This essay examines the characterization of Apsu, as well as the episode in which he appears, within the larger framework of Enuma elish. Of course this sounds like a modern day fabrication of a lie. The Tablet of Destinies and the Transmission of Power in Enma eli Karen Sonik Philadelphia The Tablet of Destinies, a well known if somewhat enigmatic motif, features prominently in Mesopotamian mythology as both an emblem and a receptacle of divine power and kingship. According toZecharia Sitchin, the Igigi found Pazuzu when he was just a small orphan and they adopted him. There are now five Anunnaki cities on Earth. Chapter 1.5 This tablet contains the Anunnaki council deciding the Anunnaki that killed the king, of which he is a distant relative, should be given the throne. For everything these Anunnaki do and have done, this seems unfair. The grief stricken wife vowed revenge and took semen from her dead husband and impregnated herself. Be the first one to, The Tablets of Destiny Revelation: How Long-Lost Anunnaki Wisdom Can Change the Fate of Humanity, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). It was a bright chamber called Dirga the sacred one among the sacred ones located at the top of a tower with several antennas called Dur-an-ki the sky-earth link, as can be seen in Sumerian representations. This set up rivalries between the kings two sons on Earth. This city was commanded by Shamash, the God of the sun and of justice, grandson of Enlil. The Anunnaki, wishing to give an expression of their admiration for Marduk's heroism, decided to build him a shrine or temple. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Anunnaki go to the moon and study many things. He has entombed himself and will die there if nothing is done. Texts about ANE law collections, treaties, theological histories, prophecies, ritual texts, oracles, prayers, hymns, laments, edicts, and instructions are compared to corresponding literature in the Pentateuch, Prophets, and Writings of the Hebrew Bible. The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader READ AND DOWNLOAD An insider's look into the decades of research behind Zecharia Sitchin's books as well as an indepth overview of his theories and discoveries Includes carefully selected chapters from the A hunting god (full-face) has a bow and an arrow (?) He was the firstborn son of Anu, the king of the planet Nibiru. The God Ninurta - CHAPTER THREE: Ninurta in Mythology. But the Earth commander has an edge. There he invited the Igigi that had taken earthling wives. The room has no other entry and was never intended to hold a solid object. City kings came and went. Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years. They proceeded to build the tower of Babel. The tablets also offer insight into the origin of life and how civilization came into existence on Earth. The next city was Shurruppak, the place of supreme well-being. 1083-1109. Enlil handed him the deadliest armor of the Anunnaki, the Ip, a weapon with 50 heads that kill. Chapter 5.1 This tablet starts with the latest group arriving on Earth. 2023 All Rights Reserved. Bad King, False King, True King: Aps and His Heirs. Journal of the American Oriental Society 128.4 (2008): 737-743. Water would not come from its sources where the earthlings lived. The earthlings are multiplying faster than the Anunnaki. Are The Akashic Records A Massive Cosmic Library? Therefore, other "gods" and civilizations in other regions are not mentioned, Earthlings are taught the constellations. The Earth commander finds Noah and is ready to kill his brother over his deceit. When all is explained he is calmed. It has now been 80 shars, or 288,000 Earth years, on earth. A large asteroid hit the moon. How do the Anunnaki get the earthlings to obey and serve them. Chapter 3.1 This tablet tells of the defeated kings attempts to bribe the new king with his knowledge of the gold on Earth and have his kingship reinstated. These tablets were the key to activate destructive weapons, control spacecraft, or direct anyAnunnakitechnological device, in addition to being depository of knowledge in laws, decrees to govern, technology, medicine, military techniques, defense methods, methods to submit to the population, and many more keys reserved for the Anunnaki elite. It mentions the planets thick atmosphere and vegetation. The mines are gone. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. In Mesopotamian mythology, the Tablet of Destinies [1] ( Sumerian: dub namtarra; [2] Akkadian: up mtu, uppi mti) was envisaged as a clay tablet inscribed with cuneiform writing, also impressed with cylinder seals, which, as a permanent legal document, conferred upon the god Enlil his supreme authority as ruler . Mars has lost its atmosphere and the water is dried up. The Igigi named Pazuzu as their emissary and bearer of their demands before Enlil and they then sent him to Nippur. Today when we speak about the Anunnaki a lot of skepticism is present, and many reject the notion that ancient spacefaring astronauts called the Anunnaki touched down on Earth thousands of years ago before written history. The younger brother finally left at the insistence of the kings son (his father). Chapter 11.6 The spaceship beacon is relocated. The Earth commander realizes this was the first time an earthling raised an army. All the familiar players from Sumerian mythologyEnlil, Enki, Anu, Marduk and the restwere actually alien administrators. When Time Began.pdf. Without "male moon god". The word here translated as God is, again, 'Elohim, actually "the gods." That took place on the sixth day in the biblical story, hence man and woman were created . A very curious thing is mentioned here. Marduk, a very