If so, they were buried deep. You walk, leave ruin in your path you can't leave alone. Civilization, a hand from the past, not history but maybe a past deeper, farther than that to a place where this {beat}God really exists. His name was Joshua - Joshua Graham. {Narration}{Male}The Courier walked until he stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road he would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. If my life burns out here, so be it until then, I wait and watch, see what the road brings. {DUPE}[SUCCEEDED] {Nods, agreeing}There's truth in your words, {and}in what I've seen of their tactics, movements - recovery. {DUPE}Make camp near silos warheads. Their deaths here were a mercy - compared to the ones that still walk the Divide. Road gets rougher from here {slight disdain}Courier. Is this how it must end between us? [FAILED] They're more beasts than men now. {Marked Men have been killed, cold contempt}Kill as many as you want - the Divide will birth more. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. The Legion does not need to be destroyed, only contained within new borders. You wouldn't have recorded those messages if they didn't matter to you. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic121. Answered for his failure - twice, some say. Yes. He was Brahmin-stubborn, gave him strength on the battlefield. Reno. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic083. The rest - up to you. To others. Never again do you or any other courier and caravan need walk that route. If he was weak enough to allow the knife so close to his neck, maybe it needed to be his ending. He's the myth, the weapon the Legion needs. Had to fight during a time when his world had two flags, and he had to make them one. Contents 1 Background 1.1 The Twisted Hairs 1.2 The Divide 1.3 Meeting the White Legs They only take what parts they find in the Divide, never roam beyond it - can't even leave the silos without a human to shadow, like hounds. Made it this far not much farther to go. You mean the Republic troops who were here? Not going to waste time trying to make the blind see. As vicious as the storms are, these shadows of Legion, of NCR - {"they are"}silhouettes of things to come. {Contacting player through radio}There you are, you went quiet for a time. {Quieter}You see true. Not the name I'd give it. {Keeping voice down, to himself}Checking for movement. So, what - you intend to bomb the Mojave? White Legs, they were born for war, they run to it, hungry for battle yet their hunger is to be a part of history, something larger. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic043. When we first spoke in Hopeville, you mentioned you'd sworn not to kill me. If you're hearing this, you have, through blood or word. Giving hollow men like Kimball, like Crocker, half the life Hanlon had. Kill him. Its people don't deserve what's about to happen. {No sound file}. {No sound file}, The Divide this place is a slice of it. Then you destroyed it. Cracked and broken as the Divide its people, the same. And I'm thinking you can't kill me, either. {Beat}We walk the same road, carry the same colors. "Theater" is better - the families, the Bear all on a stage. [NCR] Those bodies in the silo were NCR soldiers some special forces. {Reflective}Bear and Bull shed too much blood there to let it go. I still don't understand - why are you doing this? {Quiet, reverent, bring this to a close}Let House sleep in his chamber. Kill no Courier, Caesar's words. Of course my reputation with the NCR is going to be the highest out of all of them; they make up most of the faction quests. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic110. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic042. No words of yours will change what is about to happen. That violence in the sky, had a source. Glory in my hand, in my staff that still bore the weight of the Old World just as the symbol on my back did. I can do it again, and give life to Vegas. The damage here looks like it was caused by underground detonations - on a scale I've never seen. [Rep] You might not believe in nations. Not your birthplace maybe, but home. You can input many commands to make in-game changes, such as increasing stats or changing faction reputations. I walked the Great Salt Lake as Caesar's eye, then his hand. {Quiet, bring to a close}Can't escape what's been done. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic014. Maybe that's why you fell in with the Bear in the first place - can't see what you're following. Slave weapon? They blew up the lands West and East of the Mojave damning them all to hell. {Frowns}In the Divide, need to watch the sky {emph}and ground {Dismissive, shakes head}Mojave'll be easy prey for them. Dry Wells is destroyed - that was your birthplace? {Chewing it over, slight hope here}It may be that as much destruction has been written in the earth here One buried this place, yet it lived on between us. Vegas is Old World, filled with Old World ghosts. {No sound file}. Use the night, silence, and fire to change their words to pleas, to screams. I'm not interested in the history of this, we're done talking. {To himself, about player}Stronger than I thought. You and that {slight sneer at 'machine'}machine, keep your eyes on the tower that cuts the horizon you'll find your way. [SUCCEEDED] Mojave and the Divide aren't the only places I've walked. Then the Mojave will fall, Bear will starve, its flag will burn. Courier you carry death wherever you go, Mojave