When a heal with a kit is needed, the macro looks at all available types and chooses the one with the highest return bonus which is currently likely to succeed based on the MinimumHealKitSuccessChance setting. Priority will not take over until target is dead, UseArcs [true/false]: Arc war spells are used rather than bolts, if both are known for the best level the macro is able to cast, ArcRange [##]: Sets the minimum range to cast arc spells, DeleteGhostMonstersByHPTracker [true/false]: An alternate method for the deletion of ghost monsters which works for melee, missile, and mage attacks. (some enhancements require the Radar Add-On), Decal Plugin to help with creating content on ACE. Changes made within profiles are saved immediately and automatically. See. Update http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6604527/Downloads/data_cod_TN_Directions.xml. Currently there are two loot plugins available: VTClassic (included in the bundle) and Alinco3. PetRangeMode [0/1]: Determines what monster range is used when summoning a combat pet. JumpOutWandCasting [true/false]: For healer's heart, when enabled, the macro jumps right after using the heart. I am also salvaging a variety of materials with it. Allows you to set hotkeys to perform functions created by different plugins. They are controlled by: This is a bug in AC. See the Armor Set IDs section for ID numbers. 1 = By Range, 2 = By Angle, 3 = Both, TargetSelectAngleRange [##]: Above this range, when target select is "both", targets are selected by range, DebuffEachFirst [1/2/3]: Casts debuffs for each valid target before beginning attack. People were using it to kill off tradebots in the marketplace. "/vt settings save ProfileName"). When Target Lock is enabled, the macro will prefer to attack the monster that you select. A 15% defense bonus will be entered in as 1.15 in the editor, a 4% magicd bonus will be entered in as 1.04. Set BuffedLongValueKey>= -> BuffedMaxDamage to the desired damage. Both of those time periods (5 and 20 minutes) can be customized. Found in your VirindiPlugins\VirindiTankClassicLooter folder (typically C:\Games\VirindiPlugins\VirindiTankClassicLooter). This page was last modified on 3 February 2015, at 03:45. How do I set up Looting in Virindi Tank Classic Looter? Little is known of their intentions, but they are very powerful and capricious, and are . Ventrilo 3.0.0 is the next evolutionary step of Voice over IP (VoIP) group communications software. Virindi Tank support is available on the DecalDev Forum or ingame in the Vigeneral channel of Virindi Integrator 2. Here's how to do it: Unknown scrolls are looted if your buffed skill in their magic school is greater than 15 points below the spell's difficulty. Visit the Virindi Integrator2 page for a detailed breakdown of the plugin. I can't seem to find a guide that breaks down how to actually use the thing. Long Value: #, Note: Armor and underwear have different values for coverage of what sounds like the same body parts, don't get them mixed up. "Random Helper Buffs" is not really something that is intended to have a real use now, I simply never removed it because there wasn't any point in doing so. Provides the user with a handy way to hunt down rare spawns. "Target Lock" is an old concept from ElTank. . This is not always easy, but it can be achieved and the improved speed while looting is worth the effort. You will now see a drop down menu labeled as "Requirement type". RechargeBoostTimeSeconds [##]: Maximum time for the recharge boost effect to last. Non-Bundle VVS Plugins. AC Icon Browser lets you quickly browse and export the icons available in AC's client_portal.dat file. Aside from waypoints you can input Recalls, Use Portal/NPC, Pauses, Chat commands and Jumps. "Raider" indicates Raider Lightning ammo, and "SCurrency" indicates ammo from Colosseum, Graveyard, and Paradox-touched Olthoi Infested Area. TownCrier can also send webhooks on timed intervals (e.g., sending your unassigned XP every hour). The Octagram plugin is a plugin for use with the Summoning Skill. The KV-1 was a well-regarded vehicle, almost impervious to anti-tank weapons of the day; and it was armed with a powerful 76mm gun that could knock out any tank in German service. What you need to do is have other requirements that confine the armor type, and then also a color requirement. It has a built in loot rule system with an in-game editor. It is a precaution so you don't sell your gear you want. You should now see "[Char]ProfileName" in your macro settings dropdown list. Virindi Tank provides a standalone loot editor called Virindi Classic Looter. Aside from the Vtank Classic Looter, you can also use. See webpage for more info. but then when I check the box next to 'Show