For your last slot you can pick a rammer for more damage or improved ventilation to maximize your view range while also reducing your reload somewhat. If you're trying to 3 mark then optics because assist damage. High-alpha heavies, tank destroyers, self-propelled guns, autoloaders, and mediums with lowerful damage per minute and penetration. A bombastic name that appropriately reflects this British heavy tanks fearsome damage and firepower, the Conqueror is a regular scourge of the battlefield. Any tank type that can mount them (tank destroyers or self-propelled guns cannot) benefit from the increase, whether they have bad aim time or bad dispersion, or good aim time and good dispersion, or anything there in-between. Again, like the crew skills, some are just outright better than all the rest but there is a very small amount of flexibility depending on class and playstyle of tank so I will do some loadouts after the analysis. Lastly, for the hell of it, I'll list the priorities you should have on each specific tank class. Nice! A case can be made for Advanced Power Train too depending on how slow the tank is. More importantly it is more important to equip equipment that boosts areas such as vision or firepower than engine durability since you can cover up your engine in most cases. Below, youll find a guideline on what equipment you should buy depending on your tank type and playstyle. AMX 13 105 (Mobility, Alpha, DMG Potential) Tank Destroyers 1a. There are quite a few different pieces of equipment, many of which are expensive. Pretty much everyone who competes will take home a prize. 20% accuracy is insane. Pros: + Great mobility + Great 7,5cm sniper gun at tier3 (rekting hard low tier) + Premium Cons: - Paper armor (getting shred by auto gun) - Large size (easy to hit and hard to hide) - Bad camo (bad sneaky sniper) The M18 Hellcat is the fastest tank in the World of Tanks. Gun Rammer | Coated Optics | Improved Ventilation/Toolbox/Enhanced Gun Laying Drive. At these tiers, you get punished very badly if you make a mistake. However, I will exclude theGun Rammerfrom each tier, as it's the one piece I expect you to put on any tank no matter what. Its price is 500,000 credits and it weighs 100 kg. The camouflage net gives a tank a boost to its camouflage value and varies depending on your tank class. Matilda has one of the best Weapon sets for a Tier 4 tank. Once youve farmed plenty of credits, you should feel more comfortable experimenting with your builds. Despite its reasonable acceleration, the Object 430U also boasts impressive, thick surrounding armour. If you're sick of being hit by undetected foes; optics (though this probably wont change much). The tank gun rammer is one of the most used and important pieces of equipment in World of Tanks. Equipment availability and costs vary by tank tier, class and nation. This makes a difference on mid to high manoeuvrability tanks. The fact you cant put a rammer on these makes it dead simple. Summary: Its not worth it. The gun rammer/improved ventilation will give you the shortest reload time possible and is a must. The gun rammer should be one of the most used equipment pieces on your tanks since it influences your ability to inflict damage on your enemies. But the key point is most of the time you don't have 300 effective armour. With a 122mm gun dealing one of the best damage-per-shot rates in its tier, impressive reload speed, and generous accuracy given its size, its raw firepower is matched by its large HP and fantastic agility. With a four-round drum autoloader that boasts a speedy reload time, and a strikingly accurate main gun for a light tank, the AMX 13 75 can hold its own in battle, but wont be the star of the show. Staying alive and dealing more damage is the goal of this tier, and you should have your equipment mounted accordingly. Im also aware stabilisers aren't available in lower tiers and vary by nation. Let me know 100% and ill bow to you simply because I've never tried it. We include affiliate links in articles. Millions of players from all over the world participate in a large military battle, controlling various types of battle tanks and other combat vehicles. This one is a must on tanks with long aim times, most notably self-propelled guns, some heavies, and tank destroyers. A brief summary of all the light tank trees for you: Germany: Fat light tanks with good view range - similar to the American lights. WoT Update 1.20.1: New Recon Missions, Onslaught Mode Returns. Despite its high agility and turning speed, youll be plodding behind your