A swarm of tiny dark fey buzz like gnats. 11. We did not go anywhere nearMenzoberranzan, for obvious reasons. Snippets of conversation can be heard. For the most part, there was no prescribed criteria for how justice was to be performed, and punishments could very easily be wildly disproportionate to the crime. [32] In general, rising through the ranks too quickly was dangerous for any drow, as the usual reaction was the formation of temporary alliances among those who believed they wronged to take the upstart down and such alliances were often successful. A metal cylinder with no opening. A mysterious band of drow headed to the far north and were seemingly never heard of again. They enter a stasis and require no food, air, sleep, etc. The adventurers stumble upon a secret ceremonya bonding ritual between two drow lovers. Would love to do a campaign here. At the very least with this article, I have a better idea of what to expect. [240], It was common for injured drow to make use of a prosthesis, as craftsmanship in artificial limbs was advanced and easily available. [18] They were hated and feared due to their cruelty,[19] though some non-evil and an even smaller number of good drow existed.[18][20]. 24. Coins glitter below the surface. [22], While the drow understood the advantage of forging bonds with others,[30] they did not see the value in honesty. [87], The priestesses of drow socieities formally occupied the positions of military leadership, but in practice it was the male commanders that actually led such forces. [239], Only the most experienced and worldly drow of the merchant clans were capable of forming genuine friendships with the so-called lesser races, including mind flayers or duergars. Holding a last name, in general, meant that the holder was either born into a noble family, or had a rank and role (like weapon master) in a household. There were no concepts like "guilt until proven innocent" or "proven beyond a reasonable doubt". Open or create a map. First, the annotated version, the DM notes and this other version. Ghaunadaur had no gender restrictions,[32] while Vhaeraun's faith had a gender barrier that made it harder for women to become his clerics. A ladder on the side of a cavern wall leads up to a ledge overlooking the entire city. 16. Punishment ranged from beatings to neglect, such as withholding food, with the goal of the abusive treatment being to prepare the child for the cruelty of their future lives. [32] A military squad formally led by a male drow, was either a streeakh, a suicide squad, or a dobluth, a group of outcasts. A gelatinous cube street cleaner and its acid-scarred handler. Alignment 42. However, the more time a drow spent among its enemies, the higher the risk that drow would defect in some way. Grab the. Drow ( sing & pl; pronounced: / d r a / drow or: / d r o / dro ), also known as dark elves, deep elves, night elves, and the Dark Ones among orcs, were a dark-skinned sub-race of elves that predominantly lived in the Underdark. Scan this QR code to download the app now. 94. [190] Drow last names never started with the "L"-sound like that of "Lolth", "Lloth", or "Loethe", as this was reserved for the Spider Queen's avatar. While the drow misunderstood psionics and distrusted its practioners, as in most societies, the dark elves were different in that their extensive dealings with duergar and illithids made them more familiar and somewhat more excepting of it. Click Draw a line and select Add a line or shape. No one cares enough to bother. Average height4755 (140170cm)Average weight87157lb (3971.2kg) This is a list of the drow houses of the notable drow cities Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad and their ranks over time. [75], Drow priestesses and wizards often created magical scrolls to give their warriors an edge during their patrols. Heroic Maps produces high quality, full colour battlemaps and tiles for RPG games and miniatures. The drow as a whole held to many different religions outside of those accepted by most of their society. A statue of elf corpses beneath a massive drider sits at the center of a fountain. Abaethaggar Abburth 97. 8. [89] The clans were among the primary mercantile organizations in the Underdark, and their presence was common along its trade routes. Putting a fantasy spin on the Five Families of the New York Mafia, Salvatore designed a cruel society of drow families that are constantly trying to one-up each other. Only works once per month. Every fifth option in the list is more consequential than the rest, so roll a d20 and multiply by 5 if you want to ensure a truly unique encounter for your party. Free shipping for many products! A letter with the royal seal of a surface kingdom, unopened. [97] In truth, despite her rhetoric, Lolth had no intention of having the drow devote themselves to reaching their supposed goal. Thank you for making a duergar city which used to be a drow city (I had to reverse the chronology for my own purposes, lol). While the exact equipment and size of drow warbands varied from place to place, it was possible to make some general assumptions about the composition. [203] With few exceptions, every entity within the Dark Seldarine demanded absolute fealty from its adherents. These patrols were special, for they had an additional cleric with healing duties who also worked as a spy for the church of Lolth. [75] Male drow were normally competent fighters,[36] and rangers were also valued as scouts. All the lights in the city, including phosphorescent fungi and insects, flicker and turn off, leaving total darkness. Keep going, there is still plenty more to see!!! 65. Ironically, commoners had a greater number of multi-generation households, since their relatives had less to gain from their death, resulting in families who had many living generations of members. Once per day at dawn it cleans the grime from the person who wears it. [259], Drow eyes were sensitive to heat, possessing infravision up to a range of 120feet (37meters). It stops after 1d4 days. [75] A good indicator of a drow House's power was the grandeur of their domain, with the biggest, grandest villas belonging the the greatest Houses,[100] and a public temple to Lolth often being built within the strongest family's territory. 