Comet goldfish are also, of course, pretty, shining like large fish suns with their bright golden colors in any aquarium. Parasitic infections can be treated by antibiotic medication administered through the mouth or feeding pellets soaked in the medication. When Dojo Loaches are threatened or afraid, they will hide. Both the regular and golden varieties of Dojo loaches are usually available in fish stores or online, priced at around $6 or $7 per fish. Changes in water temperature can cause fish to become stressed, which can lead to a variety of diseases. Dojo Loach. These little fish are prone to nipping the fins of slow fish without their own kind to be around, but your dojo loach will have nothing to fear from that! As you can already see after reading this guide, Dojo Loaches are very approachable. Since these fish are so hardy and docile, there is a wide variety of suitable ones to choose from. The first step to finding the perfect tank mates for a dojo loach is to know what the dojo loach really needs. It is created with a variety of trees, smoothed rocks, and driftwood. Why Isnt My Puppy Eating and What Can I Do About It? Weather loaches are able to tolerate a range of temperatures from 40 to 80 degrees F., so there is the possibility of keeping them with tropical or coldwater fish. WebSumo Loaches are opportunistic feeders that will eat everything from insects to algae. Currently Alison has two large freshwater tanks. Regardless, the serpae tetra generally stays in the middle of a tank and is happy to eat all kinds of foods. Even the breeding process can last for several hours and is fun to watch and enjoy. Tank Mates Kuhli loaches are shy but sociable fish and can be housed with other peaceful, similarly-sized fish species that swim in the middle and top sections of the tank. The fish can detect changes in barometric pressure, meaning they can sense an oncoming storm front! Zebra Danios: The zebra danio is a quiteactive mid and upper dwellerwho thrives in water temperatures ranging from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The fishs exceptional unpretentiousness, calm temperament, and fascinating behavior appeal to aquarists. Having diversity in your tank will appeal to a fishs natural instincts and make them feel more at home. WebOther than water temperature Dojo Loaches are not extremely sensitive to the water chemistry of their tank. Dojo loaches are a frequently forgotten aquarium buddy for axolotls. It is important that you design your aquarium with enough hiding places. Wondering If Your Betta Fish Can Break Bones? However, all of them make great tank mates for dojo loaches. Zebra danios are peaceful and sociable! Unlike Kuhli Loach, Dojo Loaches are easy to take care of. Rinse the tank dcor to remove dust, and then arrange your decorations in the tank. However, remember that these fish will dig and burrow around the plant roots, so youll need to keep your planting well-anchored to prevent the fish from uprooting them. Aquatic mosses or ferns may be a better fit since they cling to tank decorations. We may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. However, beware of adding invertebrates and very small fish to a setup with loaches, as they might be viewed as a food source and eaten! Just Like Kuhli loaches, Dojo loaches are also mistaken for eels; as they have much similar appearance. When spring comes, the loaches should have about a half-worth day of sunshine. This courtship will last several hours, by which time the male will have fully engulfed his female. This fish can thrive in pH levels of anywhere from 6.0 to 8.0. Even if this scenario happens, you just need to reintroduce them into your tank. The height is not quite as important unless you want to provide upper-level tank mates. They are hardy fish that can happily survive in brackish water. Although these cute little freshwater fish are pretty widespread throughout Asia, they are decreasing in some areas, largely due to increased human activity and ecosystem destruction. Remove dead leaves and broken stems from your plants and add them to your aquarium, allowing plenty of space between the plants so that they can grow and spread. WebOther than water temperature Dojo Loaches are not extremely sensitive to the water chemistry of their tank. She loves goldfish, tetras, and mystery snails, and recently began experimenting with a saltwater aquarium. Although these fish are relatively small at around 3 inches long, they need a large aquarium of at least 55 US gallons (46 UK gallons) to be comfortable.. Dojo loaches can grow to around 8 inches in length or more When it comes to food and diet, Dojo Loaches are really easy to feed as they mostly eat all types of fish foods including snails. Weather loaches need water that is well-oxygenated and clean, and they prefer a moderate flow. Some hobbyists believe that dojo loaches excel in groups of at least three, whereas others claim that they prefer to be alone. They also like to eat small fishes, hence do not put them with smaller fishes than themselves. Since they prefer the surface part of your tank, they should stay well out of your Dojos way. Dojo Loaches can be purchased from online retailers that ship live aquarium fish. Lets take a look at the 15 Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates. Please do not make the mistakes of keeping these fish in the outside pond because they are well known for escaping. Dojo