I got scholarships and use 2k-3k out of $X every semester to pay for tuition, housing, room and board, and books. UGMA. Plus if this were to happen it would be replaced with a national sales tax. Actually a bit sooner. Very rare is the manager who can consistently outperform the index. I recently moved my roll over IRA of about 1700 to Betterment and wonder if I would be wise to handle after tax dollars in the same place while I dust off my old finance books from college. VTSAX (the investment in the Roth) is an Index Fund of the entire US stock market. income pretax 90k; If someone was making $90k per year and managed to save 80% a year, thats $72k per year invested at 8% is not gonna grow to an amount they could retire on within 5.3 years. Im setting up the kids with their own Vanguard account (youve inspired me to finally get around to doing it-) Cheers! People may not like to hear this, but it's true. Dont bother. But in a marketing point of view, I do understand your ideas that your target audience mostly are those who do not want their minds boggled by money. The VTS ETF seems like the most similar option to what you have in the USA however its shortfall is that dividends arent able to be reinvested, which means I will lose 37% of each year to the tax man At least that is how I understand the situation anyway! You might just decide you can handle your investments on your own and with far less cost. At 24 this has worked wonderfully for my net worth and allowed me the freedom to have just enough FU money to keep from feeling trapped. Its not entirely free there is often a fee for transferring the money to a current account normally around 3.79% for offers lasting that long but over 3.4 years thats just over 1.1% interest over the year which can be beat by most investments, even a plain savings account. JL Collins wrote his book The Simple Path to Wealth for his daughter (it started off as a series of letters to his daughter about money and investing) and then it turned into a blog in 2011 and then it turned into this book that was published in 2016. Ive been quickly going through your blog and I love what you have to share! The insurance company she brought the annuity from has it and they are never going to give it back. Im blessed to have very low expenses, so I can afford to save aggressively right now; currently save 70% of each paycheck after taxes. Ive done more research since I invested in VTSAX, and it seems like opening an IRA and focusing on maxing it out in the next year is a great idea, then focusing back on my taxable account. Go Roth. Slow reply on my behalf too, I just posted it now. I can relate with you on how you said us financial geeks are the aberration, but what else can we do, we love talking about this stuff. . Guess this day hadda come. However, the philosophy is 100% JL. Jim, I fear there is much you would disagree with in Dave Ramseys advice to investors, including his recommendation of purchasing load funds from American Funds through his ELPs, hiring a commission-based advisor, promoting actively-managed funds, saying that fees dont matter much, investing all in Growth funds instead of Total US Stock Market Funds, and encouraging people to stay 100% in stocks throughout retirement. C Any suggestions? Which was an excellent problem to have! Greetings! . How I lost money in real estate before it was fashionable, Part I: Impossibly Naive. It is your financial freedom. I just want them avoiding making decisions that have multiple years and hundreds of thousands of dollars associated with them until they are 25. Im working on an upcoming post Things Ive failed at. Grammer school is one. Thanks for all of the information youve provided, especially in the comments section. One is 8 and another 20 months. Guinea (Richard Young/Shutterstock) From 1963 to 1971, Joan was married to British singer-songwriter Anthony Newley. First, $10,000 is only the minimum if you are looking at an Admiral Shares version of a fund, like VTSAX. I was clueless up until the age of 28. As the market goes up and down (like it always does), you may be wondering how youll ever achieve FI with all this volatility. Stocks -- Part IV: The Big Ugly Event, Deflation and a bit on Inflation. My target is that my kids learn that financial independence is a more important target than what they do for their education. The investing is the easy part, it is the tax man on retirement or death that is quite complicated and it is spinning my head. Glad you found your way here. You may know him better as a previous guest on our show number 20. Collins recalls a time when his daughter was eight years old and she asked him if they were poor after watching the news showing people standing in a bread line. My parents unfortunately dont understand money too well, but thankfully my mother always taught me to save! I was just wondering because Ive heard that as we grow older, or nearer retirement we should move out of stocks into more conservative allocations and it makes me wonder if you have or will do so anytime soon. You and the other members of the financial blog Mount RushmoreMMM aka Pistol Pete, the understated Darrow Kirkpatrick, 1500 Daze and up and comer Johnny Moneyseed give us lackeys hope when there seems to be very little. However, my parents told me all through high school (we had the Talk about college when I was 13) that they were giving me $X for college, the same amount that my older sister got. As for 2025, Ill be happy if I can still get out of bed and draw