The meaning is creating different relief programs. An economic depression would lead to people not trusting Hoover's economic policies anymore. The Gilded Age. Make Predictions: What types of opportunities were available to farmers forced to migrate westward? . Conrad reveled in satirizing Nixon with bold imagery and minimal wording. Two decades later, the Post cartoonist was depicting Nixon as a crook. **PHOTO** lMO1KUtj&/$xa6r^Q=[Zrh 9R.q?90z[4U(EhOJ% # k% They had come to the conclusion, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they were about to take over . Newly homeless people put up shacks on unused land, which they called. Within days of the Watergate break-in, the artist began his long barrage of cartoons skewering Nixon and his conspirators. Image 0 of 102 They were devastating., Politicos Wuerker grew up living in the same L.A. neighborhood as Conrad, and as a teenager he watched the news with the Conrad family during Watergate, learning new ways to swear at the TV. Notes Wuerker: I know despite his multiple Pulitzers, Cons proudest accomplishment was being included on Nixons enemies list. , What was it like to mock Nixon in real time? B. What was one purpose of the Civil Works Administration, which was a part of Franklin Roosevelt's First New Deal? HRKO@+s]R!Q 1MY6)E!ev~T{~4F zh0i How did Roosevelt change the role of the U.S. president during the New Deal? What is the represented by the "wall"? Unit 3 Challenge Questions/ The United States, U.S. History II/ Unit 2 Milestone Retake Test, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Heading into the summer of 1973, with the nation glued to the Watergate hearings, Doonesbury provided a comic service by profiling some of the Watergate conspirators. Analyze Graphs: Based on the information in the pie chart, what share of total income earned in 1929 did the top 5 percent of income earners account for? Who is the President depicted in this cartoon? In what ways were Johnson and Kennedy alike and different? Choose the statement that describes a cause of the War of 1898. She would help her husband and give him advice. I think Americans went out in panic after bank failures. : Several also thought that the New Deal programs may make people too - on the -. The Negro was born in depression. . In your own words, explain what Hoover meant when he said the 1932 presidential election was "a contest between two philosophies of government.". In this current events worksheet, students analyze political cartoons about the 110th Congress. In another, drawn right after the break-in, Nixon poses as a utility worker as he drills into a wall at the door of Democratic headquarters, from which an onlooker says: He says hes from the phone company .. Her pulse, which was very faint, could be heard only with special instruments. Try to add at least one more to each row. For the three sentences that have no comparison problems, write Correct. . But above all, try something! The monster destroying a European city in this cartoon is made out of symbols of America as interpreted through the prism of Nazism. All of the following are aspects of U.S. foreign policy during the Progressive Era represented in this political cartoon EXCEPT __________. To mark arts role in the coverage, here are eight cartoons that proved to be particularly powerful during the Watergate era. How did the Banking Act of 1933 make banks more stable in the long run? And so the millions must go hungry and without those good things God gave us unless we call on them to put some of it back. . Use this political cartoon analysis instructional activity to shed some humor and light on the nationalization of banks. The Depression affected minority groups more severely through the fact it only became harder for them to get jobs. *President Hoover* His Popularity (or Lack of): He did NOT let the - respond with aid for the people in those early years What does this quote imply about the Bonus Army based on the perspective of MacArthur? In the first cartoon, what does the writing on the pieces of the collapsing pier tell you about the cartoonist's opinion of the First New Deal? President Franklin Roosevelt oversaw both a First New Deal and a Second New Deal to curb the Great Depression. Analyze Graphs: What explains the increase in union membership after 1930? Tenth graders analyze Roosevelt's Fireside Chats. *FDR's Court Packing Plan & Critics of It* Court Packing Plan is too much: FDR was having issues with the -, as they were ruling some of the - agencies as unconstitutional. Why did workers such as miners and automobile workers feel the need to split away from the AFL and start the CIO? What is tyranny? What was one of their main reasons for optimism? What is one giving to the other? Oliphant was fond of drawing Nixon as furtive, such as in a cartoon in which the president whispers to a Vietnam War protester through the White House fence. A. supply-side economics This photo announces a government program that is attempting to B. stimulate economic growth. Whites were willing to use violence to maintain an informal form of racial segregation in Chicago. Upon the break-ins 50th anniversary, illustrations by Davis, Oliphant and Sorel are among the artworks featured in the National Portrait Gallery show Watergate: Portraiture and Intrigue, on view through Sept. 25. How much did Mike Peters enjoy waking up to Watergate headlines? New forests and improved lands flourished around the nation. No changes were made to the Supreme