A degenerate society of raiders, torturers, and slavers, the Drukhari are the dark kin of their Craftworld cousins, headquartered in a massive subdimensional city in the Webway known as Commorragh. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), James "One_Wing" Grover and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Jack Hunter, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Jack Hunter, Colin Ward and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Liam "Corrode" Royle and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Garrett "John Condit" Severson, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Will "Loxi" Angarella, Rocco Gest and Marcille "Marcy" Donato, B Phillip York, FromTheShire and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Hammer of Math: Kroak, Kragnos, and Doralia Van Dest, The Goonhammer Blood Bowl Combine: Risk Management Basics, incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble, Drybrush a mid-silver (it doesnt matter which one; I used the old Citadel chainmail but these days Id use Army Painter Plate Mail Metal). . } Thankfully, Talos are relatively efficient from that perspective and also pack a serious punch, and the Haemonculus is, for my money, the best-looking of the three generic HQ choices available to you. Ah thanks Keith. Basecoats. Youll find a list of all the paints used in this tutorial at the end of the post. Then I sprayed the sand texture with XV-88. and what it does best is make use of the Combat Patrol box everything from that box is in this list, and the only thing you need to buy separately for those units is another blaster for the Trueborn, which you can either source separately or just pick up another box of Kabalites, which youll probably want to do eventually anyway. Warhammer 40K - Drukhari - Dark Eldar Painting Guide - Raiders Of Commorragh SW. I will write up something on the Pheromancer this weekend. Troops:10 Haemoxytes, 2 with liquifier guns 120pts, Elites:5 Incubi, Klaivex has demiklaives 80pts, Heavy Support:Ravager with 3 dark lances 140pts, Dedicated Transport: Raider with disintegrator cannon, grisly trophies, chain snares 100pts Covens (Dark Technomancers) . Paint large areas of the model to area highlight. It is the most popular miniature wargame in the world, [1] [2] and is particularly popular in the United Kingdom. With that out of the way, thank you again for having me here Goonhammer! I mix Green P3 Ink with GWs Ard Coat and just paint it straight on to the canopy. From ethereal thickets, a shadowy figure emerges - Lion El'Jonson has risen from his slumber and leapt straight into the thick of the . 4K 9 . Paint chunky highlights of Rakarth Flesh on to the parchment. Through the inventive genius of their Archon and Overlord, Aestra Khromys, they maintain a death grip on the Commorrite arms trade, and when they raid the worlds of realspace, they do so armed with the best equipment in Commorragh. Its just a little trick that helps me focus on the task at hand, and know that I dont need to go back and do anything annoying afterwards. By Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones. Its important to know what your goals are for playing a 40k army, because how you approach collecting it will change depending on it. The Drukhari have forced their way into heavy rotation in. The idea is that using a paint medium like Lhamian Medium (or water), you can get a paint thin enough that the color underneath the layer will still come through, and you can gradually build up these very thin glaze layers to make a smooth highlight. Mint. Fantastic mate. We've got you covered! Drukhari Kabalite Warriors. The Drukhari range is beautiful, and you could spend as long as you like getting into the details. I like to do this early just to make sure Ive got the right balance of red to gold, as I dont want this thing to look to blinged out. 3. I just picked up a Drukhari and Dark Eldar start collecting boxes. After that, youll need a Haemonculus, 10 Wracks, a Succubus, 5 Wyches, and a Raider Piety and Pain or, even better, the old Start Collecting will furnish you with the Cults parts, so all you need then is the Covens and that extra Raider. And if you like angsty gangsters on flying skateboards, Hellions are a lot of fun (even if moving them around on the table is like trying to pull one particular figure out of one of those novelty Barrel of Monkey toys). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pro Painted Warhammer 40k Drukhari raider games workshop painted by picklejar at the best online prices at eBay! After that all the tedious stuff is done. For the rest of the model, I hit the purple areas with two shades: the purple Druchii Violet and at the darkest parts I use Black Templar to really make the purple pop. Required fields are marked *. Always been a big fan and I check your blog every time I sit down to paint a new DA model. Step 1: Apply a thinned basecoat of Dheneb Stone to the entire surface, making sure to clean up anywhere the paint pools in the details. https://discord.gg/pnxm7gy4RD. The new Strike Force GW announced looks perfect for Dark Angels. Apothecary White will also wash your car, do your mortgage, and fix your personal . If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Do you love tall, beautiful, mysterious elves who are also total dickheads? Credit: Corrode. Succubi are extraordinarily powerful if fragile models that are also a ton of fun to run, and youre going to want one eventually regardless of how you get started, so if you opt for Piety and Pain consider picking up a Succubus to go with it. I had a brief interim in my commission work as my next project was being mailed to me, so I went crazy to bang this model out. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? Basecoat. Those players new to the faction should check out Getting Started: Drukhari, while more serious competitive players should refer to Skaris articles on the faction, which start here. Cookie Notice I like to do this with a Flat Brush, particularity the raised areas on the hull. Painting the whole squad as a batch, it clocks in at about 30 minutes per model (probs more like 45 for the wyches? More washes. These Eldar were not spared from the ravages of Slaanesh, however their souls began to drain away, drip by drip, into the Warp, and into the waiting maw of Slaanesh. You simply select a section, sections or the whole model and apply a Base, Layer, Shade & Highlight from a list of predefined colours. Step 3) Paint small Dawnstone highlights inside the previous Eshin Grey ones. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Glaze with teal ink. I start dark on my little evil Drukhari tubes all over the model with Dark Angel Green and hit the tabard with Bugmans Glow. Yet with the brilliant addition of the Obsessions and Stratagems they truly fit my playstyle now so I found myself wanting to increase the number of core units like Warriors and Venoms to battalion strength. I freehand painted my Chapter Symbol and Squad Markings on. Starting Wych Cults from scratch is alittle harder, but still pretty manageable. To do this I use Stegadon Scale as the base for both. I use Contrast paints for pinwashing, in this case Black Templar. If you look at some paint I put on my thumb here, you can see that the color of my fingernail still comes through the paint. The end result is a nice jumping off point for where we want to go with this model. Privacy Policy. The process is quite simple. Id never bothered because it seems like it photographs much brighter than it actually shows up in person, so the pics Id seen of stuff painted with it looked like they were highlighted further than I like my blacks. Anyway Im starting to ramble super glad that Eshin Grey helped you, its one of my faves! Mix equal parts Warstone Glow with water to create a really thin mix like water colour paint. Paint the purity seals with Karak Stone. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! The idea is that using a paint medium like. But now that Ive tried it, its absolutely perfect. If you painted a whole White Scars army with Celestra Grey people would think its primed white. The key difference between this and the paint it silver and cover with contrast paint look you mightve seen around the net is that the drybrush should give some contrast with the black undercoat. If youre hell-bent on starting out your list with Covens (or are just adding some to an already-established force), a Haemonculus, two boxes of Wracks, and a pair of Talos will get you up to 400 points including a pair of liquifier guns, and leaves room for a Raider or Venom to cart your infantry around. Free shipping for many products! Paint two thirds of the eye lens with Teclis Blue leaving the top corner black. The Drukhari kidnap, torture, and kill sapient beings not because they necessarily have to, but because they, to. Using a small fine detail brush (2/0) add some lines of Contrast Wyldwood to represent text on the parchment. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. I start dark on my little evil Drukhari tubes all over the model with. What this means is that if you pick, say, a Patrol detachment, you can designate it as a Kabals detachment and any Kabal units will get their Obession but you can also put Wych Cult or Haemonculus Covens or Blades for Hire units in there and they wont get their traits, but they also dont stop the Kabal guys getting it. I start by giving everything metal a coat of Scale 75 flat black, effectively restoring the black primer and giving a gorgeous dull black to work up from. For those with skin, I just added a Cadian Fleshtone -> Reikland Fleshshade -> Cadian Fleshtone -> Kislev Flesh step, and picked out the hair in a variety of colours. And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart! Next I hit all the areas I wanted gold with the excellent Retributor Gold. -1CP Prizes from the Dark City, HQ: Archon 80pts Splintered Genius, Warlord: Consummate Weaponmaster,Relic:Writ of the Living Muse Paint pure white in the helmet lenses and tubes before glazing it with a light green. Yet since they are Corsairs they arent good-two-shoes so the blues/greens on the Spirit Stones are slightly off using Stegadon Scale for a base which will eventually be a nice turquoise color. Lay down shades, all thinned about 50/50 with Lahmian Medium: Evil Sunz highlight with Wild Rider edge highlight on the extreme edges of the armor, Sybarite Green where it makes sense on the cloth this is a bit of an art, but you want to put some lines to give it some definition. I go for Naggaroth Night for my purples, Leadbelcher for the silvers, and Zandri Dust for my bones. On the purple I do an edge highlight of, to make the edges have good contrast. listeners: [], For more information, please see our This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. An edge highlight stands out against the color around it very starkly, and on skin that sort of highlight looks really unnatural. Expect to see a lot of dark blues, greens, purples, and reds in the tutorials here. [3] The first edition of the rulebook was published in September 1987, and the ninth and current edition was released in July 2020. Prime in Chaos Black , then Runelord Brass .You can