83. While they were still socially inferior to female drow, they werent in real danger of being killed by a priestess, while even accomplished male war commanders were in danger of being executed for perceived insults. Lord Mordaes Guide to Savage Etiquette Volume III, left on a barrel. Nothing is. Usually neutral evil However, drow adventurers, outcasts, and slave-traders often learned more languages,[55] as did their warriors. [99], Drow architecture, like typical elven works of construction,[100] put an emphasis on beauty and was considered a marvel to behold. Since then, he's never looked back and loves roleplaying games for the chance to tell the tales that have been swirling in his head since childhood. The latter showed the House or merchant clan to which a drow belonged, be it as a member or servant. 2023 Wizards. Measure route distance on Google map They were attached to a large, counter-weighted lever that, when turned, lined up the inlet and outlet channels with the holes of the valve to let water come through. But it's the secrets they've carried across the Your size is Medium. Others only smell rotting meat. Gifts to the host are expected. It involves a mutual spilling of blood. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. She has been crying. A drow child cries out for help; they are lost and look for their mother. -Like is there a way to save the people from the spiders without raising the alarm? For example, some tried to gain high officer positions or win a coveted place as the consort of a powerful matron mother. 25. A beautiful complex maze behind a manor house features deadly flora and fauna. Drow : Eric Boyd : Ultoksamrin : Formerly Shield Dwarf\ Now Drow followers of Vhaerun : UD/DGTU : Ultoksurllur : Deep Gnomes? More on the adventure below: Out of the Abyss offers a detailed look at the City of Spiders in the aftermath of Gromphs summoning of the demon lord demogorgon, who rampages through its streets before plowing deeper into the Underdark. This happens every 1d4 days. A purple opal in the shape of a snake. Even drow Houses were punished for the open murder of their enemies, just as they would if their assassination was exposed, but this was because public fighting was considered boorish. Your email address will not be published. This is a distraction. When Matt proposed a city next to an Underdark sea, I thought that seemed like a good addition, especially since the Great Breach makes the area more accessible for DMs whose parties arent currently below ground. If even one member of the defending family survived, they could apply for "justice", and the entire city would turn on the attackers. [28] If a drow was not where they believed they should be, their pride demanded they blame someone else (sometimes everyone else) for their incorrect position. Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon. [108], The term "surface drow" referred to all individuals who spent less than four consecutive days below the surface in their regular life. The drow's ultimately viewed other races as somewhere between targets of extermination and potential slaves,[28] foes to be either dominated or, if they were a threat driven to extinction. Type Yes, the silver dragon. A sign in the window reads Daily Demonstrations, Volunteers Welcome! in Undercommon. [99] Contrary to the Houses, merchant clans were run by male drow, since females considered interaction with outsiders to be too demeaning and dangerous for them. 15. Drow of higher standing supported endeavors to boost their own prestige by increasing their own people's power and influence. Drow names are, like many elven names, quite melodic. [86] Naturally, the drow had some countermeasures against poison, like the ring of antivenom. A goblin is selling small lizards. It was believed that the "good drow" collectively worshiped Eilistraee,[148] drow goddess of freedom,[216] although in truth the more morally neutral of the "good drow" were split between the worship of Ghaunadaur, Selvetarm, Lolth, and Vhaeraun. [108] After them came male officers, including the weapon master, House wizard, and patron (the matron's consort), although these positions could be combined. 758. [98], On a personal level, each drow tried to gain and maintain the favor of Lolth, amass material goods (like wealth and slaves), and gain status inside their society. For every hour spent here one level of exhaustion is healedif one is not eaten by the mazes denizens. A fragrant flowering bush. Below the non-officer males (who were normally of the House's bloodline) were servants and slaves. There also wasn't much to be gained from killing an elder (at least one that wasn't feeble), as they represented a valuable source of historical and general knowledge with realistic accessibility,[32] although they elderly would be eaten if the city was faced with overpopulation. If you want, you can choose to draw your map from scratch. See more ideas about dungeon maps, tabletop rpg maps, fantasy map. The party is summoned by half the house guards. [50], Only truly exceptional "good drow", such as Drizzt Do'Urden, were capable of freeing themselves from a Lolthite society. Perhaps one of these days our path will lead us there!!! Free shipping for many