breathe by then. If you do, live off your investments and invest 100% of your income. Travels in South America: It was the best of times. Yellow Fever, closing up shop for the summer and heading to Peru y Bolivia. One is that this whole civilization thing has been a huge mistake and wed all be better off as hunter/gatherers. My monthly expenses are low 600 dollars, unless I travel ( 3 times per year on the company dime anywhere int he world) then I budget 1500 per trip. "But Dad," she once said, "I know money is important. and Dr. The benefit of dividend reinvestment plan is *not* that you can save tax, but that you can save on brokerage fees. Just found this blog and am catching up on it. Using your example, if the market has gone up 50% in the last two years that really tells us absolutely nothing about what it will do in the next two, or 10. Im curious, why The Prodigal Daughter? but 50% of what we have is still in VTSAX. Only $500/year. What amount do you suggest for an emergency fund? That for you to decide. Do you see any concerns with this plan? I dont think I can thank you enough, youve really altered the course of my life and my destiny. Afghanistan I see many people having difficulty with the three areas I mentioned above. Dad, she said I know this is important. Wow! One year at a time. I dont know what fees USAA charges, but you can check with them and ask. The other firms use these funds as loss-leaders hoping to lure you into their more expensive and (for them) more profitable offerings. This post is excellent! I know who she will be as an adult. you have a great blog; http://beyonddave.com/2011/06/teach-your-children-well/#comments. In this post, [Continue Reading], Update by JLs Team Fact check time: If youre considering single stock dividend investing (against JLs advice, of course) versus index investing, in 10 years which will provide a better return? I like the fact that you point to a continuum in your addition. India and Ive just finished reading this blog of yours and I just wanted to ask that your content about VSTAX and other termsis it relevant to Indian investors as well? Since VTSMX/VTSAX is for the long-haul, should I go ahead and start a Roth IRA or put my $6k into a fund thats more liquidatable and just keep saving? So is there a simple way for folks who have better things to do with their time? To fully answer would require an entire post, but in short I am not a fan of annuities, and it sounds like your mother doesnt really understand what she has in hers. I call my approach an experiment. We are also in the process of educating our daughter on finances. My mother always taught me, if you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all. The most valuable thing you can buy with money is not cars or clothes or vacations or houses. Id like to roll it over, but what do I roll it over to? Their interests are not your interest. To answer that question would take a whole series of posts. I believe it is based on the percent needed to save to reach FI in a given number of based on the 4% guideline with the amount needed being the income level itself. She stopped me. I had enjoyed reading it in the past. To stay the course and profit youll need to be mentally tough. well written and an important perspective. That would be the Vanguard FTSE All-World ETF at 0.22% TER (exchange ticker VWRL). This is money that has come from gifts from relatives, allowance, etc. How do you think about importance of index investing market-cap weighted vs equal weighted, or (god forbid) reverse weighted? Vanguard link here: https://www.vanguardinvestments.com.au/retail/ret/investments/funddetailVISIF.jsp Gemma Strong Online Digital News Director London. They gave her a 12k yearly scholarship and she just finished her Freshman year with a 4.0. shes in Iceland with her pal Libby at the moment. me too: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/03/my-short-attention-span/. Great times. That ~14 year period of 5.5% returns includes the tech crash of 2000-2002 and the crash of 2007-2009, the largest since the Great Depression. . Would you recommend for them an IRA? Once you hit the 10k level you can switch to VTSAX (what they call Admiral Shares) and the lower fee. This makes a Roth invested in VTSMX (rolled to VTSAX when you hit 10K) perfect for you! The best personal finance books to calm fears about the stock market, What is dollar-cost averaging? Your kind words are also appreciated and Im glad youre excited about this new start. 6:10-10:03 J.L.'s sudden rise to fame. Canada Thats where Jessicas VTSAX fund is. We find for most questions, he has already covered the topic. JL breaks down the per year cost of buying a new car vs three years old vs eight years old. Glad you like the podcast! Gottcha! Accidental Financial Independence "Looking back on it, I hit FI in 1989 but I didn't know that. What am I missing? Better to keep the money working for you. Oops. Love all the points and certainly empathize with the challenge of getting our kids to embrace them (I have 5 with 2 in college already where did the time go? I believe it has to be voluntary, but I stack the deck in the favor of what I thing will have the biggest payoff. http://money.ramblingfever.com/2012/01/dont-sell-yourself-short-on-investment.html. Glad you enjoyed the interview! Plus they are more expensive. https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/. Love the blog, agree with everything. Still, Collins, who grew his book from a series of letters he wrote to his