Court. provide economic relief, reform, and recovery. To provide jobs for the unemployed, workers were hired to construct public projects. What was a key way in which Garvey's beliefs differed from that of Du Bois? But Congress -- approve this plan, *FDR's Court Packing Plan & Critics of It* Court Packing Plan is too much: Several felt like FDR was - the system of - and - that operates within the branches of the American Government. The price that farmers would receive for milk in 1932 would be very low. Analyze Maps Use the map and the text to describe specifically the number and nature of TVA projects, what states benefited, and how they benefited. Why did critics dislike the Agricultural Adjustment Act? In this current events worksheet, students analyze a political cartoon about the American banking system. For example, the Works Progress Administration was known as the WPA, while the Civilian Conservation Corps was known as the CCC. It's referred to as a landslide victory due to the dramatic amount of votes Roosevelt had. The vets were ___ by Hoover and only added to his __ image. Laborers who had originally agreed not to strike in support of the war effort participated in nearly 3,000 strikes in 1919. Learning Objectives Describe conservative opposition to the New Deal and FDR Key Takeaways Key Points They know what it was like to be facing this type of poverty. They were natural opponents of Roosevelt's Democrat policies. California is further west compared to the other destinations. Unemployment increased the most between 1929-1932, Makeshift shantytown that sprang up on the edges of america's cities. In the cartoon, Nixon asks: Do you think its still hungry ?, Oliphant says with a laugh that he liked to render Nixon as a pair of eyebrows, then drop a couple of eyes in you didnt need anything else.. The Fair Labor Standards Act still affects workers' wages today. Uncle Sam represents a sickly America. To what extent does experience determine what we perceive? And the more Peters learned about Nixon, the more the cartoonist leaned into how bizarre the president seemed. Through this, overproduction would occur as supplies and more land was needed. Racial bias remained ingrained within society and the justice system. b. talk seriously Select a factor that shifted American foreign policy toward imperialism in the 1890s. 2168 0 obj <>stream Two young residents of a shantytown in Washington, D.C. Teddy bear, a reference to Roosevelt, assures the player that "it's a victory getter, all right!" does not want to be the President of the United States. Each of them assumes a role in the cartoon, with FDR as the doctor, Congress as the caretaker, and Uncle Sam as the patient. During which years did unemployment increase the most? Nixon was absolutely his favorite target amongst all American presidents.. In this current events worksheet, students analyze a political cartoon aboutabout 2008 presidential candidate Fred Thompson. How about a PWA grant?" Political tensions have surrounded the Olympics for centuries; take a look back at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics with this political cartoon analysis worksheet. Which statement supports this argument? In this Great Depression lesson, students analyze New Deal legislation to develop an informed opinion about the public programs and then present their findings to their Was it overreach or wise executive functioning? They thought the depression was the downfall of capitalism. Many historians have argued that the New Deal changed American politics and governance. The Hoover dam could possibly shorten water supply for those in need for drinking at the time. Protected workers' right to - & use - (negotiating), Wagner Act; Unions; Collective bargaining. Choose the answer that best describes the action or situation. **PHOTO** Besides providing funds to those in need, which of the following may have been another goal of the Social Security Act? Discuss two reasons why the Middle Kingdom period was a "golden age" for Egypt. What was a cause of the Great Depression? "I offer 14 reservations I have about the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.". Change it NOW! older people, disabled people, and unemployed people. Combined with the severe drought, how did the planting of wheat lead to the loss of topsoil and the dust storms? *Problems For Farmers & The Dust Bowl* Dust Bowl Hits Hard: The _ was the area most affected by the storm. Choose one example of this transformation. This political cartoon criticizes the New Deal for being C. wasteful. Cesar Chavez Skim the story for more sensory details to add to your chart. Part 1: 1720-1800. hoovervilles. So when Nixon resigned in the summer of 1974, Peters drew him along the beach evocative of Nixons Western White House in San Clemente, Calif. U.S. Supreme Court, 1932: Roosevelt threatened to overcome judicial opposition to New Deal legislation by "packing" the court with his own appointees. *President Roosevelt- FDR* Political Cartoon Analysis Break down: Who are the Two Characters? In 1933, there was an alleged plan for a coup d'etat to overthrow Roosevelt. He feels that there is still hope even if something bad happened to him and his family. WWI; Washington D.D. Part 6: 2000-Present. Franklin Roosevelt's "fireside chats" inspired the public's faith in the presidency, which lasted beyond his administration. Well, Im not a crook., The following May, Herblock drew Nixon hanging perilously between two reels of tape. The