The data subject can avoid the installation ofcookiesthrough the special functions available on his/her browser or by interrupting the navigation. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Time and miles go by, but steering wheels by Nardi will never go out of fashion. ed altri parametri relativi al sistema operativo e allambiente informatico dellutente. Lart. Il sito web potrebbe offrire porte di accesso a servizi e piattaforme c.d. A). Il conferimento dei dati obbligatorio in relazione alle finalit da 1 a 6 del paragrafo C, ossia per adempiere agli obblighi di natura giuridica riguardo ad un rapporto giuridico instaurato e per ogni altra finalit connessa a obblighi di legge, regolamenti e normative comunitarie; il rifiuto alla comunicazione dei dati impedir al Titolare di adempiere tali obblighi e di conseguenza limpossibilit di fornirLe i servizi e/o le prestazioni da Lei richieste. Find parts and drive components for relevant and older series of DAF, MAN, Volvo, Iveco, Caterpillar, John Deere, Liebherr and others. These rules are configured as real limits on the freedom of expression of thought, also connected to the peculiarities of the employment relationship: these are explanations of the duties of loyalty and confidentiality, which are incumbent on the worker since they are verifiable in the work performance. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Polished spokes/frame. 0. The 350mm, without the bent spokes is 3.15" / 80mm deep. Nardi Deep Corn Steering Wheel, Black Perforated Leather, Black Spokes, Red Stitching, 80 mm Dish, 35 cm. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. The aforementioned processing will take place in a lawful way and according to the principles of art. With the exception of thetechnical cookiesstrictly necessary for normal navigation, the provision of the data is left to the will of the data subject who decides to browse the website after having read the brief information contained in the appropriatebanner. Nardi Steering Wheel Deep Corn 330mm / 12.99 inch Diameter Black Perforated Leather with Red Stitching White Anodized Spokes Classic Horn Button - 53mm (2.09 inch) Deep Dish - Part # 6069.33.1093 5.0 (1) $35295 FREE delivery Feb 15 - 21 Nardi Steering Wheel - Classic - 360mm (14.17 inches) - Wood with Satin Aluminum Spokes # 5051.36.6300 5.0 (3) Nardi steering wheels encompass an ideal mix of advanced technology and high quality. Sono utilizzati per tracciare la navigazione dellutente in rete e creare profili su gusti, abitudini, scelte, ecc. e finalizzate a migliorare il servizio offerto. For more specific information about the above, please visit the cookie policy section of the website at the web-address, L Communication to third parties and/or dissemination of data. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Tali identificativi possono lasciare tracce che, in particolare se combinate con identificativi univoci e altre informazioni ricevute dai server, possono essere utilizzate per creare profili delle persone fisiche e identificarle. 13 Regolamento Ue 2016/679, consultabile nellapposita sezione privacy presente sul sito web, nel footer della home page. right to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing of data; right to withdraw the consent, where applicable (the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the withdrawal); and. Detta Social Media Policy ha come finalit quella di descrivere le norme di condotta che gli utenti dovrebbero rispettare nellutilizzo del sito web e negli spazi attivati da Nardi Personal S.p.A. sulle piattaforme tecnologiche sociali. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Con questi cookie possono essere trasmessi al dispositivo utente messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze gi manifestate dallo stesso utente nella navigazione online. I dati saranno trattati e archiviati esclusivamente per le finalit sopra indicate mediante lutilizzo di supporti sia cartacei che informatici, inseriti in pertinenti banche dati e trattati con strumenti idonei a garantire lintegrit, la sicurezza e la riservatezza dei dati stessi, in conformit con quanto stabilito dal Regolamento UE 2016/679. If you aren't a Robot: What's 3 * 3? $487.14. (6 hole x 70 mm PCD, 1 hole at the top). Detto trattamento avverr in modo lecito e secondo i principi di cui allart. This spacer adapter will allow you to fit a Nardi or Personal steering wheel (6 hole x 74 mm PCD, 2 holes at the top) on a standard hub in 6x70 mm PCD. Corporate capital: 400.000,00, Legal headquarter: Corso Venezia, 61 20121 (MI) Italy Nardi Personal S.p.A. recalls that the so-called Social Network platforms, based on art. 5 of the EU Regulation 2016/679. Therefore to arms, heart and brain. 21 della nostra Costituzione .tutti hanno diritto di manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero con la parola, lo scritto e ogni altro mezzo di diffusione., rientrano tra i mezzi di diffusione attraverso i quali possibile esprimere le proprie opinioni, giudizi e critiche. Fax: +39 0331.849460, Email: comm@nardi-personal.comPEC:, V.A.T. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Di seguito vengono forniti link che informano lutente su come disabilitare i cookie per i browser pi utilizzati: Tradate, Abbiate Guazzone (VA), 1 ottobre 2021, INFORMATIVA AI SENSI ART.13 DEL REGOLAMENTO UE 2016/679, INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ART. Steering wheel serial number star star star star star. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), available in the appropriate privacy section of the website, in the footer of the home page. However, this is information that is not collected with the intent of associating it with identified users, but by its very nature, it might lead to the identification of users through processing and association with data held by third parties. THE SECRET OF NARDI STEERING WHEELS: This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Wood or leather and aluminium: these are natural and technical ingredients for the most famous steering wheels of the world! With Black Aluminum Ring. Questi dati vengono utilizzati al solo fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche anonime sulluso del sito e per controllarne il corretto funzionamento e vengono cancellati immediatamente dopo lelaborazione. che possono risiedere e/o portare lutente a link presenti su server differenti da quelli che erogano il sito di prima parte. Come disabilitare larchiviazione dei cookie mediante le impostazioni del browser. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this Universal 3-Spoke Kallista Series Leather/Perforated Steering Wheel by Nardi. These identifiers can leave traces which, in particular if combined with unique identifiers and other information received from the servers,can be used to create profiles of natural persons and identify them. I dati potrebbero essere utilizzati per laccertamento di responsabilit in caso di ipotetici reati informatici ai danni del sito o di richieste da parte delle autorit. In relazione ai suddetti trattamenti il Titolare fornisce, tra laltro, le seguenti informazioni. N Diritti di cui al Regolamento UE 2016/679. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will 3-Spoke ND 4 Metal Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. With Black Aluminum Ring. Nardi Deep Corn Revolution 350mm Brown Leather Steering Wheel. Non saranno tollerati insulti, turpiloqui, minacce o atteggiamenti che ledano la dignit personale, i diritti delle minoranze e dei minori, i principi di libert e uguaglianza. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this Universal 3-Spoke Gara Sport Series Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. 317.99. Il Considerando 30 del Regolamento europeo in materia di protezione dei dati personali (GDPR), stabilisce che Le persone fisiche possono essere associate a identificativi online prodotti dai dispositivi, dalle applicazioni, dagli strumenti e dai protocolli utilizzati, quali gli indirizzi IP, marcatori temporanei (cookies) o identificativi di altro tipo, quali i tag di identificazione a radiofrequenza. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. The assortment includes many classic and sporty models introduced in the Challenge, Classic, Kallista, Gara, and many other lines that allow you to select the wheel that ideally feels in hands and perfectly suits the interior. And from the past comes the love for details and the particular ability which used to be applied in the manufacture of every steering wheel. Saranno adottate tutte le misure tecniche ed organizzative adeguate a garantire un livello di protezione dei dati conforme alle previsioni del Regolamento UE 2016/679. REA Milano 1688697 7, par. Consenso dellutente per linstallazione dei cookie sul dispositivo. Detti file vengono memorizzati al loro interno per essere poi ritrasmessi, in un secondo momento, agli stessi siti di origine in occasione di una visita successiva (c.d. The personal data contained in documents relevant for administrative-accounting purposes will in any case be kept in compliance with legal obligations. A Titolare, Responsabili e persone autorizzate al trattamento dei dati personali. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. The data will be transmitted exclusively in Italy and within the European Union. The data relating to the purposes referred to in point 7 will be processed for two (2) years, from the date of their acquisition, unless requested by the interested party. Ultimo aggiornamento del documento (rev. Whether giving or not the consent on the cookie storage, it depends on if they are technical cookies or profiling cookies. (7 reviews) number: IT 03602650966 management of existing and/or future legal relationships; fulfilments related to the obligations deriving from the aforementioned legal relationships; organizational management of any existing legal relationship or in definition phase; fulfillment of regulatory, accounting and/or tax obligations; purposes related to the conduct of statistical analyzes; and. I dati personali da Lei conferiti saranno trattati per le seguenti finalit: In riferimento alle finalit di cui ai punti da 1 a 6 del paragrafo C, il trattamento necessario allesecuzione di un rapporto giuridico di cui Lei , cos come potr essere, parte o allesecuzione di misure precontrattuali adottate su Sua richiesta. The interested party can at any time exercise the rights referred to in art. number: IT 03602650966 Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Universal 3-Spoke Steering Wheel by Nardi. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. The terms of use and the privacy policies applicable to each of these social media, published on the respective sites, regulate the information provided. 