Loaches are hardy creatures that dont have any complicated tank requirements, and they have become hugely popular fish for beginners and experts alike. Add the filter and heater to the tank, but leave them switched off for now. Lets begin! Im so glad you found the article helpful. Ideal Water Parameters for Goldfish: 5 Measurements You Need to Know! These fish prefer a dimly lit environment, so we recommend choosing a lighting unit that you can adjust to suit your fish and planting. What Makes a Good Tank Mate for Dojo Loaches? These fishes tend to be housed in groups and will thrive in a tank with only other fish of their own species. Driftwood can also be a good addition to your Dojo Loaches tank, providing them with more hiding spots to relax. Pairing a Dojo Loach with a Kuhli Loach will greatly shorten its lifespan due to the warm temperatures. These small fish prefer the bottom of the tank and do not bother much with other fish around them provided that they have enough tank space. Then, to prevent larger filtration tubes from passing through the opening, fill them with sponge or filter media. These fish tend to stay near the bottom parts of the tank and are inactive during the day, preferring to come out at night. These two fish also thrive at the same temperature of 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Stick to something smooth since coarse or sharp materials, such as gravel, will easily cut them. Goldfish: One of the few fish species that can be housed with goldfish is the dojo loach. Dojo loaches can grow to around 6 inches long and need a minimum tank size of 55 gallons to be comfortable. Paradise fish are active, easy-to-care-for, and beautiful creatures that make great additions to any community aquarium, including with your Dojos. These fish are often the first to develop bacterial or fungal infections in a group tank. A post shared by ErieBayAquatics (@eriebayaquatics). White Cloud Minnows will not compete for food with your loach, and their peaceful nature matches up perfectly with the dojo loaches! If you have a snail problem in your tank, Dojo loaches can be extremely helpful in that they will eat the mollusks! The fish will, in most cases, have lighter bellies. This is because theyre too big for the little paradise fish to cause them any harm and they wont start fights either. Use an OTC White Spot Disease medication to treat the tank. Pairing these two together often leaves no snails left in the tank. This is mostly due to their versatility of living all throughout the world. WebThe Dojo Loach is a wonderful addition to any cool water community tank because of its peaceful nature. They typically have long bodies, so theyll match your snakelike dojo loach without posing any food-stealing threat or being aggressive. Because of their playful nature, their tank should also include a tight-fitting lid to prevent them from jumping out. They spend a lot of time in the tank exploring. The Definitive Answer. It is native to Asian waters from Japan to Korea, China, and Vietnam. Stay on top of dog food recalls here >, Have a question? Answered by Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, BVM BVS (Vet), Dog Breaks or Tears a Nail? Instead of featuring a striped pattern, Leopard Danios have spots. All rights reserved. Throughout the winter months, lighting should be reduced and gradually increased into the spring months. Dojo Loach. Weather loaches tend to hang out at the bottom of their habitat. Dojo Loaches are often used as solutions to snail problems in aquariums as it is a favorite to eat. Sumo Loaches require a powerful aquarium filter with a water flow of 4 to 5 times the tanks volume. The competition in a tank usually means whether or not fish are likely to fight one another for the same foods. These fishes are really aggressive but go well with Dojo Loaches. While Dojo Loaches can be kept alone, they do best in small groups of three or four fish. Weather Loaches like a steady stream. Since these fish can live in a wide temperature range, you can keep them in outdoor ponds in larger groups. Then, they should have a temperature between 65 and 75 ideally, though they can survive at as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit or as high as 82. It would be best if you continued feeding the fries until they are adults. Algae is not a snack Dojo Loaches usually gravitate towards, but they enjoy algae chips. The Dojo Loach is a nocturnal fish that is most active at night and usually rests during the day. As long as Paradise Fish are kept with fish that are bigger than them or do not pose a threat, they will usually be fine, so they can be housed with Dojos without any issues. They are most well-known for their unique response to weather changes and will often swim erratically or even vertically when they sense a storm approaching. The Dojo loach is often called the Weather loach. Dojo loaches are a frequently forgotten aquarium buddy for axolotls. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. A full-grown captive Dojo loach can grow to around 6 inches long, although wild specimens can be much larger than that. This is a native Asian fish that originated from Japan and China. Did you know that the Dojo or Pond loach can be taught to take food from your hand and tell you when a storm is coming? This is because theyre too big for the little paradise fish to cause them any harm and they wont start fights either. When setting up your Dojo Loaches tank, it is good to know that they do not need elaborate decorations, but giving them a few hiding spots will be appreciated. As a result, they will seek out and exploit possible escape routes. This will encourage them to start reproducing. A dojo loach can reach sizes up to 6 inches long when in captivity, though they do get longer out in the wild. Large tank mates might pose a threat. That said, these adaptable fish have been introduced as an invasive species in other locations, such as Australia and Hawaii, so the species is doing well overall. They are often seen lying out with other animals or chasing them around the aquarium. Its important to protect all aquarium decorations and plants in the tank, so the dojo loach doesnt knock anything over when digging. They show no parental activity and are capable of eating the eggsthe eggs hatch in around two to three days. Unlike Kuhli Loach, Dojo Loaches are easy to take care of. Alison P. They have a similar-looking head to other breeds of loaches. White Cloud Mountain Minnow: Just like the Zebra Danios, white cloud mountain minnows are also middle and top dwellers. In the wild, the fish eat whatever comes their way, including crustaceans, insect larvae, and small insects. However, the distinctions between males and females are minor. Theyre easy to keep safe thanks to their hardiness, even if you dont have a lot of fish-keeping experience. Unlike Kuhli Loach, Dojo Loaches are easy to take care of. These fish are not the easiest to breed, despite how easy they are to care for. Time to jump right into the tank mates that work best with dojo loaches! Activate the heater and filter. They need lower water temperatures in the 65F - 75F range (18C - 24C) which may limit the number of possible tank mates. These fish prefer to live in small schools, so youll need at least five in your tank. Captive Dojo loaches have a healthy life span of around 7 to 10 years. Treat the tank with an antiparasitic medication. Tank Mates The most important tank mate you should keep with a Zebra Loach is more Zebra Loaches. This fish is found all around the world, and it is noticeable because of its long lips! It is a peachy red color, brighter than tiger barbs, with black stripes. Tank Mates The most important tank mate you should keep with a Zebra Loach is more Zebra Loaches. The females are slightly larger and healthier than their male counterparts, and there is little knowledge about how to breed them correctly. Rosy Barbs are small and colored on the warm side of the color wheel! I have two of them that I got when I kept goldfish and now have in a tropical tank with the temperature at about 76-78 degrees F. Heres What To Do, Answered by Dr. Olivia Speight, BVSc MRCVS (Vet), How to Help an Abused Dog Recover 8 Tips and Tricks, Answered by Dr. Sharon Butzke, DVM (Vet), Have a cat? Dojo loaches have a totally cool behavior that never ceases to fascinate their owners. The head of the Loach is somewhat pointed, which is somewhat typical in this family of fish. The Dojo Loach is more susceptible to diseases than other aquarium fish due to its thin tiny scales. Dojo Loach Quick Look Care Level: Beginner Tank Size: 30-gallon minimum, 55+ gallon recommended Water Requirement: 6.0 to 8.0 pH level Water Hardness: 5 to 12 dH (degree hardness) Water Temperature: 50 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (68-72 degrees F is ideal) Adult Size: 6-10 inches Lifespan: 10 years Social: Peaceful, Sexual dimorphism exists in them. The panda cory does like to have others of its kind to dwell with. One thing that you will love about them is that they are really good pets. So, I think you would be best upscaling your tank as the loaches grow bigger. Kuhli loaches can be pretty shy and keep to themselves. Dojo loaches are active, nosy fish that spend most of their time patrolling the bottom of the tank, rooting through the substrate for food. Theyre known as one of the most beginner-friendly fish. They are great fish for any tank because they are small and non-predatory, so they will not nip or fight with your Dojos. This unique fish has acquired the name Weather Loach from its fascinating ability to predict when a storm is rolling in. They are easy to care for, making them great for beginners, and they are endlessly fascinating to watch. It loves to play, too. 7 Causes of Aggressive Goldfish Behavior & How to Stop It, How To Breed Rummy Nose Tetras What To Know, How Many Neon Tetras In A 10 Gallon Tank? Weather loaches are friendly creatures you can train to take scraps of food right from your hand, and some loach owners report that their fish even enjoy being petted! Goldfish are among the easiest aquarium fish to care for and among the most placid, making them ideal tank mates for your Dojo. The barbels also have other uses like they use barbels to bury themselves by digging into the substrate. But what are the correct tank mates for Dojo Loaches? WebThe botias are social and gregarious fish that do best in groups. Read this guide on Dojo loach care to learn everything you need to know about these remarkable weather forecasters! Do You Know How Many Betta Fish You Can Keep in a 20 Gallon Tank? The dorsal fin is situated near the tail with the last quarter of the body. The Dojo Loach can be considered a good fish for the freshwater fish beginner because it generally has undemanding water parameters, except for the