products! It is a peril- Do Urden (himself detailed in Book II of ous wilderland of dark caverns, crevices, this boxed set, his statistics updated from and labyrinthine passages: The Realms Be- There were a number of races and creatures that were in some ways related to the drow. Drow males are commonly wizards or fighters. A necklace of a bone hand clutching soap. [22] Pale shades[15] that appeared nearly white of blue, lilac, pink, or silver were also frequent. Someone is kidnapping lesser daughters of drow houses. Each drow city contains 8 noble houses, each one holding sway over a different district of the city. [38], The end result of being raised in this environment was that the drow were untrusting sadists with a constant readiness to stab others in the back, both in the figurative and literal sense. [21][42], Given the scarcity of resources in the Underdark and the limited chances for advancement within their society, most drow had to be aggressively competitive. Size 3. 67. Whoever touches it begins to grow pink feathers over their skin. [75] Drow who wandered the surface in an attempt to settle their conflict with Lolth and each other were known as Seldarine drow. An old male drow sits outside the entrance to a major house for 1 hour every day, before leaving a bouquet of Underdark flowers. I have a feeling we'll be getting more news on them soon so cool, wish I had this article when I ran out of the abyss. [74], In contrast to creatures such as dwarves or deep gnomes, who had a deep, intutive sense of stone and subterranean conditions, the drow race's specialty laid in the sculpting of stone, the cutting and shaping of rock into smooth-flowing forms. An exhaustive guide to a Drow city in Dungeons & Dragons. If you haven't killed the drow killing Adalon would be a less wanted option. 4th Edition Statistics[2] [32], The drow held some respect towards races capable of resisting their aggressions,[28] and could perceive certain races as at least possible equals (though never superiors) with whom they had mutual gain or non-aggression pacts. 92. Last edit: 4 weeks ago. [108] The priestesses of the Spider Queen forced others to comply with Lolth's dogma, which in turn became the main law. When one finally falls, the crowd disperses leaving the dead where he lay. Build, create and embed interactive Google maps with drawings and labels. [118][88], Failing to completely exterminate the drow noble line of another House in a single attack, more than one House teaming up to attack another (one of the few offenses that had to be proven) or attacking a drow House within a year of the last attack against them were all offenses. [50] The majority were found out and sacrificed to Lolth, and those who managed to leave their settlements would often die in the dangerous wilderness of the Underdark. [210], A number of them embraced a truly different morality than most of their brethren, either because born on the surface, or because of a decision to abandon the way of Lolth. Beggar-slaves stick their hands into the street from a celled window at street level, they need to buy their freedom. 71. A note in a characters pocket says, meet me later, with no other instructions. 1. 46. [46], Commoners who gained enough expertise in a certain area, like Zaknafein Do'Urden as a warrior, might be adopted into a noble family. [35] Ironically for a race that put such a focus on individual merit, personal achievement and ability carried so little weight in their minds they had almost no notion of its worth. Withe is dying and desperately seeks the secret of immortality. Base powers were abilities that the drow could cast without any schooling, needing only simple practice. Size Humanoid 89. Elf [27] Both sexes varied in height from 4feet and 7inches to 5feet and 5inches (140 to 170centimeters), averaging at 5feet (150centimeters). Master-tier subscribers can share their books and other compendium content with friends in their campaigns! 54. Welcome to Drow City, the most dangerous, deep, mysterious and fascinating underground settlement ever mapped!. 51. $2.39 . In many ways, the drow resembled other elves[22] or eladrin. They did however, domesticate a number of animals for various purposes, and were known to take advanage of molds, fungi, and oozes by using them as traps and for sanitation. [22], Drow hair could be stark white,[22][15] pale yellow[9][24] and, more rarely, silver or copper in color. They appear unharmed. Underdark [283], The drow descended from the dark elves of Ilythiir, the first and one of the most powerful elven nations, and, in minor part, from the survivors of Miyeritar. 98. A d100 list of found objects, unexpected sights, and strange encounters for your players to experience within a drow city. Females are almost always clerics and almost never wizards. Smaller outposts tend to just belong to a single house. Sometimes both methods were combined; one drow group could catch the attention of the residents, for example through arson, while another force fulfilled the actual objective of kidnapping people undisturbed. There were three categories of drow runes and glyphs: the house defense glyphs, used by the most powerful drow to defend their houses and treasures, the way-marker runes, used to guard places with drow traffic but no permanent population, and the sacred glyphs, only found in sacred sites of Lolth. installs art throughout the city. [23] They were incapable of growing proper beards, but some males managed to grow long sideburns or even tufts of wispy hair on the cheek or chin. The module is the third and final in the "Drow" series of adventures that began with D1 - Descent into the Depths of the Earth and D2 - Shrine . They had lesser resistance, in descending order, to the following kinds