daughter about personal finance and investing, explains that what financial independence means should be completely up. Dividend reinvestment option, Vanguard US Total Market Shares Index ETF (VTS): We choose to invest in stocks because, over time, stocks outperform everything else. It's self-cleansing, so when companies fail or go out of business, new and more profitable companies go public and take their place. Republic Wireless and my $19 per month phone plan. Case Study #10: Should Josiah buy his parents a house? Saving 50% of your income is a significant target to shoot for. First, thank you very much for being an invaluable resource and making complicated topics more approachable for newbies like me. Remember this is for very long term money and there will be times the market drops considerably. Glad to hear things have worked out so well. The only thing youd lose leaving before it vests is their 5% contribution. Google Bernie Madoff. Armageddon and the value of practical skills, What Poker, Basketball and Mike Whitaker taught me about Luck, Beanie Babies, Naked Barbie, American Pickers and Old Coots, The Mummy's head, Particle Physics and "Knocking on Heaven's Door", "It's Better in the Wind" or why I ride a motorcycle. Thanks Jim, I will check his blog out, and it would be a whisky wed raise in Scotland :)! In it JL lays out the fundamentals [Continue Reading], Intro by JLs Team If youre wondering if renting vs owning your house is a better choice for financial independence, youre not alone. 5. Here is what you need to know: https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/, I would have loved to read this when I was in my twenties, but I am not late, would have been a really great advice! https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/05/26/mr-money-mustache/. I want to be able to do your Step 8living off of dividends (eventually). Best case scenario, I have 93k after taxes to play with per year. Transferring that to other generations or people who dont intuitively grasp this is of great interest to me. If the date is sooner you might want to smooth out the ride with VBMFX. Those that we have [Continue Reading], Greetings! He wasn't working at the time and told her that they were doing just fine as they had money that was working for them instead. Fiscally irresponsible people have squandered their money and will happily squander yours. Because he wanted her to know how to invest and handle money, he decided that he . First, her annuity isnt going to double her money in 10 years, or in 110 years. Questions like yours fit best here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/ask-jlcollinsnh/. If you havent already, be sure to read my stock series starting here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/04/15/stocks-part-1-theres-a-major-market-crash-coming-and-dr-lo-cant-save-you/. Not sure I totally agree with home ownership portion, but can see the point. Sane people dont want to be bothered. I think your thinking, and your four steps, are spot on including 1 and 4A. Thats where the most beautiful travel is for me. I never contributed again. It certainly is not what motivates her to work. Serbia Youll find the answers to your specific questions here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/11/12/stocks-part-xxvii-why-i-dont-like-dollar-cost-averaging/. I will say, for those who want to own a home, now is an excellent time to be a buyer. Lo can't save you. Before you start implementing anything, I strongly urge you to read the Stock Series here on the blog and/or my book. My wife and I just turned 24 and are only starting this whole journey, so this post for your daughter has been extremely useful. yep, our conversations over lunch and dinner certainly helped forcus my thinking. This will be easy to access anytime, but of course youll have to pay capital gains and youll not want to put yourself in the position of having to sell in a down market. So is J.L. Jackie Collins and her daughters (from left) Tracy, Tiffany and Rory celebrate a birthday. The money might be too remote to motivate. You are truly making a difference in peoples lives. After spending months sifting through so much information regarding investing and opinions Ive decided its now enough. So know I have this 401k, I checked it in July 2012 and it was 7000k plus. If you play with snakes, to quote Dave Ramsey, youll eventually get bitten. Now I just need to make time to have a little wander around here. By the way, it is a Roth TSP. Which way should I go? So, this is not a gospel, but a guideline. Her father Joseph William Collins was a successful talent agent and mother Elsa Bessant Collins was a former nightclub hostess. Our experts choose the best products and services to help make smart decisions with your money (here's how). Yes, I always reinvested dividends in the wealth accumulation stage. By doing this, I don't have to pick individual stocks or worse, try to time the market and worry about the best times to buy or sell. As the holidays end and the New Year begins, we wanted to update you on everythingPATHFINDERS-related. Report DMCA Overview They could rewrite the law and tax it after all. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. Its called stoozing and its obviously only for those that are disciplined enough to make sure its paid off before the 0% period expires but a fair amount of money can be made. Money management is very important and teaching my daughters this fact, is one of my goals also. However at the moment 66% of my worth is in the property. 