You need to face this man. One last go. But when have I ever been? Prince Zuko: What are you talking about? Mushy, yummy friend! She began to picture all her accomplishments with her Kyoshi Warrior sisters, but found herself back in her cell, with nobody left to support her. Aang: [Trying to get Sokka to help solve his case] That's okay, Sokka. But I can't. If you're going to move it, you've got to be like a rock yourself. Should we just head west until we reach the Firelord's house? Ursa: Your father would never do what to do? Love. Go ahead and laugh all you want. Look, here's one of the oldest buildings in the middle ring, Town Hall. I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! Toph Beifong: Excuse me. You're not exactly lady fancy fingers! [Iroh's mouth gapes open, drooling]. Sokka's Actor: Why did you have to go and steal that waterbending scroll? I'm starving! Suki: I lost someone I care about. The glow is the combination of all your past lives focusing their energy through your body. The energy is both yin and yang; positive energy and negative energy. Sokka: [in a courtyard, Sokka runs out of a building to where everyone else is sitting] You guys are not going to believe this. Sokka: Yeah, we're all gonna get eaten by a giant spirit monster. Lo, Li: Now the heroes have returned home. Mugger: [standing knock-kneed] You! If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends too? Is that why we're sitting in a wooden cage right now? Toph Beifong: [after Sokka states he wants to spend his vacation at the library] Uh, hey? Fisherman: "Boy with tattoos?" Herbalist: [singsong voice] That's right! What's the matter with him? Azula: I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle. Prince Zuko: [while panhandling] This is humiliating! [Zuko, Sokka, Hakoda and Chit Sang run up] We've got the warden. Sokka: Come on, Aang. [Momo catches an insect, starts to take a bite, then offers it to Aang] Nah, I'll wait for the lychee nuts. We no longer have anything to gain by travelling together. I don't have sob stories like all of you. [closes his eyes in remembrance] Our people have never forgotten. Suki and Mingxia were still in training during a year where her village's food reserves were dramatically low after the harvest failed. His own weight becomes his downfall literally. Sokka: Please. They cross swords in front of Aang, who draws back with a cry of surprise and fear]. And she wants to see you. Katara: [to Aang] Will you please shut your airhole! Who told you? Sokka: Are you crazy, Katara? But next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut. Fire Lord Ozai: [to young Prince Zuko in a flashback] You *will* learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher! And then we can eat our weight in lychee nuts. And although we didn't always know it, you were destined to be the Avatar. You told me that you didn't know if you were worthy, but I believe you to be more worthy than *any* man I have *ever* trained. Biyu chided Suki for believing that they were friends; in her anger, Suki lurched toward Biyu and threatened to throw her over the railing. Suki convinced Toph and Sokka to come with her to try and stop the Fire Nation Army from reaching Yu Dao, explaining her plan to them after landing near the military procession. YOU'VE KILLED US ALL! Aang: Yeah, and there's one more problem, the island is in the Fire Nation. Aang: I'm sorry. [Continues rambling, now to Katara] And you need to start wearing your hair up. Headmaster: [Evilly] That's what I like to hear. Sokka: You're one to talk, Suki. Teamwork was also core to Suki's identity, and she knew that she belonged to something bigger than herself. I wasted the remainder of my life searching in vain. [Flattens out a piece of paper on the table] The first you will learn is calligraphy. But none have succeeeded. Sokka: Certainly you mean his pet Skunk-Bear. It's too dangerous. Somone's missing from your group. Before learning firebending you must learn water and earth. Come on, we need to find Aang. Sokka: That's what you said about going to the festival. But the avatar can never do it, because your sole duty is to the world. Prince Zuko: You're wrong! [Sokka puckers up. Come on! I helped Gran-Gran deliver lots of babies back home. [Toph hits the cave wall and some cave hoppers fall to the ground. [Azula leaves] What is wrong with that child? She was certain that the experience would shake off Toph's everyday problems. Although Satoru questioned whether or not nonbenders and benders could really work together, Suki and Aang were confident that with time, they definitely could. Azula: It's OK, you can laugh. [Points to Appa and Momo, who in his mind are engaged in a fierce sword duel]. You are all in danger! Uncle Iroh: It's almost twilight, Admiral. Sokka: I think his big butt is trying to tell you something. Uncle Iroh: [singing] And they kiss so sweet/ that you've really got to meet/ the girls from Ba Sing Se! It's our responsibility to get Appa back to him safely. Toph Beifong: What makes you think we'll get it? Mechanist: Four flashes, so it's exactly four hours past midday, or, as I call it, four o'candle! Your nation, or a life of treachery? But I've made so many mistakes. [He covers himself with a fluffy fire nation shield] My royal parts are showing! Didn't Azula take you captive? That's cause you gotta fight the Firelord. Uncle Iroh: You don't look well. I'm not taking orders from you anymore! Here's a hint. Grandfather of Zuko, and Azula. [Everyone stares at