of toxins: non-drow sleep poisons, drugs, insect venom, and injected poisons. In the event of collapse, rubble was cleaned out by slaves, only for the drow to use magic like stone shape and the barest minimum amount of handiwork for reconstruction. A spider silk couture shop run by a blind arachtsala drider. Their bodies are thin and lithe like their fellow Elves with an average height of five feet. Someone shouts Run. An angry mob bursts from a nearby street. Wow, this map is so good! 14. [43][30], This was when a drow's parents were actually in the drow's life. [42], To achieve their individual desires required their society to retain at least some level of stability, and they were held tightly to tradition even if that code wasn't actually codified into law. It's so much freedom, so much story, and a great way to hang out with friends all in a format that fits that perfectly. [70] Through training, drow could manifest the so-called webs of darkness that both slowed and impeded a foe, while also limiting their vision. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Although this alternative pronunciation given in, Creatures with a challenge rating less than 1 (5e), Creatures with an 8 challenge rating (5e), Creatures with an 11 challenge rating (5e), Creatures with a 13 challenge rating (5e), Creatures with a 14 challenge rating (5e), Creatures with an 18 challenge rating (5e), Creatures with a 20 challenge rating (5e), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations, The Ruins of Undermountain II: The Deep Levels (Monster Sheets), The one and only "Ask the Realms authors/designers thread" 3, Dragons of Faern, Part 3: City of Wyrmshadows, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Drow weapons and armor were made out of a substance called adamantine, an alloy of adamantite, and then turned into drowcraft items. Noble drow stayed with their family as children to protect themselves from outside violence, and as adults because Houses proved to be good tools for societal advancement. Talk to Phaere and Solaufein at the Merchants' Circle of Ust Natha. It only affects those of noble blood. This is balanced by their light sensitivity. [88] Prolonged covert warfare between two houses, by means like assassination, were not exactly forbidden, but it was only tolerated for a time counted in years, after which the drow city's ruling council forced the two houses to enter open war. [57] According to Seldszar Elpragh, a drow's faerie fire worked by channeling faerzress. Click the link to learn more. Something moves in the shadows overhead, a horrible experiment to be sure! JP Coovert 43.2K subscribers Subscribe 12K views 1 year ago Drawing the map that will be the first two pages of the Dragon Town RPG Zine! Maybe I could send them here. Size. A member of Bregan D'aerthe, a drow mercenary and mercantile group. Focus on the features that tie up the map together, such as coastlines, mountains or other major features you want your map to focus on. Teaming up with actual will-o'-wisps to make this more effective was a known technique, however, this was viewed as corrupted behavior. Edit: Just realized how passive-aggressive that first sentence sounded. [72], Lolthtouched drow sometimes trained to slip into the cover of their created darkness,[71] or learnt to hit the targets of darkfire not just more accurately, but also harder, similarly to how drow wanderers did.[77]. Good resources, and a wonderful, in depth description. You helped me, now you plan to enslave me. [41] They were a vengeful people by necessity, as not answering to slights with punishment was easily perceived as weakness by other drow, and was essentially the same as inviting exploitation, abuse, or even death. But I thought Id share that with you and see if anyone had any thoughts. [118][88], It was considered a violation of the Way of Lolth to defy the hierarchy of their society in any way. Begin typing your search above and press return to search. It is in the Old City, which doubles as the undead/necromancers district. 77. Other ways to improve these abilities included training to cast the cloud of darkness faster in response to harm, or to turn the darkfire into a flickering protective shroud that made the beneficiary harder to hit. Vault of the Drow is an adventure module for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game written by Gary Gygax.The module bears the code "D3" and was published in 1978 by TSR, Inc. for use with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons first edition rules.. [30] Depending on the station of a drow, there was a difference in the kind of plans they supported and executed. No one seems worried. The house ranks as of the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR: Surviving houses following the collapse of the city on Uktar 3, the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR: Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Fey [114] Good artisans, especially innovative ones (which made up about 0.1-0.4% of the population), were highly sought after by the noble Houses. It was also illegal for non-drow to disguise themselves as a specific drow, a noble drow, or a member of a House outside of the one they belonged to. This reddit is for posting battle maps for tabletop RPG's and related content, such as map creating tips, map ideas, or map play tests. [9][8][59][15][58] It could come in blue, green, or violet,[61] but while a drow could change these colors, they always manifested a certain one if they made no choice. [192] When participating in a meeting, due to their weakness to light, the creation of an intense light source was seen as a hostile act by the drow, that led them to attack.[54]. 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