2. Saving account. (My 16yo son is a saver, so he will probably be more excited about it, but its something he needs to hear.). If you havent read it already, heres my story: You might decide to continue. Well, there was the stagflation of the 1970s, the crash of 87, the tech collapse of 2000 and that little dust-up in 2007-8. Thats why Im not concerned with specific international investments for diversification. You can eat my Vindaloo, mega lottery, Blondie, Noa, Israel Kamakawiwo 'Ole, art, film and a ride on the Space Shuttle. Youve read the whole blog?? Personally, I prefer gross because it is the more aggressive choice and will get me where I want to be fastest. Thanks for all your hard work on the site. No house (renting) Being single and with your savings/investment discipline this is your best option. glad you like it! I urge my readers to check it out. Debt, whether good or bad, represents an amount that you owe to someone else. So, what does a month in Ecuador cost anyway? New subscriber here! 20K personal loan to a friend hoping for 2% return over next two years. My dads been retired since 2005 and my mom has a few more years to go, since Im still in college and my older sister is in law school. The wheel always turns. Lo can't save you. Glad you are enjoying it around here. It seems like unhedged is better for the long term. No exotic, hard to understand investments, No weekly, monthly or even yearly management, This is an index fund. You can learn more about exactly what that means anytime (. Lily moved with her mother to LA at the age of five, after her parents split up. What would be the pros/cons to each? Upon changing my 401k contributions Ive come up with some ideas, and I would appreciate your opinion. All the best RA. Stocks Part XXIX: How to save money for college. I cant wait to hear your theory on hunters and gatherers. We discuss with father and daughter duos JL and Jessica Collins, and Doug Nordman and Carol Pittner. He strongly recommends Vanguard for several reasons. There is no need now or in the future to switch to VTSAX. @JLCollinsNH. In 2011, he wrote a series of letters to his daughter about money and investing; what had worked and what had kicked him in the ass. At first, all those mortgage loans at once scares me but my neighbor will be having a nice retirement in his late 50s when money will be working for him while he manages the rentals. Please help me with this. You might also check out: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/01/27/stocks-part-xxi-investing-with-vanguard-for-europeans/. It doesnt matter how much money you have you just need to sign up and link. Eventually I would find myself noting each time I passed a $5,000 boundary. Its just not a good investment. 3) Avoid debt. Buy cost 0.15%, Sell cost 0.10% -Savings accounts for each at our credit union to catch any new birthday gifts, holiday money, etc. Thank you for your blog! Tricky. The cost of attendance was 35% higher when I started to college. Debt free. As you make your way further thru the blog the answer to your question will become clear in some detail. Realize the market and the value of your shares will sometimes drop dramatically. This means that Vanguard's interests are directly aligned with the interests of its investors. Also, the Vanguard options with my 401k are as follows: VBMFX Total bond market, VFINX 500 Index , NAESX Small Cap. $100,000 annually before tax. 10-year = 8.61% Case Study #I: Putting the Simple Path to Wealth into Action. But when you can live off of 3-4% per year of your net worth you are also free. While in the IRA it grows tax free. Another is that, since we do live in this complex, technical world you had best learn about money. The subscribe is a no-brainer! Thank you for sharing the simple version of your philosophy; Ill be sharing this with young relatives. To me, a $1,000 emergency fund has always seemed like a great start, but never enough. And God saying, Ah, man. The actual return for any given year can be much higher or much lower. Not the money it earns, but whatever you put in. The other marvelous irony is, my own father, who for years have been lecturing me on a frugal life is extremely conservative in terms of investing (especially since vanguard has no local office); so Ive been forwarding him your stock series, one article at a time, to let him slowly digest the content of the path you so masterfully laid out for me and for all the readers here. Nightmare on Wall Street: Will the Blood Bath Continue? Id like to start him off with $250-500 and go from there, but I dont know where the best place would be. Thanks so much. Dont. But many will try hard to make it theirs. High praise from and wordsmith such as yourself. How I lost money in real estate before it was fashionable, Part II: The Limits of the Law. Love the simplicity. It could happen according to Kondratieff wave for example. "JL Collins is a masterful writer, storyteller, and financial educator. I currently rent an apartment which is significantly less expensive then the property. New vs Used Cars: What does buying a new car really cost over the years? And if UGMA is the best route for a 1 year old? The Richest Man in Babylon. Checking account. You dont mention your income level, but remember there are limits to how much you can invest in a 401k: $17,500 I think is the current ceiling. with a regular IRA all $5000 goes in. Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available. Both due to the short duration of the funds invested, and because of tricky situation of people we know in common, I didnt feel it was diplomatic to all the sudden use the phrase your service is no longer needed. With no debt, this perfectly doable. I very much appreciate your kind words and Im pleased you have found value here. The author created the book for his adolescent daughter, who has little interest in investing and therefore needs an easy, automatic path to achieving her financial goals. How sad. I can see in my 403b with Transamerica via work that there are some vanguard funds, do i just add to them, or do i go to vanguard independently of the 403b.. i know nothing about how this works thanks! For that last one I sometimes get credit. Great to see you here. I like it!! However, if these funds are in a tax-advantaged account, think IRA or 401k, you can move them without tax consequences. Author and financial blogger JL Collins brings his refreshingly unique and approachable take on investing to Google.The author of "The Simple Path to Wealth:. This applies to more than just money. Niger They then set the payouts accordingly and low enough that they are left with handsome profits and plenty of money to pay those who live for an exceptionally long time. Personally, Im pretty flexible with my own withdrawal rate, but then Im very comfortable with a reduction in lifestyle if things move against me. Case Study #10: Should Josiah buy his parents a house? . for those of you worried about them. book: Addendum:This is a good primer on getting started with retirement plans: if I were like him, Id watch my account balance grow to $1,000. Its greatly appreciated from a true newbie like me. The details will vary country to country, but the principles still apply. are really amortized and thus a renter is paying for it anyway (however big complexes have benefit of buying at wholesale prices sometimes, but still a renter pays for this in the long run), additionally, these articles are coming just after the crash, and with the advice you mentioned about stocks (buy when they drop while others pull out), this is a great time to get a house at a steal (but an opportunity only if you are in the market now, and need to be in it for the long haul as with investments as you mentioned). No one taught me, and at 46 years old, I am in really bad shape financially. If you decide to hang it up, Great! As promised, Im here to update you on my progress to the FU money over the last year. Today we hear from Artem Voronov, a reader in central Russia, on what staying the course looks like when your country has become a global outcast . Gold star! The other thing is Im considered full-time seasonal (Mining industry), but Ill still be able to save on unemployment. From there it might even become part of my second book which I intend to be based on these. 3)Max out wifes VTSAX roth IRA, 4a )Max out the 401k for tax benefits Even if you started with a lump sum of $381,600 ( $72k X 5.3 years ) it would only grow to around $600k, which means theyd be trying to get by on $24k per year? Unfortunately for us, I wasted decades and lots of money trying to beat the market picking individual stocks. Stocks are pieces of ownership in operating businesses. I am investing for generations. I have no student loans (due to MANY scholarship applications) and maxed out Roth last year. Youre inspiring more folks like me than you can imagine. Many of the large companies are international in scope. Your lifetime seems to have aligned with long term bull markets. The percent you hold is a personal choice based on your own risk tolerance. i cant believe Jessica is in college. Read our editorial standards. While I do pretty well with the big picture stuff, for me, its a trip to the dollar store where I easily lose control. Ive lived, worked, and traveled in over 50 countries over the last 15 years I reckon: Since my daughter started working, I do something somewhat similar. I also hope she has access to other capital in case of emergencies. Money grows tax free in his name. Ive just finished writing the foreword for Akaisha & BillyKaderlis new upcoming bookThe Adventurers Guide to Early Retirement, A New Perspective. Youll find most of the answers to the questions you are asking. But work is a lot easier to take when you have F-you money. (If I calculated it correctly) This was a monumental step in my personal finance and I (and future me) cant thank you enough! Ill look forward to your feedback on it. Its hard to find solid advice to build a foundation in anything these days, whether it be diet, exercise, or any other activity. Only then will you know the risks and the potential. Rent vs Owning Your Home: Opportunity Cost and Running Some Numbers, The bashing of Index Funds, Jack Bogle and a Jedi dog trick, Selling the House and Adventures in Staging. Time to be a buyer after her parents split up is significantly less expensive then the property times the picking... Aggressive choice and will happily squander yours be fastest questions like yours fit best here: https: //www.vanguardinvestments.com.au/retail/ret/investments/funddetailVISIF.jsp Strong. Of its investors follows: VBMFX Total bond market, VFINX 500 index, NAESX Small Cap sooner might., now is an index fund some ideas, and I would your. Given year can be much higher or much lower that means anytime ( words and Im pleased have! In 110 years of a fund, like VTSAX an invaluable resource making! 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