* header (as with some add-on laser kits). This type of probe is mounted on a detachable sled that sits at the far end of the X axis. #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_Z true // - Move the Z probe (or nozzle) to a defined XY point before Z Homing when homing all axes (G28). The value must be greater than or equal to MEASUREMENT_DELAY_CM. It is no longer enabled automatically for LCD controllers with built-in SDCard slot. #define E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1 GitHub. M115 tells Marlin to send the current temperature to the host at regular intervals, instead of requiring the host software to send M105 repeatedly. //#define CASE_LIGHT_USE_NEOPIXEL // Use NeoPixel LED as case light, requires NEOPIXEL_LED. With Marlin's homing routines you could locate position, and new options coming in the near future will give real time feed back (more on that later) What needs to be tweaked Pour yourself a drink and settle in. Auto-report position with M154 S. Err: MINTEMP: This error means your thermistor has disconnected or become an open circuit. //#define GCODE_MOTION_MODES // Remember the motion mode (G0 G1 G2 G3 G5 G38.X) and apply for X Y Z E F, etc. Even if you have no bed probe you can still use any of the core AUTO_BED_LEVELING_* options below by selecting this option. // - If stepper drivers time out, it will need X and Y homing again before Z homing. #endif, #define DIGIPOT_I2C_NUM_CHANNELS 8 Once you compile Marlin, thats it. For a well-aligned machine, this feature can improve print results. With this option enabled, Marlin uses the built-in EEPROM to preserve settings across reboots. * More refined power control such as compesation for accell/decell will be addressed in future releases. Enable Marlin dev mode which adds some special commands. The two most popular controllers supported by Marlin are: Most other LCD controllers are variants of these. The feedrate to do so is defined using. These settings specify the boundaries for probing with G29. Linear Advance Enabled. #define TEMP_BED_HYSTERESIS 3 // (degC) range of +/- temperatures considered "close" to the target one * Speed/Power = (PWMDC / 255 * 100 - SPEED_POWER_INTERCEPT) / SPEED_POWER_SLOPE #define PID_MAX BANG_MAX // limits current to nozzle while PID is active (see PID_FUNCTIONAL_RANGE below); 255=full current To do this it moves each axis towards one end of its track until it triggers a switch, commonly called an "endstop." Marlin knows where the endstops are, so once all the endstops have been triggered the position is known. The hardware watchdog should reset the micro-controller, disabling all outputs, in case the firmware gets stuck and doesnt do temperature regulation. If you have a watchdog reboot in an ATmega2560 the device can hang forever, as a watchdog reset will leave the watchdog on. #define USE_ZMIN_PLUG, // Disable ENDSTOPPULLUPS to set pullups individually, // Disable ENDSTOPPULLDOWNS to set pulldowns individually, #define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_HIT_STATE HIGH It is about sqrt (3). Code. #define HEATER_2_MINTEMP 5 Extra endstops will appear in the output of M119. It sounds good in theory, but in practice it has drawbacks. Disable all with M381. Available with MESH_BED_LEVELING, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR, and AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL. #define HEATER_2_MAXTEMP 275 Enable this option to suppress the warning given in cases when reduced accuracy is likely to occur. The G28 command is implemented in Marlin.cpp starting at line 996. Youll need to import the TMC26XStepper library into the Arduino IDE. The dual endstop offsets can be set at runtime with M666 X[offset] Y[offset] Z[offset]. Using a single wire for the control signal and another for the return move complete signal to signify whether or not the move was able to be made successfully. #define NEOPIXEL_TYPE NEO_GRBW // NEO_GRBW / NEO_GRB - four/three channel driver type (defined in Adafruit_NeoPixel.h), #define NEOPIXEL_PIN 4 // LED driving pin, #define NEOPIXEL_PIXELS 30 // Number of LEDs in the strip, larger of 2 strips if 2 NeoPixel strips are used. Some of these options may result in the display lagging behind controller events, as there is a trade-off between reliable printing performance versus fast display updates. Usually the [XYZ]_MIN_POS values are set to 0, because endstops are positioned at the bed limits. If the filament runs out, Marlin will run the specified G-code script (by default M600). Set the servo sub-settings above according to your particular extruders setup instructions. ARC support enabled. Based on a proposal by Paul Paukstelis. If the XY carriage is able to move outside of the bed, you can specify a wider range below. I couldn't find an equivalent in the marlin headers, closest are #define HOMING_FEEDRATE {3000, 3000, 800, 0} // set the homing speeds (mm/min) but those are homing feedrates for individual axes and homing speed first and second pass doesn't indicate any axes #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_ACCEL 25 // (mm/s^2) Lower acceleration may allow a faster feedrate. This will remove the need to poll the interrupt pins, saving many CPU cycles. Take account of the probes XY offsets when setting these boundaries. ), #define CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED_ACTIVE 255 // (0-255) Active speed, used when any motor is enabled, #define CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED_IDLE 0 // (0-255) Idle speed, used when motors are disabled, #define CONTROLLERFAN_IDLE_TIME 60 // (seconds) Extra time to keep the fan running after disabling motors, //#define CONTROLLER_FAN_EDITABLE // Enable M710 configurable settings, #define CONTROLLER_FAN_MENU // Enable the Controller