Editor,' seemingly nothing happens. any profile is better than the .los im forced to use now, it wont even pick up dark monolith gems! You can "/filter -spellcasting" without issues. shaithan. Why are some unknown scrolls looted and not others? Long Value: #. Version 2.8.3 10/31/2004 - Sixth Sense acts as an extended radar for Asheron's Call, giving you notification and coordinates of a configurable set If you are running Virindi Views, joining a VI2 fellow will create a new window with information about other fellow members. Create an account and let me know ingame or in a Decal Board PM, and I will grant your account edit permissions. UseRecklessness [true/false]: When true, attacks using recklessness if available. Mag-Enhanced Virindi Classic Looter is now automatically installed with the Virindi Tank Bundle. Improve Egg Orchard hunting routes. Use these requirement modifiers to hone in on what you want to loot. This point type can ensure that you really made it around a corner or through a doorway. The Comps tab stores a list of user selected items to automatically purchase from vendors, Select who you want to follow and Press the "FC" button, "C" toggles "Follow character around corners", Enabled: Follows the leaders exact route - Mostly used inside, Disabled: Runs directly at the leader - Mostly used outside. Allows you to manipulate the camera so that you can either follow your missile attacks or change the center of focus onto another item or creature. This is the reason for using [ByChar] as a template to make new profiles. You are able to hightlight, copy and paste text . ), Set BuffedLongValueKey>= -> BuffedArmorLevel to desired armor level, In SpellMatch and Count add the word "Epic", and the minimum spells required to match. I thought for sure once I had figured out how to create the new profile, I'd be able to jazz it up how I'd like. Components you would like to keep supplied by splitting peas should be add to your Consumables panel. Calculates death item drops. The monster list can be very simple or quite complex, depending on your needs. Check out Monster List Matching for more information. Set BuffedMissileDamage to the desired damage (see Notes). Optionally, if you check 'Rebuff when idle' your macro will begin to rebuff at 20 minutes left on timer Follow the instructions at Virindi Views#Uninstalling. When casting Fists, you will have to manually position your character. I can't seem to find a guide that breaks down how to actually use the thing. shaithan. Option for Login protection to this application. For detailed explanations of the individual options on the main tab, visit the Standard Options page. A tool to facilitate shopping at trade bots. A filtering plugin for text in the AC chatboxes. I'm wondering if that's possible with any combination of the above plugins and whatever settings? Controlled by Monster Range on the Virindi Tank Standard Options. For instance, this allows the macro to create blue kits out of bobo comps if "Plentiful Healing Kit" is listed in the Consumables panel. To attack with melee/archer, VT always uses the del/end/pgdn keys. Click "New" on the bottom left, this will create a new rule for you to play with. As of version, nether damage should be autoselected if War Magic is not trained, Void Magic is trained, and no rend melee/ranged weapons are available. Because there are no level restrictions in a VI2 fellow they are ideal for power-leveling characters under 50. See chat command, BuffCastRecast_Seconds [##]: After casting a single buff, the time until rebuffing every other buff is reduced by BuffCastRecast_Seconds for BuffCastReset_Seconds, BuffCastRecastReset_Seconds [##]: After casting a single buff, the time until rebuffing every other buff is reduced by BuffCastRecast_Seconds for BuffCastReset_Seconds, AutoCraftItems [true/false]: When enabled, the macro crafts known components that result in items in the Consumables panel, if your character has none. Available for download on the Virindi Plugins page. StopMacroOnDeath [true/false]: Causes the macro to become disabled when the character dies, RefillWornMana [true/false]: Uses mana charge types specified in the Consumables panel to refill worn items, RefillWornMana-Item-ManaPercent [##]: Sets the minimum percentage of mana left on an item at which to refill, ManaStoneLootCount [##]: The maximum number of usable mana stones the macro will try to keep in your inventory when looting, ManaTankMinimumMana [##]: The minimum mana required for an item to be used to fill mana stones, ManaChargesWhenOff [true/false]: When true, mana charges and stones are used to keep equipped mana filled even when the macro is disabled, AutoFellowManagement [true/false]: When true, automatically recruits players on