Since acrylics tend to have a, glossy finish to begin with, choosing a matte medium to mix in with your paints can make a. significant difference in your works final appearance. As a comparison, gloss varnishes dry almost 100% transparent and satin somewhere between the two. Hope this helps, Will, Thanks for the reply, Will. Is it safe to varnish over the whole painting or will the gesso run? Thanks, Judy, Hi Judy, many modern varnishes can be used with both oils and acrylics, it will say on the varnish description if its suitable for both. thanks for this website. Your advice would be appreciated. I may receive a few pennies if you purchase through these links but no worries, there is never any cost to the consumer for doing so! Any thoughts on whether to apply, and if so how to apply, the varnish? SOOOO . Its been a few years since you wrote this great article. Specific situation: acrylic paint on canvas. Glazing is a painting technique where thin layers of paint are applied on top of each other, usually over an opaque base layer. Hope this helps, Will, Hi Will, Thanks so much for this infoit was necessary, helpful and encouraging! It would all depend on the position of the lights that would be shining onto the painting, whether the lighting was from above (a picture light for example) of from the side (a bright low window that has strong sunlight shining through) The biggest jump in change in glare would be a change in the sheen applied. Thanks Will I am almost 67 I am feeling that with your excellent web site I am back at school! Ive used a cold wax medium as a final varnish with oil painting, as you often use it as a matting agent with oil varnishes, but havent used it as a standalone varnish with acrylics. ThanksguessI will throw out the canvas rather than take a chance! Hi Charles, yes that sounds like the perfect approach, apply an isolation coat first so you can see how the painting will look with a gloss finish, then you can judge if the satin will work the best for you. Thanks Ali, oh yes, I forgot to mention that. It dries clear and is permanent. I sometimes mount paper with acrylic mediums too. This makes it particularly handy for glazes and blending. Its a great, versatile tool that will make painting with acrylics easier! In terms of the Varnish, if its been dry and airtight it should still be ok, you can double check with Liquitex technical team but if the test samples are drying clear it would still be fine. Im currently in the process of making a two-panel painting for my school project thatll be shown in an exhibit a month from now, and Im planning on using both oil and acrylic paint as mediums, but my problem is what type of coat can I use as a finish that can be applied to oil and acrylic? I dont know about it. Hope this helps. Using a brush or a sponge, cover the paper (or other surface) with even layers of the medium. With that scale of canvas, I would definitely practise a few smaller pieces first with a brush and a spray to see which aesthetic you prefer. Would a brushed on application work better in this case for reducing hotspots? Are those two products just for the isolation coat? Its all personal preference, though! If you do a search of the forum, type in varnish, you will get many threads where varnishes have been discussed. Once before varnishing, once after varnish has dried and once when framed. Sometimes a glossy surface can appear to be more finished so may affect a customers perception, but its usually more of a case of having one even sheen that brings the painting together so the piece works aesthetically. I went back to an old box of art supplies from art school and found some Soluvar Matte Varnishes (Permanent Pigments) that still seem to be in good shape after years of being stored (never in cold environment always room temp and DRY. Also, if the painting is in sunlight having a varnish layer will add UV protection to the paint pigments, as some pigments arent as lightfast as others. When applying glitters or other embellishments, use matte medium first and dry it thoroughly before adding the glitter. Can you point out to me? I like that colours are so bright after varnishing, but I noticed sometimes there are some ugly streaks. Do I need to worry about reversible varnishes? I would always try to protect watercolours behind glass, as adding any product to the watersoluble surface of the watercolours runs the risk of re-wetting the paint and the level of protection will not be as great. I try to read couple time, but I dont seem to find you talking about removable varnish which is the kind you preferred? The boy had a little varnish left over and decided to give me the benefit of it. The work is done and sold, but I need to varnish it. In his book The Craftsmans Handbook, Cennino Cennini (about 1370about 1440) tried to create a matte varnish to his paintings; he created a recipe for varnish from whipped eggwhites. Hi Ambalika, depending on the paper used, white coloured pencil wont show very well on a giclee, but you can use pastels, heres a video on embellishing giclee with pastel you might find of interest. I'll give you plenty of mixed media examples as