12 of the EU Regulation 2016/679). No consent is needed for the installation of technical cookies, whereas with regard to third-party cookies an information pursuant to Article 12 of the GDPR is necessary. Time goes by, but a Nardi steering wheel remains a dream! Senza il ricorso a tali cookie, alcune operazioni non potrebbero essere compiute o sarebbero pi complesse e meno sicure, come ad esempio le attivit di home-banking (visualizzazione dellestratto conto, bonifici, pagamento di bollette, ecc. With regard to profiling cookies, to give their consent to the storing of cookies or the use of other tracking techniques, that user should therefore simply close the banner by clicking on the command that is usually meant to enable this action i.e., the X that is normally positioned according to well-received practice at the top right end of the banner area without having to access other ad-hoc areas or pages. Grazie allarchiviazione dei cookie lutente pu personalizzare la fruizione di alcuni contenuti del sito web mediante salvataggio di proprie impostazioni preferite. This cookies policy also describes the elements provided for by the law as well as the characteristics and purposes of the cookies installed from the website, including the updated link to the information and the consent forms of the third parties with which the Data Controller has entered into agreements for the installation of cookies through their website and, finally, giving to the user the possibility of expressing their consent on the cookies even through the settings of the browser used. 13 OF THE EU REGULATION 2016/679, INFORMATIVA ESTESA SULLUTILIZZO DEI COOKIE. Nardi Classic Steering Wheel - Black Stitched Black Suede Grip with Black Coated Aluminum Spoke Model #NRD-6061-33-2081 $355.00 Buy Now Nardi Classic Steering Wheel - White Stitched Black Leather Grip with Black Coated Aluminum Spoke Model #NRD-6061-34-2001 Users consent for the installation of cookies on the device. Nardi Nardi Steering Wheels Categories Racing Shoes Shift Knobs Steering Wheels Sort by 1 - 30 of 498 results Nardi 3-Spoke Pasquino Leather/Perforated Black Steering Wheel 0 $541.97 Nardi 3-Spoke Challenge Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel 0 $367.76 Nardi Collapsible Hub Adapter for Steering Wheel 0 $141.84 - $478.18 Last update of the document (Rev. REA Milano 1688697 I dati oggetto di trattamento, di seguito sinteticamente elencati, in forma del tutto esemplificativa ma di certo non esaustiva, saranno da Lei conferiti volontariamente per lesecuzione dei rapporti giuridici in essere e/o futuri: A ci si aggiungono i dati di navigazione, i sistemi informatici e le procedure software preposte al funzionamento di questo sito web, che potrebbero acquisire, nel corso del loro normale esercizio, i suoi dati personali, la cui trasmissione implicita nelluso dei protocolli di comunicazione di Internet. Non vengono utilizzati per scopi ulteriori e sono normalmente installati direttamente dal Titolare del sito web. Nardi Steering Wheel Classic Wood Polished 390 mm New 5061.39.3000 Made in Italy. This Social Media Policy has the purpose of describing the rules of conduct that the users should respect when using the website and in the spaces activated by Nardi Personal S.p.A. on social technology platforms. Access will be allowed only to persons authorized in writing to process personal data. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. 0. Through the Provision n. 229 of May 8, 2014 and the Guidelines on the use of cookies and other tracking tools of June 10th, 2021, the Authority proposes a taxonomy that identifies two categories of cookies based on two possible processing purposes: They are cookies that are used to browse and/or provide a service to the user. It follows that the information generated will actually be shared voluntarily by users who, therefore, will not be able to complain of a possible violation of their personal sphere. The expression of consent to the storage ofcookiesdepends on the purposes for which thecookiesthemselves are used, and on these it depends whether they fall in the cases of technical cookies or profiling cookies. The companys products look and feel like true pieces of automotive art, capable of delivering some of the highest standards in their niche. that may reside and/or lead the user to other servers which may differ from those provided by the first-party site. The company tends to utilize quite a whole lot of leather, wood, and aluminum as the main construction materials. Vengono utilizzati unicamente per produrre statistiche aggregate e in relazione ad un singolo sito o una sola applicazione mobile; Viene mascherata, per quelli di terze parti, almeno la quarta componente dellindirizzo IP; Le terze parti si astengono dal combinare i. Nardi Gara Steering Wheel - 350mm Perforated Leather w/Red Stitch $332. Name and surname, registered residence or tax domicile, telephone number, fax number, mobile phone number, e-mail address, PEC address, VAT number. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will last a Universal 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. Cookie mediante le impostazioni del browser in compliance with legal obligations gusti,,... Available on his/her browser or by interrupting the navigation normalmente installati direttamente Titolare! 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