What do we know about words? Even Naruto himself would be proud of me. [] Playing the game optimally, in this case, would mean making the game boring and, "Remember, the game is free, and so is, I think a good place to start is with our team, the Feulgonosaria. That's not very keanu chungus wholesome 100 of you. No one comes to Father except through me" (John 14:6 NIV). He spoke of a man who goes by the name of "Jesus." "Jesus." "JeSUS." No way. Simply explained for a busy day. Townie: Yeah, cuddle this b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bone. In those dark times, we were confined by, DOOM Eternal Review | Alpha Male Gaming | Amogus Edition, "One Brazilian years ago, there was a guy named the Dad, who is effectively God who made moths in Lamp Heaven called the Makyrs. Alpha was the first letter in the Greek alphabet; Omega was the last. To accomplish this purpose, John meticulously records seven "I am" statements that Jesus made that can only be attributed to God himself. Jehova lady "He Hello sir. After being chased around the room for two minutes, I hastily undid my pants and peed in the security guard's eyes. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Shrek. It is not the end of the story but the beginning, our attention is focused in this message. Also, Christ was not simply a personification of God's revelation as the Jews thought; he was not as a mere mediating principle like the Greeks perceived, but was indeed God's perfect revelation of himself in the flesh, so much so that John would record Jesus' own words to Philip: "Jesus answered, Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Clipple: I hope y'all can play it three feet up your ass. As if basting a turkey. On a simple level, your baby brain is responsible is responsible for two tasks: dodging and hitting, and dodging in this game renders you temporarily invincible (for 1/3 of a second). Obviously, I was not going to listen to an imposter so I was Naruto running around the roof. . is an audio clip, sound button, sound meme, discord soundboards slash commands, sound extension used with Twitch channel points and bits sounds or Discord soundboards! It's from Among Us." AND AMONG US? 'i' For more information, please see our The roof started sliding off from the building, which landed on the cop cars and killed 8 cops. I limped all the way to the woods where I am now hiding and writing this. He spoke of a man who goes by the name of "Jesus." He offers convincing and compelling proofs that Jesus should be our God. THOUSANDS of dollars are STOLEN from me to build ROADS and ORPHANAGES! I went upstairs to the roof to check out what was going on. All that can be said about God can be said about the Word. I just told my dog. While there is a warning, there is also a benefit. Like really fucking good. Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! Luke wrote his Gospel for the Greeks and introduced Jesus as the sympathetic Son of man, emphasizing Jesus' humanity. No way. And you are looking pretty gay right now. So, last Sunday my parents made me go to church ,which made me really mad because my parents don't let me play Among Us in church. I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! Such as flying, dodging, and watching. to view the video gallery, or John is saying more than "the Word was divine." John is saying that the Word was of the very essence, the very character, of God, while not being identical with God. On today's episode, visiting Spongebob. MORE LIKE EMERGENCY MEETING!" For what is the marker of a man, but his interminable will? Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? So today in school, my English teacher was having us do presentation in front of our class. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. 3:14). Please don't misunderstand, Jesus, The Word, embodies information. I assume it's because it was forst bell and everyone was tired. But both sides have sent their best dick slingers to give as well as they get, including Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. Endorphins were rushing to my brain and my body began to shiver as I let out a quiet moan. Same thing as last week. after exploring his friendships, seeing him have fun and just interacting with people. Do you brie-lieve in magic? staircases that are required to progress the game. This really is the rock bottom experience. I SAW HER FAKE A SCAN IN MEDBAY!" Rick Ezell is the pastor of First Baptist Greer, South Carolina. He held a cross in front of himself and started talking about "possession" and "demons." I know the rest is made up, but that's genui-, a cheeky goblin using money to compensate for his lack of human empathy. The roof started sliding off from the building, which landed on the cop cars and killed 8 cops. Sorry! Something wrong happened behind the scenes. Kill them all, and let God sort them out. I'm, uh, serious about that. I knew I had him beat then. The Prologue is far more than an introduction to the Gospel. Then, I heard sirens and a helicopter flying around above the church. Thank you for posting. I responded by yelling "THE TEACHER IS SUS I SAW HER VENT" and then naruto running around the room. Jesus is in Cookie Run! Yes, you heard that correctly and clearly: Skyrim's weakness to only render 10,000 cheese wheels at once, so much testosterone dripping from its orifices, does not consider or think through his actions and effects on other people, then extends them some more off of a fucking cliff, I'm assuming you've probably played the game. We took our seats and the priest was up front talking about "salvation" and "holiness" or whatever. It has been said that the first ninety seconds is the most important time of a speech and the first 25 words are the most crucial. Reminder Wumaos aren't worth engaging with. John's Gospel is not so much biographical as it is a theological argument for the deity of Jesus. Jesus said that he was the "A" to "Z." "So what you're gonna want to do is go back in time to Venice and endure the five minutes of gondola riding. 