to when one product will work better than the other \u0026 why! The other alternative is to try water-mixable oils. Will: I have a painting that has some impasto areas, made with Golden extra heavy gel gloss medium mixed into heavy body paint, and another area that is painted with thin multiple glazes made with heavy body paint mixed with soft gel gloss (50%) and water (50%). I look forward to the oil painting one, as well. Thank you so very much Will for the advice. Can you please, please tell me why they make permanent varnish? If you want to make something look dirty or rusty this is the stuff. I tried applying a new coat but no change. Since the exhibition the painting has been in a box in my studio, but I want to offer it to other exhibitions/galleries now and after reading your article Im wondering if I should varnish it again with something different. Thank you for the amazing tips. The problem is a kind of leaves with velvety and porous texture that absorb part of the varnish, leaving stains when dry. Acrylic medium is a versatile product for use with acrylic paint and in mixed-media projects. I may give them as gifts, Im so tossed up if I should varnish or not.. Hi Heather, you could just go straight on with a polymer varnish, the isolation coat is only if you intend to replace the varnish layer in the future. Question: I purchased a recently purchased small oil painting. The final varnish is removeable turps or mineral based varnish, which may be called an acrylic varnish, but this should not be used during painting. The Matte surfaces favoured by impressionists and fauves within a primitivizing impulse in their case a return to the look of fifteenth-century tempera and fresco painting, Seeing Through Paintings: Physical Examination in Art Historical Studies byAndrea Kirsh, Rustin S. Levenson. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It can also be used to create a clear ground on canvas or paper in place of gesso, and it works as an adhesive for use in collage and image transfers. If youre using acrylics but want to try out oil paints, the matte medium can also be used with them. Since its so textured, this is not really an option for me because I wouldnt have the patience to do it! So my bubble wrap bubble marks over my piece dont seem so disastrous after all! Hope this helps, The watersoluble nature of the paint makes, thanks Will. These varnishes are not removable, and are usually called something like a varnish medium. Cheers! I am afraid another full coat of matte will dull down the painting. Is this the stuff you mean or is there a full gloss version? As much as I am an artist biased against the use of varnish on oil paintings, I found your tips worthy. It makes the surface rougher and more absorbent when it dries. Whether you simply want a matte finish or are looking to play around with several effects, we have recommendations for some of the top acrylic matte mediums (and one matte varnish). It creates a paint that flows on your surface and self-levels for seamless glazes and dissolved edges. Goldens website also covers this topic. Some sources advise not to mix acrylic paint with more than 50 percent water. Shellac is the best sealer for wood, will stick to any undercoat, and is great if you want a clear coat. I would be tempted to do a test run, even on a piece of cardboard, just so you can get used to the feel and the flow of the size. This is especially nice if you want to glaze over your work with several thin layers to create an exceptionally smooth finish. Will. As you know I have started in acrylics not so long time ago and you are so helpful. If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, ARTNews may receive an affiliate commission. Gamvar from Gamblin is a good choice. Should I also varnish or is the gel a type of varnish? Any dirt attached to the painting will be on the varnish layer and not embedded in the paint layer. And nice going answering all the comments. Thanks for sharing so much knowledge. Whether you simply want a matte finish or are looking to play around with several effects, we have recommendations for some of the top acrylic matte mediums (and one matte varnish). Will varnish make the glitter not so glittery? It prevents the formation of skin over the surface while painting. Cheers, Will. Will gloss varnish restore it? Cezannes art dealer Vollard quotes Renoir from 1879: The day before the opening, a friend came and told me that he had just been to the Salon, and that something queer seemed to have happened to my Mademoiselle Samary. Also, when it comes to isolation coats, never use anything other than gloss medium. Hi, I have used Clear Coat on my acrylic paintings often but last night I used it while in my garage on 2 very large paintings. Hi Muzzi, The only issue youll have with varnishing over glitter it that you will loose the glitter effect due to the varnish coating the surface. Also my latest painting is very large, 48 x 60. Will. Prevents glare. Hi Deborah, yes, you can apply a satin varnish straight on top of the gloss varnish. It is definitely worth considering. Will, Thank you so much Will for your input. Best wishes, Sarah. A