temperature. Add dechlorinated tap water to just below the fill line. Quarantine affected loaches and treat the tank with antifungal medication. Flukes are parasites that attack the gills or bodies of affected fish. The fishs exceptional unpretentiousness, calm temperament, and fascinating behavior appeal to aquarists. Find the Best Aquarium Equipment Aquarium Heater | Aquarium Filter | Aquarium Light Many home aquarists avoid attempting it because the conditions are too difficult to meet. Keep in mind that Yoyo Loaches grow up to 5-6 inches long. This is a unique feature of this fish and they do it on a daily basis in the wild. It is cream beneath a stark black color, with small spots of white along the body. They are unique-looking fish indeed, with large dorsal fins and a reptilian appearance. It is social as well as attractive! They have a reputation for aggression, but it is largely among males competing in the same school, so males should not be kept together. Air stones, on the other hand, are also successful. The temperature should not fluctuate too much or significantly during the day. Large tank mates might pose a threat. These fish are omnivores that enjoy a healthy diet of vegetable matter and meaty protein. Weather loaches are able to tolerate a range of temperatures from 40 to 80 degrees F., so there is the possibility of keeping them with tropical or coldwater fish. Loaches no matter if they are Kuhli loach or Dojo Loach, they suffer from a lot of diseases and special care needs to be taken for them. WebDue to its strong personality, this fish can live with both peaceful and semi-aggressive tank mates. 15 Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates Time to jump right into the tank mates that work best with dojo loaches! Although these fish are relatively small at around 3 inches long, they need a large aquarium of at least 55 US gallons (46 UK gallons) to be comfortable.. Dojo loaches can grow to around 8 inches in length or more The Rosy Barb, or Red Barb, is a somewhat shy and peaceful fish that prefers its own space, and it is a great addition to your Dojos tank. They have unique personalities that leave you guessing about what theyll be doing. Plastic decorations are fine as long as they are large enough to accommodate the fish. These fish are bottom dwellers, so selecting food that can sink to the bottom is the best choice. You may also need to feed them a bit more. The Dojo Loach is an omnivorous fish that eats both animals and plants. Hence down below, we will talk about their tank requirements and water parameters. The tank mates you choose must be similar in size. White Cloud Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes), 5. There are few fishes that really go along with Dojo loaches. The most ideal tank mates are those that are not too small and not a larger species that will be aggressive towards the Dojo. If the barometric pressure changes, you might see your loaches going crazy in response to the conditions. The Dojo Loach is a wonderful addition to any cool water community tank because of its peaceful nature. The Dojo Loach should be kept in cool water temperatures with a pH level of slightly acidic to slightly alkaline to live a healthy life span. With proper tank cleanliness, water temperature, diet, and tank mates, the Dojo Loach will make a great companion for the next decade to come. This should be replicated as much as possible in captivity. Since they like to stay at the bottom of the tank, make sure that any other freshwater fish in the tank arent consuming any of the food until it reaches your loach. Bichirs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, in ten different species. Outside of that, your tank mate options are rather extensive. Caused by internal parasites, causing weight loss even though the fishs appetite is normal. The gold spot dwarf pleco may be small, but it makes up for that tiny size in beauty. They need lower water temperatures in the 65F - 75F range (18C - 24C) which may limit the number of possible tank mates. Moreover, always be careful while adding new fishes, plants and foods to make sure that they are not carrying any types of bacteria or diseases. Dojo loach tank mates One of the most important things to consider when getting a dojo loach is that while they are peaceful fish that will get along with tropical fish, they will not thrive in the temperatures that those same fish require. Since they stay on the bottom of the tank, they would do best in a wider and more shallow tank than a tall tank. Tanks that are larger are often favored. This affordable snake-like fish will always have you on your toes with its playful personality, especially when kept in groups of three or more. And need a minimum tank size of 55 gallons to be housed in groups of three four. That tiny size in beauty nip or fight with your Dojos choose must be in! Tanichthys albonubes ), 5 to feed them a bit more loaches and treat the tank is the loaches... Because of its peaceful nature matches up perfectly with the Dojo Loach tank the... Important tank mate options are rather extensive should not fluctuate too much or significantly during the.. These remarkable weather forecasters Cloud Minnows ( Tanichthys albonubes ), 5 the barbels also other... Feeding the fries until they are unique-looking fish indeed, with black stripes fish due to the chemistry. 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