request, and manages waiting lists and votes when acting as the fellowship leader (See Virindi Tank Fellowship Commands), DeleteGhostMonsters [true/false]: Attempts to detect when monsters appear to be there but really do not exist, and signals the client to delete them, GhostMonsterSpellAttemptCount [##]: The number of times the macro must attempt to cast a spell on a monster, without the spell starting, before the monster is marked as ghost, WhoYouGonnaCall [true/false]: No Function, BlacklistMonsterAttemptCount [##]: The number of successful attacks that must miss a target before it is blacklisted, BlacklistMonsterTimeoutSeconds [##]: The amount of time a monster is blacklisted for being unhittable. Now click New again, you now can add a second requirement, this time let's go to LongValueKey>= in the first drop down, and MaxDamage in the second. VirindiOCS (Old Comp System) tracks the burning of components, predicts runtime, and allows you to purchase the proper ratios of components for a particular approximate runtime. Calculates how much your str/end/etc should cost based on the costs of your skills. http://forums.decaldev.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8672, http://www.virindi.net/wiki/index.php?title=Virindi_Plugins_FAQ&oldid=1265, If you also have 255 War Magic, then the rule is 250 plus 25 for, All (Bludgeon, Pierce, Slash, Acid, Lightning, Cold, Fire), If health is below 15%, stamina to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal and a restam, If health is below 15%, mana to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal, a restam, and a stamina to mana, If health is below 15%, heal self is used if available, If health is below 15%, healing foods are used if available, A healing kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable and UseKitsInMagicMode is true, Stamina to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal and a restam, Mana to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal, a restam, and a stamina to mana, If health is below 15%, healing foods are used if available (this is faster than a kit if one could be used, which is usually better at such low health levels), A healing kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable, Stamina to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal and a restam (requires a stance change), Heal self is used if available (requires a stance change), A stamina or mana kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable and UseKitsInMagicMode is true, Stamina to mana or revitalize is used if available, A stamina or mana kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable, Stamina or mana foods are used if available, Stamina to mana or revitalize is used if available (requires a stance change). This download is for people who need .NET to run an application on their computer. I currently am able to simply fight manually, but as soon as I'm done VT will automatically move to any nearby corpses and take over the whole process, except for sorting (haven't gotten that far into setting everything up yet) If I turn off looting in VT I can open the corpses I want and Magtools will pick stuff up but nothing gets salvaged, even if I turn VT back on. Transltes spell words (e.g. Will open doors automatically. Basically just ad a "1." Sells peas. ApproachDistance [##]: Sets the maximum approach distance, CorpseApproachRange-Max [##]: The maximum approach distance for corpse looting, CorpeApproachRange-Min [##]: The minimum approach distance for corpse looting, NavFarStopRange [##]: Causes navigation to be disabled if the macro runs too far off course, DoorIDRange [##]: Minimum distance the macro will ID a door, DoorOpenRange [##]: The distance at which the macro attempts to open doors, EnableNav [true/false]: Enable/Disable Navigation, CorpseApproachRange-Min [##]: The minimum approach distance for corpse looting, NavFarStopRange [##]: Causes navigation to be disabled if the macro runs too far off course, CorpseCacheTimeoutMinutes [##]: The time in minutes after which a corpse will be removed from the corpse cache, OpenDoors [true/false]: When True, will cause the macro to open doors within range, DoorLockpickDiffExcessThreshold [##]: The number of lockpick skill points above a door's pick difficuty that is required for a door to be considered pickable, NavPriorityBoost [true/false]: Causes the macro to navigate before attacking. AgentZ is a general chat handling, xp tracking and HUD plugin with several additional features. A webhook plugin for Decal. Cookie Notice A collection of small utilities. It has a number of specialized sorting criteria for scrolls, salvage, and mana stones. Timo Kissing Improve Egg Orchard hunting routes. Acts On: "EquipableSlots" set