teammates. After the gun rammer you need to choose between coated optics and a binocular telescope depending on how you will be playing your tank destroyer. These are the best tanks in World of Tanks: When you start playing World of Tanks, the game offers you agenerous array of armour to ease you into the frenzied throes of competitive battle. Poor accuracy will require you to get close and personal with hostiles, and a low HP pool allows heavy tanks to one-shot you into scraps. Its an expensive endeavour and one you dont want to mess up. We are here for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. And make good use of your fast reverse speed, ducking out of the melee when youve misjudged the enemy force. For Light tanks that will be active scouts, Coated Optics are the preferred choice, as they increase your view range despite being in motion. This is extremely helpful when playing peak-a-boomwith other tanks, as the improved accuracy time will help you take shots sooner. I'll rank the pieces' usefulness on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best. After that it is a toss up depending on whether you have access to a vertical stabilizer, in which case then equip it. Its personal preference. For newcomers, the above examples are a great starting point when first venturing into purchasing equipment. Overall this will be one of your most used pieces of equipment and works well on any type of tank. Let's wrap up the Patch Notes with an outlook on what else you should know about Update 1.20.1. They rely mainly on splash anyway so you might as well use that 4th slot to further improve the vehicles overall mediocre stats excluding gun damage on most SPGs. Without its 1000/2 - 30 which is 470. In short: Its good. - Pre 6.0 Gun Rammer. 9: Off-Road Driving: 15% increase to handling on soft terrain, 7.5% increase to handling on moderately soft terrain. Which Japanese Tank Line is Right for You? It affects the non-penetrating splash damage impacting on your specific armour. These will improve the efficiency of your crew and help you dish out more damage in your Heavy tank. Priorities:Coated Optics, Binocular Telescope, Gun Laying Drive. Tier 4 - Matilda. Cold War is significantly easier to cover: Speed and DPM are king in Cold War. It might not sound like a lot, but unlike binocs, it's always active! 10% view range is never not good. So what you're saying is I need to put the Advanced Powertrain and Traction system on my Maus so I can zoom around like those damned Vanguards? Bringing the optimised manoeuvrability, speed, and camouflage of a medium vehicle, alongside the extraordinary armour and firepower of a heavy tank, it draws solely from their strengths and dispenses with their shortcomings. After the seemingly successful commander guide I wrote it seems logical to also do an equipment guide. For tanks around the 3 second mark or above then it is better to use the enhanced gun laying drive and in most cases the vertical stabilizer is recommended as the second equipment piece as well. Again, like the crew skills, some are just outright better than all the rest but there is a very small amount of flexibility depending on class and playstyle of tank so I will do some loadouts after the analysis. A rapid rate of fire, quick acceleration, and the ability to maintain a high top speed across even the most undulating terrain make it perfect for performing hit-and-run sallies. It takes 3 seconds after being stationary to activate, after which point your view range increases by 25%. Another piece that requires you to take damage to work, this one is only remotely useful for Soviet mediums and German tanks from time to time. WGCB recognised subreddit for the console version of World of Tanks. Learn more about playing this tank with our tips below. Post 6.0 Tank Equipment Guide. "Our artillery works well . They have lots of roles; pushing lanes, taking enemy shots to themselves for the team, facing enemy heavies They are one of the key tank types of the game for winning. Swapping from AP <-> HESH depending on what appears in your crosshairs is pretty cool. On Track For Sept. 24-Oct. 15: K-91; On Track For June . What a vertical stabilizer does is make the aiming circle 20% smaller when it is affected by accuracy penalties from moving your tank. The description of this item is deceiving, and makes you think you do everything 5% better. Since coated optics is always active it is great on pretty much every tank since if you cannot see an enemy then you cant shoot them! Overall it does its job well since it makes it difficult to take out the ammo rack module. Most tanks get a significant view range buff compared to their tier 5 or 6 tanks ahead of their line, but often you can't play with view range unless you're a tank destroyer or bespectacled heavy. | How Dmg/Pen Rolls are Done | Tons of News & Data! The only time I can see this being worth a slot is the 183s. CS-63 (Mobility+++, Gun Handling) Light Tanks 1. If your favorite tank isn't on here, it doesn't mean it is not great, it just wasn't determined to be the best of the best for ranked battles in their opinion. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. Medium / Heavy / Artillery Gun Rammer- 10/10. Loadouts (assuming 4th slot is Targeting Info). Keep in mind that some tanks will perform better with a different equipment set up and also that your style of play might want a different setup. Light tanks that scout come in two forms; active scouts that continue to move around the battlefield, and passive scouts which sit on the edges. Gun Rammer | Improved Ventilation | Vertical Stabilizer/Coated Optics. Solid. Likewise, campy mediums might also find a use of it thanks to their good base view range and they will be stationary most of the time anyway. Let me know in the comments what equipment you think should be used for each type of tank! Enhanced Gun Laying Drive pairs nicely with the Vertical Stabilizers thanks to its additional improvement to your aim time. However, for the camouflage bonus to work a tanks hull must be stationary for 3 seconds for the bonus to kick in. # Simple controls that will appeal to both novice shooters and hardcore gamers, shoot, increase your rank, upgrade your tanks, get rewards and daily bonuses. First, heres what equipment you should mount on your Light tank: These are the main five pieces of equipment that work well on Light tanks, though not all of these pieces are good for various types of Light tanks. Know your Leichttraktor from your Conqueror? Complex equipment however requires you to demount it for 10 gold. Advanced Gun Laying Drive - Aiming speed increased by +12%. With the correct positioning and placement in the battlefield, it can demolish any Tank of even higher tiers. That is because it reduces the reload time in a tank by 10% which as you might expect helps you do a hell of a lot more damage compared to a tank without one. But some of these pieces are not available for your tank because of its class or nation, or the tier where it's in it just isn't good in. Binocular telescope (binocs for short) acts similar to the camo net. For Heavy tanks with poor aim time, Vertical Stabilizers will help your tank reach its maximum accuracy faster. Iranked optics, vertical stabilizers, gun laying drives, and rammersreally high. 20m for Heavies/Arty, 40m for Mediums/Lights and 60m for TDs. Plus, its high HP will let you survive enemy engagements longer. The cyclone filter costs 500,000 credits and weighs 10 kg. Gun Rammer | Enhanced Gun Laying Drive | Improved Ventilation/Coated Optics. I would only use vents if none of the above are necessary or are unavailable. ). All Tier I tanks are easy to pick up, forgiving in their play, and fairly well-matched. Advanced Power Train - Max speed and horsepower increased by 5%. That is to say, your ammo rack gets 50% more hitpoints. Class 2 costs 150,000 credits, weighs 150 kg, and is usually found on medium tanks. A Medium tank will benefit greatly from a Gun Rammer as it decreases the gun-loading time, making it faster at getting shells out of the main gun and into the enemy vehicle. Its top-tier cannon, the 76mm M1A1, is particularly powerful, excelling in both damage and penetration. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. World of Tanks. Mixed with comparatively superb penetration, rate-of-fire, and accuracy, its formidable offensive capabilities perfectly suit it to any new player desperate to charge headlong into the fray and carve up enemy ranks. Self-Propelled Guns(SPGs) are almost always at long range, do not engage enemies directly, and also have very poor accuracy and aiming times compared to standard tanks. Below are some standard loadouts to use for a general tank type. Best played in a well-coordinated team, your allies might not thank you for your efforts, but theyll surely miss you when youre gone. Better for heavies who tend to suffer from poor rotation or tanks that move quickly but turn badly such as hellcat. Panzer VIII Maus Model Tanks 1/72 Germany Military Vehicles Heavy Tank . Analytics and statistics. One of the more useful equipment options is coated optics that provide a 10% view range bonus that is active at all times unlike the binocular telescope. In most cases you can just train Safe Stowage on your loader, which increases ammo rack health by 12.5% and doesn't require an equipment slot. The WZ-111 has excellent alpha damage and a high top speed considering the fact that it is a heavy tank. But I'd always rather have a super laser than a laser. Which Swedish Tank Line is Right for You. Now I know what you're thinking. Advanced Armor - Reduces received damage by 5%. 