young god, answered the call, and was promised the position of head god.When he killed his enemy he "wrested from him the Tablets of Destiny, wrongfully his" and assumed his new position. She has another daughter. She built a house for night time pleasure. Also found traces of the gold the Nibiru planet needs for its repair of the atmosphere. ),] which Assur, king of the gods, took in his hand The Earth commander declares they shall perish. The seventh city that was built was Lagash seeing the halo in six, first city beacon that would guide the flight route from Nibiru. The Eleventh Tablet Of Lord Enki Chapter 11:1 - For the next shar (3,600 Earth years), peace was kept, but it is too good to last. This language was written in a script known as cuneiform, which was later adapted by other languages that emerged in Mesopotamia and its neighboring regions, including Akkadian, Elamite, and Hittite. The Anunnaki that married Earth women must chose between their wives and departure. It also mention other teachings to other offspring. The Anunnaki are gathered together and told of the event to happen and their choices. The father is alarmed and fears the kings other sons kingship lineage will get the advantage. Divine or Human Creation of Time? The Igigi on Mars are complaining the most. He informs them that returning Anunnaki to Nibiru have become afflicted by becoming used to Earth cycles and not being able to adjust back to Nibirus longer cycles. Chapter 11.2 In this portion of the tablet her son defeats the uncle that killed his father. Chapter 11.5 This portion deals with rescuing the father from the chamber tomb and damage done inside the pyramid to the stones, beams and beacon. The other Anunnaki are to be given the choice of returning or waiting out the calamity. Philological Arguments in Akkadian Disputations, JANEH 5 (2018), 87-105, The Overturned Boat, Part Two: Descent and Ascent. So his plan is to have his daughter be impregnated by her brother (the groom). the Anunnaki." She hath given him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying: Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established." Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu, Decreed the fate for the gods, her sons, saving: Let the opening of your mouth quench the Fire-god; Chapter 9.4 The savants on Nibiru tell the Earth glaciers are melting and they will lose their footing. The earth commander reassigns lands. One of the king's sons had two sons. He took it upon himself and gathered some igigi to help him. 2012, Organization, Representation, and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East. While this revised interpretation of the epic allows us to consider Enuma elish in its proper context, among other myths of hero gods such as Anzu, Labbu, and Girra and Elamatum, it has not encouraged the analysis of other aspects of the composition. The earthling and one of the two grandsons return to Earth. The people sang songs about the bride who was now in charge of the MEs. He summons his wife and child on Nibiru to come to Earth. Original filename: The Hollow Worlds And The Annunaki.pdf URL: Itar and the Motif of the Cosmological Warrior: Assurbanipals Adaptation of Enma eli. One of the kings grandsons gives the king a tablet given to him by his father for the purpose of giving to his father the king. A group of more Anunnaki, including some women that have healing skills, leave Nibiru for Earth. A point system for kingship and authority was devised and given. The Earth commander appears to have stripped his brother of the responsibility. The Sumerians appear on the archaeological record beginning around 4,500 BCE. He calls the new king of Nibiru and wants to make a deal. Chapter 13.2 Ra is bothered by the goings on of the bride. He then gave each region a different language and alphabet to use. She makes a plan to steal them from him. They are not to be used again to make a way through the asteroid belt. ), Literature as Politics, Politics as Literature: Essays on the Ancient Near East in Honor of Peter Machinist, Winona Lake 2013, 97-116. Zecharia Sitchin's translation of fourteen tablets of Enki explains the history of the Anunnaki civilization and their full-fledged purpose for the visit to Earth. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2014, The construction of authority in Genesis 1 and Enuma Elish, The Pious King: Royal Patronage of Temples, in Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Cultures (eds. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf download pc free Other tablets mention that the humans were fashioned to serve the gods without freedom of their own. Chapter 9.2 Two hundred of the Igigi from mars came to the wedding. Atlantis: Located miles beneath the Ice sheet of Antarctica? Then they decided to ask the young female Anunnaki healers from Nibiru if they would be impregnated. On Earth, the Anunnaki organize and set chores to rebuild. Greenstone cylinder seal. Adam and Eve are moved to Eden (the main Annunaki city) and the seven males and females are placed in cages amongst the trees. A very important hub, it was a spaceport where craft departed with gold cargo. The kings son that created mankind has taken a fancy to a married earthling woman. A small number of Anunnaki gods still reside among us, controlling our affairs. Then they talk about the emissary he sent them before the flood. A primitive worker. According to Sitchin, the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine gold. He wanted a son. Chapter 13.4 The war progress and the son of the kings son who created earthlings is winning. Chapter 10.5 Nibiru has been damaged by the pulls of Mars and Earth. Adam and Eve are then left to roam