LongValueKey>= -> ArmorSetID to 1. Input items you wish to track on the Setup tab, If something is detected you will be alerted in chat and the item will be listed on the Detected tab. Virindi Tank will not duplicate monster debuffs cast by other members of the same Virindi Integrator2 (VI2) 'fellow'. How does Virindi Tank choose when to buff? 08-23-2012, 09:01 AM #6-Cronos-View Profile View Forum Posts . How do I get Virindi Tank to refill the mana of my items? This plugin displays the status of what mode your bow is in. Virindi Tank Help. Their faces -- if they have faces at all -- are concealed by grotesque, white masks. How do I get Virindi Tank to use special arrows? in front of the value you wish to loot. You can make vtclassic profiles and sell on a button click in Virindi Item Tool, but you cannot sell gear. for 5% elemental damage wands, it would be 1.05, for 12% 1.12, etc. Currently only the Bundle version works with Decal due to changes in the game related to the introduction of Void Magic. A Mana tracker, Chat filtering and Item Information on Identify Plugin. A max damage bow, with bd8 and epic blood thirst should look like this: (130/3)+16+2+7 = 68.3, Set BuffedDoubleValueKey>= -> BuffedElementalDamageVsMonsters to desired value. Visit the @tell Sound alert setup page for instructions, The Virindi Tank Meta system is a way to control what the macro is doing on a higher level than normal operations. I've never used to program before and I've no clue what I'm doing. Used to calculate tinks to make the best covenant armor suit. points A and B as well as display in game maps of dungeons. Scrolls which match your current loot profile are saved rather than read, even if you don't know them. Filters out your evade and zero damage messages. Cookie Notice Advised to use VTank OpenDoors instead, Decal tinker/buff/portal bot plugin Visit the Main Page and select the plugin you wish to learn more about. 1 = Spell Level, 2 = Skill, DeleteGhostMonsterByHPTracker [true/false]: An alternate method for the deletion of ghost monsters which works for melee, missile, and mage attacks. There is no configuration, and it is completely stateless. Once there click the ADD button to add your current position to the list. (Note that running Virindi Integrator 2 allows others to see which character and server you are logged in to, if you are logged in as a non-anonymous user. The Virindi Tank Advanced Options allow you to tweak specific macro actions A DCS-like utility for viewing the colors of armor. Reports XP/Lum Earnings to yourself, fellowship chat, or allegiance chat. In your chat bar you will see the string "/vt settings save" - type a profile name and click enter. *****To download Virindi Tank, visit the Virindi Plugins page*****. A range of 5 translates to 0.0208333. If you edit out of game while still in game, you must reload the loot profile in vtank by switching to an alternate profile or none, and then going back on the profiles tab. Virindi Tank will now use your Alinco rules to loot whenever that .los file is selected as its loot profile. Without this setting, wands are only switched when a war attack is required, DoJiggle [true/false]: Secret spell dodge mode, TargetLock [true/false]: Causes the macro to attack the selected monster first, as long as it is a valid target. This will happen whenever a rule consists of red requirements only. For the rules shown in this guide the Virindi Bundle, and the Mag-Enhanced Virindi Tank Classic Looter must be installed. it is blocked by other characters). AttackDistance [##]: Sets the maximum attack distance. Click the Tank icon on the Virindi Views(VVS) bar to open the main Virindi Tank plugin. Assign a hotkey for one touch healing in the Virindi Hotkey window. A Quick Reference Guide for the Virindi Tank Bundle - Compiled by Hell's Wrath, Before diving in you may want to Customize Your View. Under the advanced settings crafting category, change the UseSpecialAmmo setting. 6 years ago. To create a new route select [None] from the dropdown and then click the "CopyTo" button - "/vt nav save" will appear in your char bar, type a name and hit Enter, Build and edit your routes on the Routes tab, Displays a list of loot profiles, select one to load it, Profiles loaded from your \\VirindiPlugins\VirindiTank folder, Loot profiles for Virindi Tank are built outside of game using the. Crash Recovery for your bots. Virindi Tank Corpse Approach/Looting Not Working 11 /r/asheronscall, 2020-12-30, 01:11:04 . SummonPets [true/false]: When enabled, the macro summons pets if available and listed in items. When you have Alicno loaded, it adds the buff stats to the hud. What I would like is to be able to fight and open corpses manually, then let the plugins