick to death of this mission, I have been stuck on it for months. Nice! The Restoration Army is engaged in a battle of attrition against Directorate forces, and our ground forces need resupply if they're going to prevail. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Walkthrough BattleTech . You can also send your mechs to 'storage' to avoid paying upkeep. I wasn't fast enough to catch both of the transports, but managed to get out minus Glitch. I did it with a mix of mediums & heavies my first time. Overall this is a top notch Guide. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Cookie Notice So I have to fight off 8 mechs at the same time while dodging LRM turrets AND focussing my fire, not on the turrets or mechs, but on heavily armored transports. Follow the ingame's directions and objects, first moving the camera by moving the cursor to the edge of the screen, or just using the WASD keys. It can hit pretty hard with just one attack, concentrate your fire on it if possible. You can complete this. I have 3x 55/60 ton mechs, and 1 archer set up as an LRM boat. Select your portrait or Mech again and choose the "Attack" and "FIRE" options to try and take it out. This mission will begin immediately after you finish the previous one. A manticore, a Bulldog and a PPC carrier from the side farther away from your spawn point, a Firestarter and a Locust from whence the escorts came from. Does anyone have advice for completing it? Your primary goal is to destroy the units guarding the munitions depot. Liberation: Smithon mission available twice Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible. Need to get out minus Glitch them long enough to kill them individually and... America ), https: // v=_ekjIEmMXls & t=556s is it battletech liberate smithon walkthrough the simple answer get. Two full lances with turret support vs your single lance with no support goal. 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