art nods to an 1871 cartoon by Thomas Nast, who was skewering the fiscal chicanery of William Boss Tweeds corrupt Tammany Hall political machine. What does this quote state about the scenario going on? Well, Im not a crook.. There might be criminals or illegitimate men going to take advantage of others. . Students then respond to2 short answer questions. Which event is considered a cause of the Red Scare? This is a very big reason as to why _ gets elected to the presidency, instead of Hoover as he campaigned again in 1932. f`n Y2LJ$ He smiled on our land and we grew crops of plenty to eat and wear. What was one of the features of this new morality? When he would come around with his four or five or six tentative ones, thats what he was doing but I didnt realize that until much later.. They believed government should be laissez-faire and avoid interfering too much in the lives of citizens. They were to reopen only if they were _. Analyze Political Cartoons In this cartoon, what does the artist suggest is the relationship of the new Supreme Court Justices to President Roosevelt? . How did the conclusion of World War I affect the political climate in Europe? What was one short-term effect of the Emergency Banking Act? *Problems For Farmers & The Dust Bowl* Dust Bowl Hits Hard: This incredible disaster showed just how much __ & __ can have an impact on people & their lives. National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation. 2.) HMO1xi[.b4117$X.1ta1wVt./;wk-\] C9/3.cyQW\S4k*br{"S3NM[1FuFeXT|w7PW[T^REE+'&P(wl>9LIwIJ}~>*~m-).L/4v$",D]/GvL'LCE7]$8p00 0IxL-Z^vE}KEtMj)nIb#3y+qZBrG"v s NHpAj. Dubbed black tuesday, the day when $16 million in stocks were sold. It is common sense to take a method and to try it. What is the message of this cartoon? *Problems For Farmers & The Dust Bowl* Overproduction Issues: To try and decrease their large surpluses, farms began to - their crops/ cattle/ etc. Tori Amos fought for her songs 30 years ago. What does Uncle Sam's reaction suggest, The artists suggest that Roosevelt is literally controlling the justices to do his bidding. By adherence to the principles of decentralized self-government, ordered liberty, equal opportunity, and freedom to the individual, our American experiment in human welfare has yielded a degree of well-being unparalleled in all the world. They had to sell their stuff to get the money they needed. Women had many experiences as a result of world war 1, including working at new jobs, wearing new fashions, and acting more independently. The New Deal represented one of the few times in history in which the federal government successfully implemented substantial social changes. Party dominance by white Southerners was challenged by new members, including northern liberals and African Americans. People stopped rushing to banks to withdraw all their savings. "R\Buc90FW?#41vUL9${g!BJR]PLx:;%TkN8 c[2398g-)F)6dIo.&G(RTIk|}uV]9)R;]7xHM*ohqv |[@ 8 They are symbolizes of Roosevelt's economic policies that Uncle Sam hopes will keep him and the country afloat. The Great Depression. Which statement is most likely to have been spoken by W.E.B. Which of the statements reflects President Herbert Hoover's response to the Great Depression? Herblock, meanwhile, would read Woodward looking for his immediate response, for that moment of recognition, be it a laugh or a grin or a gasp. What is FDR saying to the "compass"? in order to drive the prices back -. It didn't mean too much to him, The Great American Depression, as you call it. He feels like the Bonus Army is filled with a bunch rebels getting ready to overthrow the government for not giving them their promised payment. The New Deal was a set of domestic policies enacted under President Franklin D. Roosevelt that dramatically expanded the federal government's role in the economy in response to the Great Depression. But that all of a sudden changed. Not even a fictional cartoon character could speak so freely. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. Conservative Democrats and Republicans scored substantial gains in both houses of Congress. Bacon's Rebellion Click the Pictures for an Explanation Mercantilism The Columbian Exchange The Monroe Doctrine Era of Good Feelings The Missouri Compromise The XYZ Affair Seneca Falls Convention Click the Pictures for an Explanation Articles of Confederation The Compromise of 1850 Insensitivity, Cartoons for the Classroom: 9/11 Revisited, Cartoons for the Classroom: The Political Dr. Seuss, Cartoons for the Classroom: Tooning into the Candidates: Michael Bloomberg, Cartoons for the Classroom: Tooning into the Candidates - Fred Thompson, Cartoons for the Classroom: Unhealthy Outlook. Congress _ the bill. Primary Source Worksheet: John T. McCutcheon, A Wise Economist Asks a Question, Cartoons for the Classroom: China, Tibet, and the Olympics, Cartoons for the Classroom: Nationalizing Banks, Cartoons for the Classroom: Higher Education Issues, Cartoons for the Classroom: Distracted Drivers, Cartoons for the Classroom: Ebony and Ivory Revisited, Cartoons for the Classroom: Welcoming the New Congress in Cartoons, Cartoons for the Classroom: Mosque debate Intolerance vs. Now shes celebrating them. Analyze Political Cartoons: What does this cartoon imply about Roosevelt's ability to guide the country through the challenges of the Great Depression. . "I oppose the Federal Emergency Relief Act because it interferes with the balance of power between states and the federal government.". They all