automatically pick up loot, salvage it, and sort it. Current list of Recipes. Anyone who wishes is free to add to this wiki. It has a number of specialized sorting criteria for scrolls, salvage, and mana stones. (You can also set does not match to anything that you may not want.). These rules apply not only to AC's text, but also to the text output of all Virindi Bundle plugins. EnableBuffing [true/false]: Turns on Buffing, SpellDiffExcessThreshold-Buff [##]: See here, IdleBuffTOpoff [true/false]: When the macro is idle, it recasts buffs, IdleBuffTopoffTimeSeconds [##]: Sets the time left on buffs to begin an IdleBuffTopOff, RebuffTimeRemainingSeconds [##]: Sets the time left on buffs to rebuff normally, BuffProfile_Prots: Specifies which self prots are cast. iso vtank loot profile for high end areas, a profile that loots nothing but epics, trinkets, special items like gear markers or things of that nature. Mudsort is a powerful sorting plugin for decal it allows you to sort by multiple item attributes such as max damage, To configure VTClassic, you must create a profile with the external editor .exe, installed by the bundle installer in your VirindiPlugins\VirindiTankClassicLooter directory. Why doesn't Virindi Tank have admin alarms? Virindi Tank uses a plugin-based loot system. On the character you want the profile transferred to, uncheck Mine Only and select the Macro Settings dropdown. My character stops at each Nav point in my route and won't proceed until I press a key. If you are the leader it will send Login with both VT and Alinco3 running. Which ones are used are selected automatically based on the skills that you have trained. You can also view the entire Advanced Options which will be linked to throughout this guide. Creature buffs are always cast. Please read the Virindi Tank FAQ before posting any questions. Many of the Advanced Options can be set via the /vt opt list/set/get chat commands. Full Page View: Virindi Tank: Virindi Inquisitor: ColdEve: A general-purpose combat macro geared towards ACM play. You can choose which types of message it logs, This page was last modified on 11 February 2015, at 01:07. The Give tab is used to hand large quantities of the same type item, quickly, to another character or NPC, The Buy tab has options to select which item you need to buy, how many, and which items to sell to cover the costs(pea's/mmds), The GiveVT tab has the Go button for pre-built Buy/Sell profiles to be triggered. Auto Aetheria Revealer How do I choose which spells are used to buff? If it fails this many times, assume the client is bugged and try to use a wand. It has been reported that this is no longer an issue with Alinco3. Void damage over time spells can be selected by the Cp, DC and Cs checkboxes. Additionally it will output the remaining time to your main chat at short intervals during the last few minutes. Automatically sells partial and full bags of salvage to a vendor. It also includes a clock Not sure if this matters but under the "Surrogates" portion of Decal, there is a red X by Version 1 Plugin Surrogate. Make sure VT has this new profile selected as your loot profile on the profiles page. How does Virindi Tank choose which health kit type to use? hidden-presents. What's wrong? combat from monster spawn) you will pause buffing until the action is complete. BlacklistCorpseOpenTimeoutSeconds [##]: The number of seconds an unopenable corpse is blacklisted for, Recharge-Norm-HitP [##]: Sets the percentage at which the macro will Heal during combat, Recharge-Norm-Stam [##]: Sets the percentage at which the macro will Re-stam during combat, Recharge-Norm-Mana [##]: Sets the percentage at which the macro will get Re-mana during combat, Recharge-NoTarg-HitP [##]: Sets the percentage to which the macro will Heal when Idle, Recharge-NoTarg-Stam [##]: Sets the percentage to which the macro will Re-stam when Idle, Recharge-NoTarg-Mana [##]: Sets the percentage to which the macro will Re-mana when Idle, Recharge-Helper-HitP [##]: Sets the percentage at which the macro will Heal a fellow, Recharge-Helper-Stam [##]: Sets the percentage at which the macro will give stamina to a fellow, Recharge-Helper-Mana [##]: Sets the percentage at which the macro will give mana to a fellow, DoHelp [true/false]: If true, allies are healed/restamed/given mana. I'd recommend talking to Turb in game. So instead of one rule with a single requirement "LongValueKeyGE ArmorSetId >= 1" we can make 2 rules with that requirement and give each rule a requirement on "ObjectClass", one for Armor and one for Clothing. Waypoints in the route tab will appear to delete themselves, reloading the route reloads the waypoints (Good for ToVendor/ToDungeon routes. If you want to approach corpses at a farther range than monsters, you can do that by raising CorpseApproachRange-Max in advanced. You open Decal Den Agent, click the Options button, click Change down near the bottom and put in http://www.virindi.net/ Verify there is no spaces at the beginning or the end or the url. Which lists are used depends on both your current health level and your combat stance. read and write files from other common office software packages. In order to load a profile that you have created, or downloaded, click File, then load and choose it from the list. If I enable GearFoundry it doesn't nothing, though I haven't tried disabling MagTools and just using VT and Gear Foundry. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. It can filter chat, For an amuli coat, slot 0 would instead be the color of the BP part. Since the attacking pets were very weak, this would prevent tradebots from being killed by them. Plugin for Player Killers that will upload stats to a server for a PK Ladder type ranking system, Manage which plugins load up for specific characters, A filter to report the number of people connected to your server, A plugin to log out on death and has an anti-idle setting, Easily keep track of quest timers across multiple characters and accounts, and publish them online. Policy and Terms of Service located Here DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime Web Installer, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86), Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable, https://www.groovypost.com/howto/enable-net-framework-2-windows-8/, MSXML (Microsoft XML Parser) 3.0 Service Pack 4 SDK, MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 3 (Microsoft XML Core Services), DirectX 9.0c Redistributable for Software Developers - Multilingual, Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.0: Run-Time Redistribution Pack, https://gitlab.com/trevis/dothingsbot/wikis/recipes, https://github.com/Xanius/GoArrow-VVSEdition/releases, https://github.com/Oonej/RareHunter/releases/tag/3.0.1, Policy and Terms of Service you agree to by Viewing this page, This plugin provides a variety of enhancements to Asheron's Call. GhostDeleteHPTrackerSeconds [##]: The number of seconds that must pass with no received health updates for a target before it is considered a ghost, GoToPeaceModeToUseKits [true/false]: Causes the macro to drop to peace mode before using a healing kit, DropToPeaceModeRetryCount [##]: When trying to switch weapons, the macro will try repeatedly to drop to peace mode. (Requires Alinco World Filter), Plugin features several enhancements to AC, including view screen enhancements, inventory management, mob/item identification. You will now have a "[Char]ProfileName" profile in the Macro Settings dropdown - You can now safely begin making changes to the settings. Very simple decal plugin that outputs ID information of items to chat. You can easily achieve that and make your profile more optimized at the same time by adding a "String Value Match Name" requirement to your armor rule(s), using "^((?!Covenant). Puish Zharil) into name of the spell cast. Automates handing in gambling tokens, the trophies you get from gambling, and unlocking and handing n mnemosynes, Displays an arrow on your screen that points towards coordinats that you specify. those that require character actions during the macro process. *Note: When viewing individual tabs within the advanced options, several options will appear in multiple locations. How to Fix the Dungeon Map For Virindi And Radar Add On. Magic filtering must be disabled. Select [ByChar] from the Macro Settings dropdown then click the "CopyTo" button. As of 2/17/2015 Decal is the latest version. To optimize your profile, you should have as many black requirements as possible per rule and ideally no red ones. (You can find the values in the dropdown labeled "select a mastery"), Set LongValueKey== -> WieldReqAttribute to the desired skill (you can find the values in the drop down labeled "select a skill". (handed in the ticket) and what arena you are currently in. so you don't get spammed by spell casting messages. Open the "uTank2 settings editor.exe" file to access the editor. I am running Decal and VTank and using a custom UTL I made from LootSnob. So you don & # x27 ; t seem to find a guide that breaks how! ( VoIP ) group communications software to make new profiles ideal for power-leveling characters under 50 attackdistance #!, sending your unassigned XP every hour ) uncheck Mine only and the... Route tab will appear in multiple locations to do is have other requirements that confine the armor,. Currently there are no level restrictions in a VI2 fellow they are ideal power-leveling. Inquisitor: ColdEve: a general-purpose combat macro geared towards ACM play it be! Tank will now use your Alinco rules to loot whenever that.los file is as... Desired damage to keep supplied by splitting peas should be add to Consumables. 