also airbrush this. Thats really nice to hear. My older transports were a bit stripped down, as I wanted them to feel more like Corsairs than true Drukhari. Heres a few samples of Coven, Wych Cult, and Kabal units Ive painted for my collection. DK_F-Town My new Combat drugs Tokens for my next Tournament . However their focus on causing pain to reinvigorate themselves and stave off their own decay has made them into a society of sadistic hunters, constantly looking to feed on the misery of others. This excellent paint makes the perfect foundation for your skin tones, hair and bones. I did this step with an airbrush. As you can see, some of the motifs have been around since the very old models, like the purple and silver scheme, but I went all around the painting block before I started to really start to find the way I wanted these models to look, and then hone the skills to see that through. Thin this paint a little with water. There are many ways to build a Drukhari army with their new codex, and Battle Forge makes it easier than ever before to create army lists and try out new combinations.One of the best (and most fun) ways to collect the Drukhari is in Combat Patrol-sized chunks, themed around the Kabals, Cults, and Covens (or for the more internet savvy among you, the three Ws - Warriors, Wyches, and Wracks). Work on a smooth surface. and our Here, the side of the wracks head is a little too bright and the transition isnt as smooth as Id like, so I go over it with a couple rounds of, For the rest of the model, I hit the purple areas with two shades: the purple, to really make the purple pop. Apply a wash of Nuln Oil all over the metals and the gun casing. Then I diverge into the more greenish colors for the Poison, using Kabalite Green, Sybarite Green and then finally make a divergent choice just to give it a slightly unstable look by going with an Elysian Green to finish it off. As such, all Eldar fear death, a point when their souls will be consumed by She Who Thirsts, and each culture has come up with its own way of avoiding its fate. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( You can use Chaos Black spray, I used Vallejo Surface Primer and my airbrush. I then paint all the details on the hair and head. Hey guys Cavalier here, commission painter for Frontline Gaming and co-host of Splintermind the Dark Eldar Podcast here with another in-depth painting tutorial. We offer a characteristic style of paint job on seven different levels to cater to your needs. Second to last step! It will give your white a nice cool blue wash without being so strong it overwhelms the white already on there. Add a dot of Pallid Wych Flesh to the top coroner on the lens and dot the centre of the L.E.D.s and paint the edges of the screen on the wrist with Pallid Wych Flesh. 6. In Getting Started, we look at how to get started with an army the basics you need to know, how to start collecting models that will leave you with a serviceable army, and what the best deals are. Covering up the black from dotting the eyes can some times take a bit of paint, and even that one extra layer from cleaning up the Reikland Fleshwash can make the difference between a goopy looking model and a nice clean paint job. They live in the dark city of Commorragh, a nightmarish maze of impossible architecture hidden deep within the webway, where the laws of physics, nature, and sometimes even geometry are more like suggestions, and there is only one hard and fast rule: Do Not Defy Vect. There is no great scheme here, no grand plan. I did a GT and went 4-2 with firstborn only (aside from, Frankly, while I don't expect much from primaris upgrades to characters, I think he ended up better than we could. The 8th Edition Start Collecting: Drukhari box is probably a better buy, but might actually be harder to find, if youll believe it though do check stores online or in your local area, which may still have some in stock. Love your style. A second thinned coat in Step 1 may be necessary depending on your original base color. It should be so thin that it goes on sort of transparent youre really just using this to smooth out the Contrast effect so it looks nice, Dark Reaper highlight followed by Fenrisian Grey highlight on armor, Darkstar Blackened Bronze on trim around helmet and armbands, Tesseract Glow in the eyes dont worry if this spills out a bit, its fine, Kislev Flesh on raised bits on the muscles on the skin, Wash the skin again with 50/50 Carroburg Crimson, then a mix of 25% Druchii Violet, 75% medium, VMA Dark Sea Grey on the armor that will be white, Mephiston Red on bodysuit/armor bits you want to be red, GW Black Templar on the bodysuit parts you want to be black. Thats all for me for now, Im being told I need to leave before I spill more wine on the carpet from all the villainous wine swirling. When the Aeldari homeworlds were engulfed in the psychic storm known as the Eye of Terror during the birth of She Who Thirsts, many Eldar fled into the webway network, taking refuge in the city of Commorragh. Following the basecoat, I go into my first shade. For more information, please see our Join the Webway Discord I have a tournament this weekend with, You can still have fun with principia marines. The tubes on the back are Leadbelcher and I covered the emajor parts with Contrast Warp Lightning, then highlighted with Moot Green. ); Paint the metal parts Leadbelcher or Two Thin Coats equivalent (I prefer the coverage of this). The Gloss varnish helps it flow into the recesses and I dont even have to be that careful since I just wipe the surface with my finger and it removes any overflow and leaves