benefitted cause of the dams and power plants that were constructed within the areas. Students consider the role that government should play in economics. Infer: Why did Roosevelt make personal visits to impoverished areas in the run-up to the 1932 election? In 1916, pressure from activists and the National Child Labor Committee contributed to legislation that prohibited interstate trade of any goods produced by child labor. Analyze Maps: Why is an election such as the 1932 Presidential election referred to as a "landslide victory"? What does this incident suggest about the state of racial relations during the Great Depression? A political cartoon shows Uncle Sam rising from behind a large desk. Draw Conclusions Why do you think this unemployment office required guarding? What is the program depicted in this cartoon? Jack Davis, master that he was, was equally at home drawing for Mad magazine and Time. Cartoons for the Classroom: Can We Can Bank on It? How about a PWA grant?" In his mouth is the word not, leaving the two tape ends in his hands to read: I am a crook., Pia Guerra, the graphic novelist turned popular political cartoonist, says its one of her favorite Herblock works. The 1920s. Underline each adjective clause and circle the word each clause modifies. C While Republicans were the expected critics of the New Deal, conservative Democrats often led anti-New Deal efforts. Although many young Americans in urban areas were associated with the "new generation" during the 1920s, the decade also witnessed the rise of the Lost Generation. It communicates everything you need to know about the scandal, that his removal of those crucial moments of the tapes makes him the crook he so boisterously claimed he wasnt. What was the end result of the proposal illustrated in this cartoon? What problem did farmers face following World War I? Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. In this Great Depression lesson, 7th gradersanalyze political cartoons and documentsabout theera. How did Thomas Jefferson change after he became president? *President Roosevelt- FDR* Differences From Hoover: FDR was NOT a __ style president. endstream endobj 2153 0 obj <>stream Which three groups were helped by the Social Security Act? Name two groups that worked for African American rights before the 1960 s. What did they accomplish? It brought together conservative Democrats, Republicans, and business leaders who opposed the vast intervention of the central government in the economy. The Hoover Dam was built as part of a public works project. The Great Depression and The New Deal Test Flashcards | Quizlet Arts and Humanities History History of the Americas The Great Depression and The New Deal Test Term 1 / 49 Causes Overproduction: Financial success in American business led to the overproduction of: Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 49 Crops and consumer goods France and Great Britain were unable to repay loans American banks had extended them during the war and were unable to collect reparations from Germany. Something that is proscribed in all schools. *FDR's New Deal* Bank Holiday: To - confidence in banking systems, FDR ordered all banks to _ for _ days. Federal government R!*xba3+o,P,_jf R'\RJqI{|7}:T1b&\%RF?]r jnp DoK% 2GC8vrkJ#\@ L^9X,s8s&LOfdcT^0\Lb$B(G?eR-K-`$N4]_>n:fl*z. >s~0"^L{=CL*.X|,Jz@v \aS{w=i8f9#Tq&+ N Roosevelt had recently offered the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, an example of his big stick approach, in 1904. What was the purpose of Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal?". 0 In thishistorical events worksheet, learners analyze political cartoons by Theodor Geisel. Special thanks to Alice Crites, Warren Bernard, the Huntington Library and the Herb Block Foundation. A 1937 political cartoon with the caption 'Do We Want A Ventriloquist Act In The Supreme Court?' which was a criticism of FDR's New Deal, depicting President Franklin D. Roosevelt with six. They were used to express viewpoints and to help out numerous amounts of people during the depression. COMPARE AND CONTRAST What were the origins of the Liberal and Conservative parties? While Republicans were the obvious opponents of the democratic administration, conservative Democrats also fervently opposed Roosevelt's agenda. Choose the true statement about Progressives or the Progressive era. It was necessary to do this to fund for the electricity and to distribute it. They also needed food sources to feed their families. FDR We fully expect that if a violent effort is made to oust us many of us will be killed and we take this means of making it known to our wives, to our children, to the people of the State of Michigan and the country, that if this result follows from the attempt to eject us, you are the one who must be held responsible for our deaths! States such as Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Tennessee, and Kentucky benefitted. Italy and Australia would face the highest growth in tariff rates. Likely to have been spoken by W.E.B the federal government successfully implemented substantial social changes migrate westward all the... Newly homeless people put up shacks on unused land, which they.. There was an alleged plan for a coup d'etat to overthrow Roosevelt office required guarding the Herb political cartoons the new deal quizlet.... Hoover 's response to the other destinations the `` compass '' them to get jobs try it more the leaned! 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