Eden as they please. Chapter 7.1 Adam and Eve are placed in a an enclosure outside of the city of Eden. One of the kings sons knew of this but the other kings son, which is the commander of Earth, is angered. Chapter 11.1 For the next shar (3,600 years) peace was kept. This portion of the tablet is more of the same ignorant decisions and immorality by some of the Anunnaki. Chapter 2.2 Describes the defeated kings arrival on Earth. They ask her if she will take the kings son that raped her as husband. He believes he can not be defeated while he has the tablets of destinies, but he is defeated and sentenced to death. It was in this city where Ninurta had her twin sons Shamash and Ishtar. If there is gold, the defeated king will have another wrestling match with the new king for the throne. Chapter 1.4 This tablet video appears the Anunnakis home planet is having trouble with a breech in their atmosphere. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf Editor's Note00 Tablets of Destiny, Arts of Civilization and Control of the Human Condition 0 Sifting through the sands of time to recover wisdom from clay: the evolution of our understanding1 Responsibility for cosmic power and transfer of its divine abilities2 Deciphering the foundations of existence from the tablets of destiny3 The silence prevailed. Chapter 5.5 The kings son in charge of mining now directs his attention to life and animals on Earth and how it differs from Nibiru. Given the right to proceed by the king they tried and tried to mix the Earths two legged creatures (hominoids) DNA with theirs and place it in the two legged Earth female creatures womb. Chapter 8.1 The spacecraft to pick up the male arrives. It has been suggested that one of the reasons for this affinity was the reliance of both kings on prophetic legitimation to buttress their contested claims to kingship. "Here is the first ever public demonstration of secret knowledge and wisdom drawn from legendary cuneiform relic of Mesopotamia, far surpassing any previous academic interpretation of ancient artifacts available. They die more quickly. ), Divination, Politics and Ancient Near Eastern Empires (ANEM; Atlanta, Ga.: SBL Press, 2014), Conceptualizing Spirit: Supernatural Meteorology and Personal Distress in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East, NAMES AND POWER THE CONCEPT OF SECRET NAMES IN THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST, Pictorial Mythology and Narrative in the Ancient Near East. In Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art, edited by M. Feldman and B. These tablets were approximately 60 units, and were a kind of microchips that contained a source of vital information for the Anunnaki. Cain and able fight because of this and Abel is killed. To this Marduk agreed, and chose Babylon, i.e., the "Gate of God," for its site. He instructs people to go look for gold. After a long presence on the Earth, the Anunnaki left but retained control over us. So he and his wife planned to murder the brother so he would inherit the land. Chapter 3.5 This portion describes the Anunnaki team leader declaring of the seventh day as a day of rest. The Earth commander feels the Earth mission has become perverted and loathes the earthling mankind. There is not even any punishment considered for killing the king. A plan is developing to see who of his sons will go back to Nibiru and which one will stay and command operations on Earth. He knows where the weapons of terror are hidden. Death of Statues and Rebirth of Gods, in: N.N. 341-54. The kings son that created mankind has a new scheme, but he notices that mankind is reverting backward. Public Speaking in Ancient Mesopotamia: Speeches before Earthly and Divine Battles, Haubold, Conflict, Consensus and Closure in Hesiod's Theogony and Enuma elish.pdf, KINGSHIP, STRUGGLE, AND CREATION: THE STORY OF CHAOSKAMPF. The savant tells them they are to remain on earth. The atmosphere is slowly healing. Pazuzu took cover in the Mountain of the Chambers of Heaven, the Hursak Mu. One lived in land with his father and the other was living by the space port. The king states he did not send an emissary. 123-149. Chapter 4.2 This portion of the tablet has the new king on Nibiru coming to Earth to see for himself where the gold is underground. Beate Pongratz-Leisten and Karen Sonik. Chapter 6.3 All attempts failed, but finally they decided to not impregnate a Earth two legged female again, but an Anunnaki female. Chapter 13.1 The third region did not blossom. She is holding a bush-like object, probably a bunch of dates, above the sun-god's head . They are to go aloft in spaceships to wait out the calamity. There are black spots on the Sun. As a result of a century and a half of archaeological discoveries in the ruins of the ancient civilizations, especially in the Near East, a great number of such early texts have been found; The other kings son that is in charge of getting the gold from underground is living in that area of Earth. And no wonder, as anyone who possesses the Tablet of Destinies becomes instantly omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and omniultrasupereverything. The kingdom that RA desired so badly is now a wasteland. The Tablet of Destinies, a well known if somewhat enigmatic motif, features prominently in Mesopotamian mythology as both an emblem and a receptacle of divine power and kingship. He is angry that the earthling were becoming as them and they were becoming as earthlings. Then the same emissary appearing to one of the sons in a dream. Chapter 4.1 This tablet starts off with the spaceship with the first baskets of gold arriving. The advisor to the brides sister shoots the two emissaries with a ray but it does not affect them. The sliding of the glaciers will produce a great wave that will deluge the land. The kings son very deceitfully passed them off, not as his offspring, as a new more intelligent generation of Adam and Eves. The origins of this being known as Pazuzu are not very clear. Fear seized the Mission and the Anunnaki population on Earth. Then they proceed to Earth and land there. It is believed by many that approximately 445,000 years ago, ancient astronauts from another planet in the cosmos landed on Earth looking for gold. They clearly state that they were told by "those who descended from heaven to earth" or the Anunnaki. Get Free the anunnaki chronicles Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. 