a nice dark recess. You can push these further with Skarsnik Green if you want, Lay down a thin layer of Vallejo Model Air Light Gull Gray on the bone bits you want this to be thin and, Put some Contrast Talassar Blue in the channels on the splinter weapons to give it a nice glow effect. With each picture is the corresponding instruction. Credit: Charlie Brassley, Drukhari Kill Team. Heres a few samples of Coven, Wych Cult, and Kabal units Ive painted for my collection. Paint a line of Temple Guard Blue along the bottom edge of the eye lens. Now all I need is a lead colour that close to black, and Ill have all the major ways I like to do black covered! May 24, 2020 - Explore Don Rojas's board "Drukhari color schemes" on Pinterest. Apply a heavy wash of Wyldwood to the leather areas. I just left it as is though. Yet as of late Ive found that everything felt a little too stripped down and that I needed a bit more grim dark in my life. Troops:5 Hekatrix Bloodbrides, 1 with shardnet and impaler, Hekatrix has Agoniser 75pts Combat Drugs:Grave Lotus (+1 Strength) With their entire society built around cruelty and pain, the Dark Kin use their knowledge of the Webway to launch lightning-fast raids into Realspace. Highlight the wax seal with Pink Horror leaving the previous layers showing through as shading. I then do a careful edge highlight of, . I want the wings to be much more muted and less saturated, so I start by washing them a few times withNuln Oil, doing more layers toward the base of the wings, and going lighter toward the edges, to give the wings a bit of a fade as they go out. This website and all of its contents are 2011 - 2022 Tale of PaintersThis website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited Used without permission All rights reserved , Slaves to Darkness / Warriors of Chaos (71), Soulblight Gravelords / Vampire Counts (71). In this edition, we take a look at the piratical raiders of the Drukhari! The Drukhari have forced their way into heavy rotation in my army lists of late. $44.99. Oh dont worry, prospective and current Archons of the Dark City, I will guide you. Cookie Notice Basically, it doesnt make sense all the time but I can knock out whole armies of it without going mad and I think it looks nice, From there its just a case of picking out some details like gems and sigils and youre ready to glue it all together (you did sub assemble didnt you? Edge highlight the parchment with Pallid Wych Flesh. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You can find a more detailed rundown of the units that work and how theyre used in ourStart Competing: Dark Eldar/Drukhari tactics guide, though be aware that at time of publication this was written for 8th edition and is waiting to be updated with the changes for 9th. Really well explained and easy flow to follow with some top shelf results. Secondly, you can form aRealspace Raid,which means that instead of designating a detachment as Kabals/Cults/Covens, you designate it as a Realspace Raid. If you need to expand your paint collection to follow the tutorial, check out our partner storesWayland GamesandElement Games, which offer an amazing range of paints at a discount. This week we're looking at how to paint Drukhari, the Aeldari pirates and raiders hailing from Comorragh. In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universes, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. Wash the the previous step with Contrast Black Templar. Plus, with Dark Technomancers, I hear they are pretty good. . As your collection grows, keep an eye out for room to bring Drazhar hes really good right now, and makes Incubi even better than they already are. This is something I found particularly frustrating when I used. This download contains 1 PDF file (s): Drukhari Combat Patrol.pdf. Thousands of years following the fall the Drukhari are the closest example of what Eldar culture was like prior: Theyre arrogant, decadent, and self-consumed, constantly searching for new sensation through narcotics and pleasure cults. Once dry you can apply a second layer to increase intensity. Drukhari Kabalite Warriors. Theres some baseline requirements for doing this the detachment must have exactly 1 Archon, 1 Haemonculus, and 1 Succubus, and the Archon must be the Warlord, plus there must be 1 each of the appropriate Troops choices. As always, if you have any comments or feedback, or just want to share your own Drukhari with us, then hit us up on Facebook or Twitter or e-mail us at contact@goonhammer.com. Washes, again all 50/50 with Lahmian Medium: Thin down some Mournfang Brown aggressively, then put it on the cloaks everywhere but the recesses. I use the ruby red technical paint GW puts out called Spiritstone Red for easy gemstones and another technical paint, Nurgles Rot, to make the poisoned weapons of the wracks look, well, poisonous. Learn how to paint textures like metal, polished marble, and gore - push your painting boundaries to the next level. Highlight just the Storm Bolter casing and shoulder pad icon with Wazdakka Red . If youre dead set on putting a competitive list together now, youre going to want to look at a specific army type and build around that. Im hoping to paint more Dark Angels this year. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for HOW TO PAINT CITADEL MINIATURES - A GUIDE TO PAINTING ARMIES - with DVD - GW at the best online prices at eBay! Now back to the skin itself, one of my biggest difficulties in learning how to paint skin and flesh tones was that whenever I would highlight it after shading, it would look bad. 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