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Macro actions a DCS-like utility for viewing the colors of armor should be add to this wiki,. To attack with melee/archer, VT always uses the del/end/pgdn keys VTClassic ( included in the Bundle ) and.. Damage wands, it wont even pick up dark monolith gems Forum Posts short intervals during the macro settings.! Xp tracking and HUD plugin with several additional features Browser lets you quickly browse and the... '' indicates Raider Lightning ammo, and are 11 /r/asheronscall, 2020-12-30,.! Sell on a button click in Virindi Tank provides a standalone loot editor called Virindi Classic.! Will now use your Alinco rules to loot attacks using recklessness if available and in... Raider Lightning ammo, and I will grant your account edit permissions standalone loot called! Output of all Virindi Bundle plugins by different plugins powerful and capricious, and `` ''! To find a guide that breaks down how to Fix the Dungeon Map for and. To run an application on their computer don & # x27 ; Show editor, #., assume the client is bugged and try to use special arrows available on the Virindi plugins page *. The Virindi Tank choose which health kit type to use a wand into name of the value wish. Will send Login with both VT and gear Foundry ( e.g., sending your XP. And paste text to yourself, fellowship chat, or allegiance chat plugins page * * to Virindi! Buffedmaxdamage to the introduction of Void Magic drop down menu labeled as requirement. Target Lock '' is an old concept from ElTank DC and Cs checkboxes a rule consists of red only... You really made it around a corner or through a doorway ) you will see armor! 1.12, etc with Alinco3 Board PM, and mana stones filtering plugin for text in ticket... Know them Alinco3 running action is complete of specialized sorting criteria for scrolls, salvage, Paradox-touched! 1.12, etc a general-purpose combat macro geared towards ACM play Tool but... Set up Looting in Virindi Tank Bundle no configuration, and Paradox-touched Olthoi Area... Corpse Approach/Looting not Working 11 /r/asheronscall, 2020-12-30, 01:11:04, 09:01 am # 6-Cronos-View profile View Forum Posts requirement... Graveyard, and it is a general chat handling, XP tracking and plugin. Black requirements as possible per rule and ideally no red ones approach at... The Dungeon Map for Virindi and Radar add on both your current position to the desired damage ( Notes... No configuration, and mana stones for Virindi and Radar add on, change the UseSpecialAmmo setting only! The Vtank Classic Looter restrictions in a VI2 fellow they are very powerful and,. Left, this page was last modified on 11 February 2015, at 03:45 help! Provides the user with a handy way to hunt down rare spawns ). Depends on both your current health level and your combat stance the string `` /vt save. The BP part need to do is have other requirements that confine the armor set IDs for. 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Damage ( see Notes ) themselves, reloading the route reloads the waypoints ( Good for ToVendor/ToDungeon routes plugin outputs... To hightlight, copy and paste text CopyTo '' button no clue what I 'm.. To hunt down rare spawns you would like to keep supplied by peas... 'S heart, when enabled, the macro summons pets if available and listed in items while Looting worth... Pick up dark monolith gems easy, but they are very powerful and,. Two loot plugins available: VTClassic ( included in the marketplace functions created by different plugins both of time... Really made it around a corner or through a doorway saved immediately and automatically why are some unknown looted! And ideally no red ones press a key DecalDev Forum or ingame in the marketplace see a down... Attacks using recklessness if available and listed in items unassigned XP every hour ) an in-game editor to set to... `` SCurrency '' indicates Raider Lightning ammo, and mana stones im forced to use special arrows spells used! Points a and B as well as display in game maps of dungeons explanations of the Advanced Options which be. A VI2 fellow they are very powerful and capricious, and mana stones that by raising in! And what arena you are able to hightlight, copy and paste text types of message it logs this! Icon on the main Virindi Tank to use a wand Fists, you choose... Screen enhancements, inventory management, mob/item identification, slot 0 would instead be color. Xp/Lum Earnings to yourself, fellowship chat, for an amuli coat, slot 0 would instead the...

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