2020 138 Pages 1.47 MB. Chapter 5.3 The raped young female healer is brought before the seven judges and she tells them she is pregnant. It is believed that around 445,000 years ago, ancient astronauts from another planet in the cosmos came to Earth in search of gold. It reminds me of the all seeing eye on top of the pyramid. The remaining atomic bombs on the defeated kings spacecraft were taken out of the spacecraft and hidden in a cave. These ancient astronauts touched down in one of Earths seas, and established Eridu, Home in the Faraway.. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf. She makes a scheme and directs it the grandfather (kings son) of her dead groom. Only upon swearing to stay away from her vagina does she give him relief from her curse. The kings other son, after parting with his sister, raped a young healer and later married her. He demanded a sacred city of his own. How he would know the offspring would be male I do not know. Enlil summoned the Anunnaki for this purpose but everyone feared failure because Pazuzu had also stolen Enlils Glitter, which must have been a type of weapon that made Pazuzu twice as lethal and impenetrable, and as powerful as Enlil himself. There are plagues and starvation on Earth. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2009, Name Word Play and Marduks Fifty Names in Enuma Eli, Hidden Riches: A Sourcebook for the Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East, Myth, Ritual, and Interpretation: The Commentary on Enma eli I-VII and a Commentary on Elamite Month Names, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 4/3 (2015), 293-343. By considering the literary and historical context of other literature, students will come away with a better understanding of the historical, literary, and theological depth of the Hebrew Bible. He cries out he wants a son but she curses him (actual curse). Eve was not tempted. Although we know it can not happen, they think it can. During her dressing the bride tells of her plans for her husband. The deluge was a combination of wave and rain. References to his younger brother is erased. The Hollow Worlds And The Annunaki.pdf (PDFy mirror) Publication date 2014-01-01 Topics mirror, Collection pdfymirrors; additional_collections Language English This public document was automatically mirrored from PDFy. This essay examines the ways in which gender roles--and their transgression--shape the narrative of Enuma elish. The bride is still filled with revenge and demands her own land. Enki claims in these tablets to have come to Earth to mine gold for their home planet Nibiru. The Igigi in the mines rebel. A court convenes and is deciding what to do with the defeated king. he wanted the earthlings to perish. Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. 59-64. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Soul:Ask and may contain 18+ material. The ancient Sumerians on the other hand claim that they obtained their knowledge of past events from the teachings and writings of the Anunnaki (Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came). Hays offers a brief introduction to comparative studies, then lays out examples from various literary genres that shed light on particular biblical texts. They gave birth. He runs from the city and ends up by a waterfall. No conceptions. The son by the space port became jealous and greedy. Chapter 9.5 The Anunnaki have made their choices. The sixth day the navigator arrived with a box of animal DNA. Chapter 1.2 This tablet talks about long ago on the Anunnakis home planet Nibiru. He was the God of the evil wind and the storms. The craft leaves and they arrive on Nibiru. For one shar (3,600 years) the earthlings ate grasses. They divide the lands among them. At the first harvest there is a celebration and the two twin earthling men make their offerings to the kings two sons. Utsuro-bune: The Legend Of The Hollow Ship. They seem to think they came to life from what our evolutionists believe as primordial soup. : Eisenbrauns, 2013. This time it is between descendants of each of the kings sons. Chapter 6.4 The seven Anunnaki female healers were impregnated with a combination of the two legged Earth female creature (hominoid) and Adam. They were to be intermixed with the Anunnaki in the cities. In this portion of the tablet it states they took parts from the behind of one animal and combined it with the front of another. Time an earthling raised an army Eastern Art, edited by M. Feldman and B civilizations in regions! And later married her her plans for her husband to life from what evolutionists! Download the paper by clicking the button above gold for their home planet.... Leader declaring of the kings son that raped her as husband as Pazuzu are not,. Has a new more intelligent generation of Adam and Eve are then left to roam Eden as they.. Taken earthling wives the space port became jealous and greedy control over us wonder, as a more! 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