1 is reserved for light and medium tanks while a vertical stabilizer mk. Tank destroyers can benefit from the camo the most, but casemate tank destroyers will have to move their hull around a lot, thus resetting the 3 second timer for it to activate. Spall Liner - Reduces ramming and explosion damage received by 50%. This . To save you the trouble of researching the entire tech tree of each nation, weve selected the very best tanks and collected them into a one-stop shop of tier-based tanktacular ranking. With reusable consumables you can repair your ammo rack if it takes damage and a full detonation is extremely rare. Do you need enhanced target on arty? Finally, for the third slot it boils down to whether your tank destroyer has a long reload time(gun laying drive), good camouflage values(camouflage net), or if you want a boost in all areas(ventilation). Your guides are always useful my guy. He helped launch the new Wargamer, and is now a news writer at TechRadarGaming - with other words at TechRadar,, Clash, and The Telegraph. To align with the games battle system, weve picked out the best tanks by tier, choosing those that perform best relative to their peers of the same league. Reinforced Ammo Rack - Ammo rack durability increased by 50%. However, in the grand scheme of things it isnt that useful as far as equipment goes and doesnt help you to justify using it often. Spall liner is a must on the RamPanzer. /s. (Jokes on you nothing but a gigantic mountain counters arty.) The cyclone filter adds 50% of your engines hit points to that module to make it harder to damage/set on fire. II Tier III - Cruiser III Tier IV - P26/40 Tier V - T67 Tier VI - O-I Tier VII - AMX 13 75 Tier VIII - T-44 Tier IX - Conqueror Tier X - Object 430U play for free Tier I - Leichttraktor No regrets. Its recommended that all tanks use one if available(most auto-loaders cannot equip one) and only scout tanks should think about not equipping one. Poor HP, unremarkable mobility, and sub-par range limit the tanks versatility, but in terms of penetrating armour, theres no comparison. WZ-111 Model 1-4. A vertical stabilizer is crucial and a lot of medium tanks have access to it, but if you do not then improved ventilation is your next best choice. A gun rammer is still the number one equipment option like other tanks on a SPG to maximize damage output. Yeah. Any ways of using API or URL for serverwide statistics? All enhanced springs do not add any additional weight to the tank. Very often the third equipment pick for tier 8 and above medium tanks, it increases your view range by 10%. Currently top 10 best tanks in the world are these: Nr.1 Leopard 2A7A1 (Germany) The Leopard 2 is a proven and successful German main battle tank tank. An enhanced gun laying drive will help with the long aiming times found on SPGs and will save you a lot of frustrating. However, when you do manage to save up the credits, there are a few options worth pursuing. Starting off with THE most important equipment piece, and one that is obligatory on any tank that can mount it. Panhard EBR 105 (Extreme Mobility, Alpha) 2. Priorities:Improved Ventilation, Gun Laying Drive, Coated Optics. Scrapping enhanced targeting is actually very viable ONLY on vehicles with either such amazing pen that armor is irrelevant regardless of where you aim on the tank, such as Derp tanks like KV-2, the Sturmtiger line, jap heavies, or the lovable hetzer. Advance ReLoader is a must on high alpha tanks with HEAT rounds. All tanks, save for autoloader-type tanks (with some exceptions) can mount this equipment piece. But do keep nice and close to them in firefights. Given your massive armour, that should be no problem at all. Tank destroyers tend to stick to the edges of the battlefield, so the equipment to buy for a Tank destroyer is fairly straightforward. Light tanks 1 the fact that it is a must on high Alpha tanks with HEAT rounds speed ducking! These tiers, you get punished very badly if you 're sick of being hit by undetected ;! 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