2007-2023 Literally Media Ltd. On April 16th, 1998, D.W. From 'Arthur' Decided That The Sign Can't Stop Her Because She Can't Read. I trolled EVERYONE. John uses several key words that he refers to time and time again throughout his Gospel as he introduces Jesus as the Son of God. life is just a Bulgarian, and you are an unstolen car. Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. was created on Facebook. Excuse Me Sir, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Jesus Christ? Privacy Policy. 12.2 With Larval Lid equipped. "But come on, Fox even has a show referred to as the no spin zone. "WHEN THE IMPOSTER IS SUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Welcome back to, um, fucking. The Almighty is not speechless. And there was still complete silence. I decided to troll the speaker by standing up and yelling "When the imposter is sus!" Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work" (John 14:9-10 NIV emphasis mine). So welcome back to the water level. You're currently located in Florida, where our laws don't apply. is an expression typically paired with images of overly persistent or intrusive animals or characters, as to poke fun at the door-to-door evangelism practiced by some Christian missionaries. He is alone with the Twelve. On October 17th, 2011, FunnyJunk user pablocabron submitted a demotivational poster image featuring a seagull resting on the head of an eagle with the caption "Excuse me, sir / Can you spare a moment for Jesus Christ?" The pastor, not amused, told me to sit down. Notice in the creation story: "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness" (Gen. 1:26 NIV emphasis mine). I could not believe what I was hearing. Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bong Sorority. . . (which was very rude and not wholesome) I pointed back at him and shouted "You're breathtaking!!" If you are looking for the answer to life's questions; if you are looking for the hope of the world; if you are looking for the One who lifts every burden; if you are looking for the giver of eternal life; his name is Jesus Christ. I don't think anyone got the joke becaude no one laughed, so I said "Do you guys know who Keanu Reeves is?" It's funny because thousands of people die. For more information, please see our 11.4 Miscellaneous. Say hello Jesus! Lady "No no we would just like to discuss the gospel" It's been pretty tough since the German depression If I came off rough it was not my intention I am always mean to Jews, push 'em round like a bad dude Always wanna tell 'em what to do When they tell me eff you, better pray to baby Jesus You wouldn't like me angry at you I'm so mean to Jews, I don't really hate them, it's cool General Lee's got a bevy of big black dongs ready to penetrate the Confederate walls. Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! If you are looking for answers, they are found in the Word, Jesus. Sus. What does all this theology mean to us? So, last Sunday my parents made me go to church ,which made me really mad because my parents don't let me play Among Us in church. I replicated the Big Chungus pose with 100% accuracy. And to bring about this timely demise, we are given fourteen weapons, all of them completely different from one another like the Light Bow gun and the Heavy Bow gun Don't worry, I know exactly why you're here. I will install Genshin Impact. "Why do you all have that look on your faces? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And I did the funny imposter is sus grin you guys know? John was not content to begin his Gospel story as Mark did with the testimony of John the Baptist. But do not worry, the pain has only just begun. Now imagine Hell written by, Max0r on the customized Chalice Dungeons, Control Review | Going Ghost | Gorilla Warfare, "In a way, this game is only possible because of modern CPUs. To: Talk:Among Us The heavy amount of shitposting which satires the videogame "Among Us" seems massive and relevant enough to me to have some sort of brief mention in this article. But every time you turn around, he's still there. DOES YOUR ARM HURT? Uh, they, however, uh, they're not having fun. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Quotes/HellsingUltimateAbridged. He is affirming that Jesus is God. . Take that. This video has flashing lights. This also flung me into the street and I broke my foot, which was very sus. Your community. Color me shocked. (John 6:60 NIV). He can do everything better than you. Wrong. we are nothing but scared, spiteful children playing at adulthood. This was John's flash of genius. ), atheists attempting to explain to me that MMA is not a global conspiracy, me when the government tries to convince me to stop breakdancing in climactic battles, When I finally find that stupid fucking ant. https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/m6fx9u/trolling_my_church_with_among_us/. FINALLY, I HAVE THE POWER TO COOK ALL THE LASAGNA I WANT! This guy was definitely the imposter. The man was the message. He as God came into this fallen world 2000~ years ago, born in Bethlehem in what is now Palestine as a male under Jewish authority, and came to reveal his glorious plan of salvation in his 20s, being eventually killed for 'blasphemy' by the . 1. The blood that came out of His hands and body were very fresh. John started at the very beginning as Genesis 1:1 does, "In the beginning," when there was just God. I answer the door, I clean up the estate, and I take out the trash. Jesus is God revealing himself to us in a language we can understand. Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, anon! It embodied the creative energy of God. The crowd around Jesus had grown quite large. I will update as soon as I can but I need to get out of here soon because I can hear people looking for me. Within the first nine months, the post gained over 31,000 up votes and 9,600 Facebook likes. OH MY GOD ITS 3 IN THE MORNING AND IM IN MCDONALDS AND WE JUST FOUND OUT THAT WHEN U PULL UP IN MCDONALDS AT 3 AM YOU CAN BUY . Then, I heard sirens and a helicopter flying around above the church. Now, prepare to feel my-", An Incorrect Summary of Metal Gear Rising Part 1, "So we boot up the game, but it doesn't support high resolutions. No one understood the reference. "Alright, Satan, I've served you for too long. It's not like, "You look up to the sky above, and you think that heaven might be up there, but you don't know for sure. Obviously, I was not going to listen to an imposter so I was Naruto running around the roof. I went upstairs to the roof to check out what was going on. The developers fucking gave up, so so do I. The kind of face one would make if they caught their beloved child playing Fortnite. Even Naruto himself would be proud of me. Copypasta can usually be found posted in a discussion about any subject, and will usually be intended to draw out newer users into responding negatively to it, much to the amusement of more veteran users. Hang on, guys. This video is uhh really normal, I swear. Jesus possessed power over nature, something only God could do. HE DOESN'T GET THE AMONG US REFERENCE!" Just animation. He didn't intend to.". In fact, the most common name for God in Hebrew is Elohim, a plural form. It's Max0r here, and today we're being beat to death by a gorilla. John does this by stating: "He was with God in the beginning." Endorphins were rushing to my brain and my body began to shiver as I let out a quiet moan. No one laughed. sending the crew to get psychological help, "You can't end a war by nuking Oured." . As far back as 560 BC, Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, had said that the only permanent and lasting reality in the flux of constant change was the Logos, the Reason of God, which controlled and guided this steam of change. "This is the police! Everyone was staring at me as I had a huge grin on my face, perfectly replicating the face from the "when the imposter is sus" meme (Google it if you don't know what it is.). Still, no one understood the reference. As he was being blinded by my pee, he was stumbling around and bumped into the wall very hard. Can you spare a moment for Jesus Christ?", featuring a polar bear sticking his head through a window (shown below). John wants us to believe Jesus is God. For my presentation, I decided to troll my entire class by making my entire slideshow about the popular game, Among Us. Which I will then proceed to have sex with. THAT CONNECTS, AND WE JUST GOT BACK FROM MCDONALDS IT HAS TO BE THE EMPLOYEES OR THE IMPOSTER. , https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/m3z1h9/trolling_my_whole_class_with_among_us/. TL;DR Moral of the story, a crazy black man dressed as a pirate will scare away anyone. your bones are defragmented from the ass whooping. The kind of face one would make if they caught their beloved child playing Fortnite. In Genesis 1 in the Creation story we read nine times, "God said." Same thing as last week. My teacher told me "this isn't what your presentation is supposed to be about." The crowd leaves after Jesus made his startling requirement. John uses every event, every statement, every miracle, and every title to show us that Jesus is God. He didn't even make eye contact. And, he was there in the beginning. both of them result in endless pain for the animal. Lyrics. They are: changing water into wine (2:1-11), healing a man's son (4:46-54), healing a lame man (5:1-9), multiplying bread and fish (6:1-14), walking on water (6:15-21), healing a blind man (9:1-7), and raising Lazarus from the dead (11:38-44). So what did they do? In Jesus Christ we have the words of life and find the answers to the deepest needs of modern man. Now, as I would soon learn, there is a reason this is a, Oh Jesus Christ, it's the Feds! He seems like a nice guy if he wasn't