Katara] What? Power in firebending comes from the breath. Katara: Sokka, we're safe. . Uncle Iroh: Zuko, I only meant that in our family, things are not always what they seem. Fung: Maybe you could give me a little incentive? Sokka: [frightened] I'm too young to die! For some reason, I thought you were an expert detective. But only when the sunlight hits it at just the right angle on the solstice. It's true. Sokka: Who would be free? Zuko: You were right about what Katara needed. You took back your whole city all by yourself. Aang: [assuredly] I took away your firebending. I have everything under control. [Pointing to the mountain., which is undergoing volcanic explosions] Can your fortunetelling explain that? Aang: You saw what I did out there. Hakoda: Sorry Warden. Aang: [screen pans left to show Meng sidling up to Aang] Well ok. Aang: See ya later. Katara: Aang, how long were you in that iceberg? Who are you, and what do you want? * That, or it's the white jade bush, which is poisonous. Sokka: [Acting as Aang's psychiatrist] Why don't you get right down to business and tell me what's been bothering you. You never think these things through! What was I thinking Could you imagine that? The road ahead of us is challenging, a hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided. Family tradition, I guess. And it's as old as Earthbending itself. Katara: Actually, I used it all up after Azula shot you. Sokka: [Dejected] I used to be boomerang guy Mayor Tong: From now on, we'll celebrate a new Avatar Day in honor of the day Avatar Aang saved us from the Rough Rhino Invasion. Look at these blank hopeless faces. Would you really choose him over your own tribe? Prince Zuko: First I have to get him out of here. They'll be used as a distraction while we mount an attack from the rear. Just me and you. When we came here, I never imagined the Sun Warrior Civilization was secretly alive. Yung: Omashu Resistance Leader: No, we have an extra. What happened generations ago can be resolved now, by *you*. It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way. The invasion's tomorrow. Aang: All this time, I thought firebending was destruction. I know I've kept my life secret from you, but you were keeping me secret from the whole world. It was decided that Suki, Sokka, and Toph would destroy the airship fleet. Aang: So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice. You guys are pirates! Sokka: [in a frightened, dramatic voice] Food eats people! Congratulations, Katara. Because you two are disgusting. I'm trying to find us some food. [Toph encases Azula's body in an Earth prison] But you really ought to consider telling me the truth anyway. But that's not always a bad thing. Sokka: [Sokka slaps General Sung] Get a hold of yourself, man! So why don't you take my mother? Sokka: [Still stuck in the crevice] Okay, karma person or thing, whoever's in charge of this stuff, if I can just get out of this situation alive, I will give up meat and sarcasm. And whatever you do, stay away from the Dai Li! Koh: Their spirit names are Tui and La. Mai: The truth is - I guess I don't know you. Wake up the Captain! This was in my dream. First, round nuts and some kind of oval shaped nuts, and some rock shaped nuts that might just be rocks. No kidding. Senior Monk: I fear that war may be upon us, young Avatar. Aunt Wu: I'll tell you a little secret, young airbender. Thank you, Katara. Little soldier boy come marching home. Prince Zuko: [bewildered] How can you forgive me so easily? 5. Then I must've imagined the last hundred years of war and suffering. Actually, it's quite the other way around. Avatar Roku: Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes. Aang saved our tribe. Azula: Don't flatter yourself. Aang: Just relax. We've already got some third-eyed freak after us. Katara: But to reach inside someone and control them. Piandao: [after showing Sokka an amazing view over a waterfall. THEY WANTED TO TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING I KNEW AND EVERYONE I LOVED! Suki traveled back to the Fire Nation with Zuko, and stood guard at Azula and Ozai's prison cell together with Ty Lee. YOu two are the cut stuff up with waterbending guys. Although Suki and her sisters gathered enough to sustain their village, Mingxia was sure that they had to end their isolationism. Water is cool and soothing, earth is steady and stable, but fire Fire is alive, it breathes, it grows. Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy! You should wait and resume the attack at daybreak. Very good. I'm gonna prove Aunt Wu's predictions are nonsense. Sokka: [Katara places her hand over the moist sand and bends the water out of it] Oh, right. [Aang grins and jumps around silently. I'm just a little nervous. [Zuko tries to attack Aang], Katara: Relax. And if the firebenders found this temple that means they found the other ones too. Aang: You guys are nomads? She apologized to Zuko and, while kneeling before the Fire Lord, told him that the Kyoshi Warriors were worried about him and that she, especially, was worried about him as well and reached out for his hand before being interrupted by General Mak.[26]. I'll try to distract him. Win Jei didn't steal the ball, he picked it up and started running it back toward the other goal. But this isn't Air Temple Pre-School. And right now, you need us more. No matter how many times you say it, it's not gonna catch on. Sokka: You want me to be like you or to be totally honest? Katara: What do you mean "we?" I mean, I could have stolen your bison at Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. I can't see you anymore. Thinking about Sokka would do in this situation, the Kyoshi Warrior leader then proposed to investigate the palace for clues about Azula's team. Warden: QUIET! Uncle Iroh: Sick of tea? You don't know anything! Shyu: Things have changed. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. I never meant to hurt her. Mai: [about Omashu] There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place. Zhao: [laughing] I think I can handle a child. First, Suki and I will draw his fire. Toph Beifong: You guys get to go wherever you want, no one telling you what to do that's the life. By reading your energy, I can sense where Aang is. No! Katara: [Looking over the side of the terrace in fear] I've changed my mind. See it's good cause it has Aang in it - Boomer-Aang. My brother is not the understanding type. WE'RE FIND APPA ON OUR OWN AND YOU SHOULD JUST *STAY* OUT OF OUR WAY! Ty Lee: Yes. The warden rhetorically asked if she truly thought that cultivating vegetables would lead to a rebellion, but Suki answered that it was a chance to build a community, and to give them a chance to escape one day. I need to capture the Avatar. I'm not good enough to kidnap? Additional Voices: [Last lines, as Azulon is being cremated] Azulon. If I have to clean up one more pile of bear poop, I'm gonna throw up. [guard moves back]. A young boy has to fight and face a evil and corrupted leader or the world will be thrown out of balance. Xin Fu: [to Toph] Quit your banging. Guru Pathik: Oh dear, you've been through so much recently. Katara: [earlier in the episode, Aunt Wu told Katara that her future husband is a "powerful bender."] I hope Aang's okay. The allies discovered that some thugs had set up a protection racket at Crystal Falls. Sokka: [Writing a letter] "Dear Katara, sorry for everything. You're powerless right now, so you're in no position to refuse. And for you, right now,that's here protecting your sister. Katara: [while trapped with Zuko in a crystal cave] Why did they throw you in here? Hope. Chong: Whoa. That counts as knowledge. You can't pretend they weren't. That's like being sick of *breathing*! [she blasts a large chunk of the house wall off with her earthbending]. He's not exactly the powerful Firelord he used to be. [after Mai helps Zuko and the others escape]. Sokka: [to Aang] So some people don't like you. Sokka: We made it for you. He builds a makeshift altar and places a picture against it]. Uncle Iroh: [Voice over, in a letter] If the city is as magnificent as its wall, Ba Sing Se must be something to behold. [Zhao enters the room behind Iroh]. How did you get that? Hopefully they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life! I might not look it, but I'm 112 years old. They have to know. The energy wants to restore balance and in a moment the positive and negative energy come crashing back together. Avatar: Generations And let me guess, you're travelling with the Avatar. [Appa growls]. Hakoda: You know, Sokka, you should be more careful with that guard's uniform. Toph Beifong: The truth is: sometimes Katara does act motherly. It is my pleasure to help anyone of the Beifong family. Azula: In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions. Maybe you missed what I said. It was you. He's taking everyone. Katara: Right. We can't think of a single person to do the job. Mai: Come on, Zuko, we all know that's a lie. Dock: Oh, you must be talking about my brothers Dock and Shoe. Sokka: Well, look at you, buster. A real general would stay and burn Ba Sing Se to the ground, not lose the battle and come home crying. Wait, Senior Assistant manager. We can't just leave him here. Hawky shakes his head in confusion] . Sokka: Awkward position. Katara: I won't! Uncle Iroh: Well, there is news, Prince Zuko. It's like my inhibitions just disappeared. They piped in dry air, and had us suspended away from the ground Before giving us any water, they would bind our hands and feet so we couldn't bend. Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but you still have a family. If you'd have stayed, you would've been killed along with all the other airbenders. Same thing really. Piandao: [after their duel] Excellent work, Sokka. Sokka: I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara's busy, I guess it's up to me. See ya. Katara: [reading an inscription] Love is brightest in the dark. What do you say, Toph? Katara: I know it's upsetting, but it sounds like you're overreacting. He's the baddest man on the planet. Aang: Okay, so what do we do? Sokka: Hey! Prince Zuko: [Angrily throws the shell away] Forget it! [Momo chitters] I'm going to pretend I didn't pretend to hear that. Well. Joo Dee: More good news. [Aang quickly walks away, leaving a disappointed Meng]. Aang: I've been going throuh a really hard time lately, but you've made me hopeful again. The Earth King: What are you suggesting, Sokka? [she holds up a painting of a baby] Look at baby Zuko! Aang: Yeah. Hey no problem, Sokka. You're going to be my new pet. Your record is officially broken. And you did it by yourself. Toph Beifong: [chiming in] I can't read at all. Katara: They were controlling over you so you ran away. Toph Beifong: I'm really going to miss you guys. I thought it was my honor that I wanted, but really, I was just trying to please you. We'll never make it out of here. Hakoda: Bato, get these mines loaded up. 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