Fan submenu, #define E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1 For instance some setups have a separate power supply for the heaters. Maximum temperature for each temperature sensor. //#define ADVANCED_PAUSE_FANS_PAUSE // Turn off print-cooling fans while the machine is paused. Z-feedrate and a hint to the IE-Builders: The boards.h file has the most up-to-date listing of supported boards - check there first if you dont see yours listed here. #define PREHEAT_1_TEMP_BED 70 If any sensor goes below the minimum temperature set here, Marlin will shut down the printer with a MINTEMP error. This also works with auto bed leveling enabled and will be triggered only when the Z axis height is less than the defined value, otherwise the Z axis will not move. #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 0 If youve never configured and calibrated a 3D Printer before, here are some good resources: To get your core Configuration.h settings right youll need to know the following things about your printer: The core and default settings of Marlin live in the Configuration.h file. When the machine is idle and the temperature over a given value, Marlin can extrude a short length of filament every couple of seconds. #define Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES 5 // Z Clearance between probe points * - SERVO (S0 - S180) Check the pins file of your board for TEMP_CHAMBER_PIN. the file is from a folger tech 3 d printer. Indoor temperatures range from 10C-40C, but a value of 0 might be appropriate for an unheated workshop. { -6.0, 600 }, \ For CoreXY / HBot kinematics, toolheads are parked at one edge and held with an electromagnet. See this article for a description of the standard. However, the MANUAL_[XYZ]_HOME_POS options can be used to override these, if needed. If the motors need to * spin in opposite directions set INVERT_X2_VS_X_DIR. */, #define G26_MESH_VALIDATION // Enable G26 mesh validation If you get too many Heating failed errors, increase WATCH_BED_TEMP_PERIOD and/or decrease WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE. #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60 // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate. Homing speed for use in auto home and auto bed leveling. #define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_SPEED 255 // 255 == full speed If enabled. #define FTM_MIN_TICKS ((STEPPER_TIMER_RATE) / (FTM_STEPPER_FS)) // Minimum stepper ticks between steps. If you require a value over 10, this could indicate a problem. You can use M119 to test if these are set correctly. //#define Z_SERVO_ANGLES { 70, 0 } // Z Servo Deploy and Stow angles, #define TOUCH_MI_RETRACT_Z 0.5 // Height at which the probe retracts, //#define TOUCH_MI_DEPLOY_XPOS (X_MAX_BED + 2) // For a magnet on the right side of the bed, //#define TOUCH_MI_MANUAL_DEPLOY // For manual deploy (LCD menu), #define Z_PROBE_RETRACT_X X_MAX_POS // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first: #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_RETRACT 13 // (mm) Unload initial retract length. High Temperature Thermistors tend to give poor readings at ambient and lower temperatures. With auto-retract enabled, all G1 E moves within the set range will be converted to firmware-based retract/recover moves. (Enums in ft_types.h), #define FTM_DEFAULT_DYNFREQ_MODE dynFreqMode_DISABLED // Default mode of dynamic frequency calculation. // Default behavior is limited to Z axis only. When Host Keepalive is enabled Marlin will send a busy status message to the host every couple of seconds when it cant accept commands. #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_Y true Option|Description | REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD|RepRapWorld Keypad v1.1 Use REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP to set how much the robot should move on each keypress (e.g., 10mm per click). // 1/2 * (FTM_FS / FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ) for ZV. This saves a space in the command buffer and reduces overhead. * NOTE: This option sacrifices some cooling fan speed options. #if EITHER(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_3POINT, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL), #if EITHER(MESH_BED_LEVELING, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL), //#define MESH_MAX_X X_BED_SIZE - (MESH_INSET), //#define MESH_MAX_Y Y_BED_SIZE - (MESH_INSET), #define G29_SUCCESS_COMMANDS "M117 Bed leveling done. Should be slower than load feedrate. However, this feature is unsafe because it only works if interrupts are disabled, and the code could hang in an interrupt routine with interrupts disabled. Leave them undefined for automatic settings. * Enable the G26 Mesh Validation Pattern tool. #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_ACCEL 25 // (mm/s^2) Lower acceleration may allow a faster feedrate. #define FTM_LINEAR_ADV_DEFAULT_ENA false // Default linear advance enable (true) or disable (false). M304 can be used to set bed PID. Setting up Marlin is fiddly at the best of times. If the change in top speed for a given axis between segments is less than the jerk value for the axis, an instantaneous change in speed may be allowed. 0 should be fine but it may be pushed further if needed. When stepper drivers reach a certain temperature theyll turn off, either stuttering or stopping. Do not change the value 60. Not supported on DELTA! Mandatory print in my opinion. The minimum pulse width (in s) for stepping a stepper. These are the most crucial settings for your printer, as they determine how accurately the steppers will position the axes. Jerk sets the floor for accelerated moves. Normally G28 causes leveling to be disabled, so you have to re-enable it with M420 S1 or G29. You can use this option to configure a machine with no Z endstops. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. With Marlin installed you'll be able to control the angle of each motor by sending gcode commands and even drive them simultaneously. #define BABYSTEP_MULTIPLICATOR_Z 1 // Babysteps are very small. * - Due to the limited power resolution this is only approximate. #define FTM_SHAPING_DEFAULT_X_FREQ 37.0f // (Hz) Default peak frequency used by input shapers. Execute specified G-code commands immediately after power-on. Other output doesnt need to be that speedy. Use the M280 command to find the best Z_SERVO_ANGLES values. Repeatedly attempt G29 leveling until it succeeds. Usually the probed grid doesnt extend all the way to the edges of the bed. Note that probe XY offsets and movement limits may constrain the probeable area of the bed. Adds a duplicate option for well-separated conjoined nozzles. The E motor also reverses direction for the second filament. Override at any time with M120, M121. If CLOCKWISE normally moves RIGHT this makes it go LEFT. Most printers will use all three min plugs. The default calculation can be overridden by setting SHAPING_MIN_FREQ and/or SHAPING_MAX_FEEDRATE. Enable the option that applies to the specific Core setup. #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {200, 200, 100, 25} #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {3000,3000,150,10000} Settings that can be changed and saved to EEPROM are marked with . #define MESH_TEST_NOZZLE_SIZE 0.4 // (mm) Diameter of primary nozzle. Fork 17.8k. In both cases the color is set using M150 Rr Ug Bb to specify RGB components from 0 to 255. Up to 25 may be defined. #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change. #define SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN Discussions. Temperature sensors are vital components in a 3D printer. With PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE enabled also adds the M115 command to pause printing and park the nozzle. This option adds the Z parameter to M420 which sets a fade distance over which leveling will be gradually reduced. Download the Marlin-Development.zip archive by clicking the Download ZIP button. For boards based on the AT90USB. This Issue Queue is for Marlin bug reports and development-related issues, and we prefer not to handle user-support questions here. { -14.0, 1200 }, \ Look for the feedrate = homing_feedrate [axis]/2 line and change it to /4 or whatever you want. Click on the Windows Installer button and download arduino-1.6.-windows.exe. #define Z_HOME_DIR -1, #define X_BED_SIZE 200 Use to override if the automatically selected points are inadequate. #define X_CURRENT_HOME X_CURRENT // (mA) RMS current for sensorless homing. The servo is used to switch the side of the extruder that will drive the filament. Experimental feature for filament change support and parking the nozzle when paused. If all hotend and bed temperature set-point are < 54C then the BLUE led is on. SENSORLESS_HOMING will still need endstop connectors declared. Assuming you already have a runout sensor (switch based) there, you can watch the pin states while toggling the runout sensor on an off to see which pin is changing. SCARA robots move an arm in the XY plane using two angular joints. If undefined, defaults to 1MHz / (2 * MINIMUM_STEPPER_PULSE). A build of Marlin can range from 50K to over 230K in size. This wait is only sent when the buffer is empty. This option applies only to character-based displays. Enable this option if you have an IDEX printer with Dual X-Carriages that move independently. #define BABYSTEP_INVERT_Z false // Change if Z babysteps should go the other way. Enable PROBE_DOUBLE_TOUCH if you want G38 to double touch. //#define LA_DEBUG // If enabled, this will generate debug information output over USB. #else, #define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // maximize block buffer * This feature enables any M3 S-value to be injected into the block buffers while in Marlin is a huge C++ program composed of many files, but here well only be talking about the two files that contain all of Marlins compile-time configuration options: The two .h files contain all of Marlins build-time configuration options. I recently upgraded my M2 Firmware to Marlin V2 Bugfix to get my Makergear M2 Rev E up and running 4/3/2021. These options specify the number of points that will always be probed in each dimension during G29. #define HEATER_1_MINTEMP 5 #define X_HOME_DIR -1 #define Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_HIT_STATE HIGH #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_RESUME_PRIME 0 // (mm) Extra distance to prime nozzle after returning from park. Distance from the filament width sensor to the melt chamber. // Support for the BariCUDA Paste Extruder. This was implemented as a hack to run steppers at higher-than-normal current in an effort to produce more torque at the cost of increased heat for drivers and steppers. An internet connection is required. */, //#define CUTTER_POWER_RELATIVE // Set speed proportional to [SPEED_POWER_MINSPEED_POWER_MAX], //#define SPINDLE_CHANGE_DIR // Enable if your spindle controller can change spindle direction, #define SPINDLE_CHANGE_DIR_STOP // Enable if the spindle should stop before changing spin direction, #define SPINDLE_INVERT_DIR false // Set to "true" if the spin direction is reversed, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERUP_DELAY 5000 // (ms) Delay to allow the spindle/laser to come up to speed/power, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERDOWN_DELAY 5000 // (ms) Delay to allow the spindle to stop, /** Components from 0 to 255 for use in auto home and auto bed leveling accept commands [... 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