light spray would be easier to varnish the surface without disturbing the glitter, but would lose the sparkle. Cheers, Will, Hi Will, Love your site! Will the varnish not eventually turn yellow? A thick application may result in cloudiness when dry. For a semi-gloss finish, you can try adding a small amount of cold wax medium and buffing it to give a bit more sheen, but Id test a bit first to see if the sheen level matches your existing canvas. I then applied two thin coats of a gloss varnish but now realize that the shine has in essence become part of the image which is detracting from the painting. In today's mixed media tutorial I've got some super EASY mixed media art for you to do along with me as I talk you through the differences between mod podge vs matte medium. I always turn to your sage advice in all things paint-related! Thank you for all of the information on your website. Question I painted an acrylic landscape and the darks the shadows in the trees, and the dark tree trunks all darkened as they dried (of course) until now its hard to distinguish the different tones in those areas; the different darks can no longer easily be discerned from each other. Please help! It is available in 8-, 16-, 32-, and 128-ounce jars. thank you so much Will for sharing your knowledge. 8. Is this going to be a problem? this looked pretty easy to me and I hate breathing in varnish fumes when spraying and the N95 masks always make me wonder if I am adequately protected. Matte medium has binder and vehicle but no pigment. I always think of portraits and paintings handed down to generations in the future it is definitely worth varnishing with an old school technique. Do you have any advice as to how I should seal the gold leaf before painting over with acrylics, or just sealing the leaf in general to prevent tarnishing? I have searched the Internet for days it seems trying to find an answer as to why an artist would use permanent. (Temp, humidity, et al?) Yes, I used oil first then the acrylic medium gel, Usually you would have an acrylic base and then an oil paint ontop due to the differences in drying time and the lack of adhesion of the acrylic medium onto the oil surface. Any more than this may cause the polymer in the acrylic paint to break down and lose its adhesive qualities . I did some floral painting directly on my old sanmica table top using acrylic colours. This multiuse product not only gives matte qualities to any acrylic paint but can be used to fix hard media like pastel, graphite, and chalk, and it works well as an adhesive in collage work. The artists colourmen often carried this out. -Laura, Hi Laura, it would be a very slippery surface to paint on top of the varnish and the acrylic wont adhere as well, if you dont want to remove the varnish you can roughly sand over it to give you more of a tooth but the paint still wont grab on the same as an absorbent canvas surface. When its dry, you can then apply varnish of either Matte, Satin or Gloss depending on your taste which will always supersede the glossy isolation coat finish. Totally love LOVE your site! Thanks for your excellent web site. If there are certain areas of your painting where you would like some parts to be lighter or darker but dont want to repaint them, you can add a few drops of matte medium to the paint in those areas. Cheers, Will. WE ALSO LIKELiquitex Professional Acrylic Matte MediumOne advantage of Liquitexs medium is that, unlike additives like retardants, the binder withinthem means that you can add as much medium to your paint as youd like without affecting the paints adhesion or structural integrity. Should not be that expensive as i dont afford that much. A number of things that cause streaks, from the varnish drying too quickly, to the brush technique on application, Ill be looking at different application methods in the next varnishing article. This can also be applied to acrylics. Thanks for laying it all out so clearly. I worried about putting a varnish that stays in place permanently, now I know that I must take the removable. It is a final layer only, and should not be overpainted. If your varnished painting looks a little uneven or the finish isnt absolutely perfect, dont be too hard on yourself spare a little thought for Renoir. Id try a few tests first to try and match the correct sheen to the look youre after. Man-made Synthetic varnishes do not yellow (if they do yellow at all it is a very slight shift compared with natural varnishes). Then leave it to dry for 24 hours so I can assess the level of sheen that best suits the painting colours and the environment in the painting will hang (if its a specific commission). -Is there such a thing as an expiration date on varnish? Can I just do a quick isolation coat and be done? or Spray, spray is costly. This Christmas I am giving away paintings as gifts. I suppose it came about from having a quick way of applying one layer to protect the surface. Your Info and tips are fantastic and really helpful. As long as your varnish is dry, bubble wrap is one of the best ways to go. Subscribe today and save! 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