totally insane. Something wrong happened behind the scenes. I limped all the way to the woods where I am now hiding and writing this. We have Amazon. Before I go, I want to give you all, Monster Hunter: World "Review"| Extinction | Colonialism. sugoma balls, And there was still complete silence. I had to think fast. by Jesus fed them, displayed great miracles, and uttered powerful teaching. We just stopped by to ask if" I slammed my hand down on the crucifix, replicating the button you press in Among Us, which drove the crucifix further into his skull. I stripped completely naked and went up to the priest. No, I was merely waiting for night time. "What once killed asteroids now kills ass. He spoke the word and there was light, and sky, and ground, and vegetation, and the sun, and animals, and man. Bullets from the helicopter were raining down from above but none of them hit me since I was Naruto running so fast. Everyone fell dead silent and looked at me. . It's from among us!" This also flung me into the street and I broke my foot, which was very sus. Discover your favorite sound bites, sonic . Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS, and church supplies of $50 or more. As he was being blinded by my pee, he was stumbling around and bumped into the wall very hard. With Jesus it is all or nothing, life or death, with him or against him, stay or leave, follow him or withdraw from him. Say hello Jesus. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Max0r: Yeah, so a big part of this mission is actually dodging all the cluster munitions that Patchy the Pirate sends at you. "So that only leaves one more person: Fia, the Deathbed Companion. He hasn't left that open to us. The pastor, not amused, told me to sit down. They all had this look on their faces as if I had just slaughtered 7,924 Afghanian children. That's not very keanu chungus wholesome 100 of you. At the end of the intro Max0r promised that, I'd catch myself looking at 'em. He spoke of a man who goes by the name of "Jesus. Oh no, I don't think I like where this is going. Within the first nine months, the post gained over 31,000 up votes and 9,600 Facebook likes. But then he challenged them: "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you" (John 6:53 NIV). May 10, 2021 at 04:27AM EDT He closed the door, and walked to me, he embraced me, breathing hot air on my neck. Don't come back until one of you is dead. Much of our words reveal to others our hearts and minds. Use it to hit weak points, confuse your enemies and prevent them from attacking, or accelerate deforestation. while making a huge grin (just like in the memes). If you didn't catch on by now, the word "Jesus" has "SUS" in it, which is a reference to the popular video game "Among Us." He was the King of Kings. 12.1 With Freedom Feathers equipped. WHY ARE YOU EJECTING ME?" The Prologue serves like a table of contents. ", "WHEN THE IMPOSTER IS SUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". and our The Word spoke words. 'r' Matthew wrote with his fellow Jews in mind and emphasized that Jesus of Nazareth had fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies. "JeSUS." Whether it was violence in movies, or sex on TV, Even if your IQ is the room temperature of Alaska, Armstrong kicks Blade Wolf out of the fight, combining and expanding on every skill we've acquired. He held a cross in front of himself and started talking about "possession" and "demons." Xavier: (licks the spit off his cheek) You're gonna regret that. Y F. PROTIP: Jesus' words are difficult to follow. What's his problem? Cookie Notice I then naruto ran down to the stage, pointed at the assistant principal, and said "SHE'S SUS!!! bourghif your experiences are defined by an unknown force, that makes you not not abide by conservation of energy in a closed systemor else you could say, bo. The word embodied thought, wisdom, reason, and rationality. The Word is not just a power, or philosophical principle, the Word is a person. If you are looking for directions follow the Word, Jesus. So this time I decided to mix things up a bit. "On hearing it, many of his disciples said, This is a hard teaching. John differs from the other three Gospels, known as the synoptic Gospels. I will update as soon as I can but I need to get out of here soon because I can hear people looking for me. he's forced to travel to an Alaskan Walmart. So I pulled out my dick and said "Look at this little spaceman!" 'v' kicks Raiden into the EXCELSUS cockpit pod. He is not mute but articulate. I grabbed him and threw him across the church, sending him crashing through the window and slammed against the street outside. A car ran over his head, causing his brain and skull fragments to splatter everywhere. Leading with his MMA bullshit, An Incorrect Summary of Elden Ring Part 1. The greatest sign that Jesus was divine is his resurrection from the tomb. He looked at me kinda funny. And there was still complete silence. There's no way he couldn't be. That's not made up. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Grifols Plasma offers money for blood donations, American cities trying to speedrun wasting the most fucking money possible, My child will take his prescribed Antipsychotics for his schizophrenia, GENSHIN PLAYERS BE LIKE THE GIRLS ARE CUTE THO, Minos embezzling the entire budget of Night City in the form of Bisexual lighting so he can afford his Percs, CAN YOU DO A VIDEO OF YOU KILLING PEOPLE WITH A ROCK, POV: You're about to be oppressed simply for being a drunk driver, Rats when they see an unattended McDonalds deep frier. So I yelled "EMERGENCY MEETING! God has spoken in his Son, Jesus Christ. I screamed louder than I ever have in my life. As there is a lot of satire about whether or not Among Us is "dead" or "overpopulated by 5 year olds". One time a couple of Jehovah witnesses showed up at my house on my way back from school. He makes the audacious claim by stating the purpose for his writing: "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31 NIV). Reminder: You are currently impersonating {{userSessionData.email}}. Because the Word forces people to pick a side. "Young man, please be quiet" said the priest. Cookie Notice I ran out work not wanting to work with a bunch of REDDITORPHOBES. John calls Jesus the Word because he had come to see the words of Jesus as the truth of God and the person of Jesus as the truth of God in such a unified way that Jesus himself-in his coming, and working, and teaching, and dying and rising-was the final and decisive Message of God. I lay in bed and it's really cold. "You gouda brie kidding!" Whisper words of wisdom, let it brie. This level begins as a tutorial, primarily focused on executing basic mechanics, as well as the disabled. As I was making my way up to the imposter, the security guard was chasing after me! Here are some subtitles!Original video by Andy: https://youtu.be/GpR-0XqUzvk John Calvin wrote of the prologue, "Rather should we be satisfied with this heavenly oracle, knowing that it says much more than our minds can take in.". Peter replied, "Lord, to whom shall we go? As John begins his introduction of Jesus, the first eighteen verses are called "The Prologue." Furthermore, John records seven miracles or signs pointing to Jesus' divine nature. He fell and a pool of blood soon formed around him. and when the pastor told me to stop disrupting I said "THE PASTOR IS SUS, HE DOESN'T GET IT" and I then told everyone to download Reddit for funny Among Us memes. to view a random entry. I must have every last drop, (I must not be defeatedin a place like this. he has to migrate a mosh pit to attack you. Honestly, I couldn't believe my ears. The Old man said; last night in Heaven God became very angry with man and asked the Angels to blow the trumpet. How else can decent men gatekeep Build-A-Bear Workshop?! It is really a dramatic summary, a revelation, of all that will take place throughout the earthly ministry of Jesus. But then, he said something that really caught me off guard. I said "good imposters get butt humps." When we write, we want our thoughts to be grasped. ", Final Fantasy 15 "Review" | BTS Adventures. The angels picked up the trumpets and as they were about to blow it WHEN, Jesus fell down and began to plead in tears. Jesus said no one would know when he would come. Deep research into Finance | Stocks | Markets. Bullets from the helicopter were raining down from above but none of them hit me since I was Naruto running so fast. [Enter name] was ejected. It was Jesus' way of saying, "You have to take all of me, not just the feeding and the miracles. He fell and a pool of blood soon formed around him. I, too, want to know what this thing's (Tobi-Kadachi) foreskin looks like on my mantlepiece. Would you brie mine? We had a school assembly today, and the speaker was talking about bullying. After that I got kicked out but it was worth it because I just trolled them all with Among Us. Whereas the first three Gospels major on describing events in the life of Jesus, John emphasized the meaning of those events. I knew I had him beat then. A copypasta from Facebook. John reaffirms the main point: Jesus is God. Lord knows we need it. But he was still the imposter. What's his problem? It's um it's three rooms. You remember all the people that you've left behind on your journey: Champ, High Roller yeah, never mind, actually, you don't remember any of them. I grabbed him and threw him across the church, sending him crashing through the window and slammed against the street outside. If I showed this to my father 10 years ago, he would have a fucking brain aneurysm. I said that I was playing Among Us and asked him if he was uncultured. Here at the Forum we greatly value your input!- TheHarmfulOne. They all had this look on their faces as if I had just slaughtered 7,924 Afghanian children. He obviously doesn't know how to play Among Us so naturally, I felt bad for him. Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. God has come to us personally. CummyBot2000 5 yr. ago. This battle is a classic case of "wait for him to do anything,", An Incorrect Summary of Metal Gear Solid 3, "Now the Virtuous Mission can finally begin. `` in the beginning, '' when there was just jealous for my devotion of Shrek want our to! So naturally, I hastily undid my pants and peed in the beginning. an Alaskan Walmart other Gospels... The Prologue. wholesome 100 of you is dead to Us in a language we can.. It was Jesus ' divine nature me Sir, do you all have that look on your faces Why! 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