knows - or will. They're stretched thin, can't protect their frontlines, their towns, think paper's power, radio means control - all of it, useless. {Disdain, player has it wrong}The White Legs? It is part of the Legion. Not just history's answer your answer for what happened here. Now only the Long 15 remains. And I've seen its messengers. I do this because I care, because I believe it must be done. Turn, walk the Mojave, fight beneath the flags but you'll wonder. I found from personal experience that having equal, negative reputation with the Legion, Strip, and NCR along with House being dead will grant you the indy dialogue. Still, the choice is yours what I offer, it's the last I offer you. The Divide still stands against us. {DUPE}Mojave and the Divide aren't the only places I've walked. This is between you and me, not anyone else. I think the fact that it's your faction reputation that influences his dialogue (and the type of duster you get at the end of the DLC) is absolutely infuriating. And the Mojave's dangerous enough - left to the land, the land has its way. Forgotten everything. {Scoffs}No need to destroy the Bear, just cut its throat. The Legion thought it might get into the community through me, just as I'd found the way by following you. Deserved to die as my brothers did at Boulder City, mines, bombs. Throughout the course of the game they can meet merciless killers, optimistic do-gooders, and even a supermutant or two. Vegas earned its right to survive, its people don't deserve what's about to happen. The sickness of the Bear already lies within you, even if you uphold the East. Faint, but there. With that Chip weighing you down a burden, lets death move a little faster without me pulling the trigger. {Little quieter}Not looking to kill them save them, if I can. {To himself}Tactics of the Bear. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic064, < Topic Storage: Talking about Joshua Graham, why Lanius should heed story. Fallout: New Vegas has no shortage of wacky and colorful characters for the player to interact with as they go on their journey. {Quiet, downnote}If they matter if history matters we'll see at the end of the road. Things you did. NVDLC04DialogueUlysses_Hit_00008AB1_1NVDLC04DialogueUlysses_Hit_00008AB0_1. Do not translate. We'll have to keep with what we know. Nothing more than I've already shared. The soldiers that look like they'd been flayed? [NCR] Those soldiers in Hopeville were once NCR, I'm sure of it. {Looking at player's inventory}Let's make something new from the old. You chose Ulysses because of the "two flags" reference - is that tied to the war in the Mojave? I'll give answers as you go. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic070. {DUPE}{Smile/sneer}What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier. You destroyed a nation taking its first breath. It meant more to you than the Legion? {Beat}Begin again. {Frowns}If you seek to anger me, words won't be enough. Speeches are things of NCR, words without strength. No danger there. Giving the two-headed bear strength. Call it that. History has proven it. back again. Stalling. He made a mark without being myth. You're saying when the meaning gets lost - that what happens here, can make things worse. Your package, the message inside, awoke medical machines close to the one that shadows you began to build themselves, then others. He led his side to victory, turned two flags into one. Worth no more hate than any {emph}other machine. Keep talking like that, I'll see you dead. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic058. Its logs tell of a place where America survived may still exist. Caesar taught them the last one, though, so that's it for them. Who are you, who do not know your history? Predators that make their own roads beneath the ground here. Town looks like it was bombed. {DUPE}If you heard them they're of no consequence. Use it to keep moving and keep alive. [Legion] The Legion is stronger than you know. Empty as if technology can solve anything. Whatever "answer" you think they hold, you're wrong. Or maybe you walked so far West, the Bear's sickness crept into you. We remember. {Dismissive}Still, takes a long time for such patterns to develop. Weigh you down long enough to let death catch up to you but you survived. NCR will fall back, lose Hoover Dam and leave their throats exposed to the Legion. My new home, here, amongst dead men. Any more recipes.. or histories you can teach? The blue of the Mojave skies - isn't like the rest of the world. {Narration}{Male - correcting the previous statement}Men do, through the roads they walk. You know this from the Divide. Was the only time I'd heard a machine speak in the Divide, the only machine with a voice. {Normal Opening}There's your signal. If you bomb the West and East is this how things should end? Not a message for me, for you. {DUPE}[SUCCEEDED] America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. I listened. This is the first I've heard of Legion coming this far West of the Colorado. I want to know more about this package I delivered. Start Me Up Redux - Fixes and Update for Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul v7.2: Start Me Up Redux - , . {Speaking to console}Big Mountain access code Ulysses. {To himself}Promises to keep. My actions have proven it. If you follow a symbol to the end, ask yourself what that means. Never. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic005. You saw one locked in the silo beneath you. Like Hanlon, with mines, bombs missiles. Have you been to Hopeville since the Ashton missile hit? The Bear is a thing of the people that gather to it, as are all symbols. No what's inside - that's what worries me. It echoes its master and soon the missiles here will as well. {DUPE}So what, they weren't that important then? {No sound file}. Won't discuss their fate with you, not now - their past is {emph}mine to keep. You've got enough distance ahead of you - save your breath for the road, don't waste it on words. You believe. Markings of America. So what, they weren't that important then? {Scorn, player laid a mine, "Hanlon's" a famous mine-layer}Worthy of Hanlon. You're planning to kill a nation from a distance, just like NCR - just like you accused me of. An ending. Any symbol deserves a chance to defend itself, by words or acts - not this. {Slight reverence}And they awoke. If you believe the destruction of the Divide was just, then I cannot stop you. But no, the Legion will burn as well. Changing it - that's something else. {Beat}Didn't try. {Quiet}Burn away the flags. Doesn't matter now. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic076. Nearly killed me. Fallout: New Vegas Golden Joystick Awards 2011 . You and I. {Thinking to himself}No way to cleanse the radiation - makes them hard to kill there, have to draw them out. {Quiet}Comes back, we'll deal with it then. {Beat, downnote}Let his history keep. {Smug, confident}Really. These governments of the two-headed bear the Legion they carry Old World ideas into an age that no longer needs them, where they cannot live. Either way, the Divide giants are awakening. They didn't know it was gone, that yet they had cared once. {DUPE}I think they tell me where you were. {Prove it}The West, the East - they are not the Divide, and nothing you can do can prevent the missile's launch. {Beat, slight condemnation}Charging ahead, like the rest of our brothers, blood in your eyes. Edit: wait, I forgot that Sergeant Dornan existed for a second there. Do not translate. {Studying weather, log to himself, thinking back}Emptiness here - like the sands of the Great Salt Lake, echoed. House is not the people of Vegas - you have walked the Strip, yet have seen nothing. Already heard you once, long ago and loud enough for history to hear. {Dismissive}If so, his handiwork and people belong elsewhere, not in this place. Pieces of the Old World like that just need someone careless enough to take them where they need to go, to do their killing. Symbol's an Old World one, had one head then, better off for it. {Cold}There is no way to stop them. {Reflective}Walk there sometimes, keep the walks short. Still to have helped carry out such an act, then not face it Not my way. {Bitter}It doesn't matter, the Bear's reach was cut off. Even if I will be the only one to hear them. {DUPE}Nothing can prevent what comes. . The missiles will launch. {Beat}These questions - your words, or mine - what do they matter to you. They were dead already, their symbol diseased. Had tech from the Big Empty, recorder a woman gave me didn't survive the road, on its last legs. {Thinking}Antivenom's helpful around the Mojave with the Bark Scorpions. Seeing a nation burn? Divide's proof of that. Whatever your symbol carry it on your back, and wear it proudly when you stand at Hoover Dam. < Storage Node: Ulysses is discussing tunnelers and the future. No facts or history I've heard tells me that city ever went to sleep, and that makes me think. {Emph}Every supply line gets cut, every community that feeds the Bear cut its throat, starve the Mojave. You're a Legion traitor, and now you'll die. And Hoover Dam. Still dying, both of them, all around us. {Beat}Walk west into the sun, and keep walking until it dies. {Cold}This is the ending they deserve a flag is a thing of the people that gather to it, as are all symbols. You brought me here to talk. {No sound file}. Legion doesn't {emph}try to kill people, they do it. And Legion their flag may be old, but it's not at war with itself. [SUCCEEDED] {Nod}Makes sense. Still it's important to see. {Quiet}But no the dead number more than my brothers. At the end of the High Road lies Ashton - its silo. The silo there. You and that machine, are all that remains of NCR here {quieter, to himself}rest fell to radiation, fire and what burrows below. NCR was right to want to rake their claws in it. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. Casting off your disguise yet you carried that Chip, determined to take it to Vegas not Caesar. {Little quiet, as if speaking of a haunted graveyard}But it's more lights than strength. If this is the High Road where does it lead? You don't see, listen - even when it's all around you, no matter if I nailed it into your head like a gift from Caesar. {Disdain}Keep them, listen, study them - they won't help you here in the Divide. Curious, maybe. {No sound file}, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic008. They clutch at their pain as they clutch at their weapons anchors them. Strong, to survive here - its people, strong. >. {Narration}Hopeville burned lightless in the night, invisible fires of radiation scorching it from within and without. Military markings, from some place the Bear had savaged in the West. [SUCCEEDED] America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. {Beat}The West shall answer first. {Referring to player}Sometimes the messengers judge him. [SUCCEEDED] {Slight sneer}No no, I couldn't. You were hoping that you could deceive me, reveal that somehow I can {emph}stop all this. Part of your message, whether you meant it or not. I want to know what's ahead. Not all the East will burn. Without the West to challenge it its shore will be closer than before. They had no history of what it meant. [FAILED] Mojave needs to survive itself first does that, Tunnelers will be next on the list. It sounds like you know me, but I've never met you. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic017. {Quiet}Caesar could command him. You walked the West, didn't stay. Trying doesn't hold much weight with me. To the Divide, they return. {Quiet, respectful}As for my brothers in the Legion they deserved to die in battle, as do all beneath the flag of the Bull. Do Not Translate >. We'll see. If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. Our history. There is nothing more to be said between us. Answers'll come, closer you get to home you and that machine. {Disdain}Yes but different weapons than you're used to. [Legion] Being Frumentarii kept you from killing me in the past. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic023. < Storage Node Ulysses giving player final direction. Like carrying the Chip to Vegas, Old World death in your hand. If you believe me, though, we might get through this. {Player pointing gun at him}Fire, and I won't take it lying down. I'm not to blame for Ashton, the Chip, or the Divide. No. And when it came their turn to pay respect to me history came rushing back. I've walked the East. Do you really think these missiles can kill everyone? Your moral ground is weak here in the Divide. intact. Flags of the Bear and Bull. {Suspicious}The why you'd know better than I would. The Courier had been the end of {"emph" refers to Ulysses}his road. Something larger - yet they let the rest of the world suffer. No. Your tapes prove you've walked the Mojave, yet learned the wrong lessons. {Slow, reflective}Nineteen tribes could not do it. {No sound file}. The nations of the Mojave. The Mojave is behind us. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic075. Depends what history has to say about them. Was going to watch, see. In the log, you said they were shadows, in the way they wore their hair. Different view. Disease. Area looks like it was hit with earthquakes or underground detonations. {Suspicious}If you feel I do not know the Legion's strength - then I will listen. It doesn't matter - the death of either one kills the other, Vegas along with it. {Quieter}Might be that history needs to have its say. No. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant}Maybe not. Get ready to die. I've heard enough. Back to the job you refused. NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D9DD_1NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000DA6A_1. Might kill him, taking it, whether he won or lost. More important, ask what happens {emph}after the end. If you meant to kill me, you should have done it long ago. I'm not responsible for this, there's no way I could have known. For instance, many players who side with House or Yes Man will also have positive NCR reputation since the NCR aren't your natural enemies. {Emph}If you had been there when it happened. {To himself, quieter}Shows trust only walks so far West. Didn't think that would matter any more to you. Whatever traditions or rituals they had, most likely squeezed out of them by now, turned into something else. I asked. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic000. {Prove it}Even if you speak for Vegas and its ghosts, nothing you can do can prevent the missile's launch. So you think dropping bombs on the Mojave is going to solve things? {DUPE}[SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant}History has proven this. A question one could have asked you not long ago, before walking the road West into the storms. Its people, more than that. {Introspective}Ran with them on the salt beds, at Caesar's command - {recalling Caesar's orders, echoing them}cut the throats of the two-headed Bear, cut all communities off. I asked the White Legs to destroy a people with ancestry, going back thousands of years - another death of history, lost to time. Old World history about paving and intentions could teach the Republic a thing or two - if they listened. The Divide's irradiated are you sure you want to stay here? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic085. Your carelessness for the paths you walk - it has destroyed the city you serve. The Mojave will follow. We never spoke, knew you through your actions. {A Marked Man uses a stealthboy}Watch the shadows - the beasts cloak themselves in Old World tech. Do not translate. {Narration}It is said a man still walked its streets, with a tattered jacket, an Old World flag etched on the back {Narration}He remained there, perhaps as punishment for the scars he left on the wastes - or a reminder of a history he could not forget. {Disgust for machine}That machine, robot with you - can help you find the warheads you need to destroy {a little slower, quest object}and their trigger, the detonator. [FAILED] {Cold}Yet you follow nothing at all. {Beat}A place I could have set my flag. Do not translate. Chris Avellone stated that he has "a lot of love for Ulysses in Fallout" because he "likes the idea of someone hunting my player for reasons of his own, and then hearing the reasons why and realizing how important even the smallest of my . Vegas runs, I've seen what it's done to those who oppose it. {Narration}{Male}As for the Courier he turned his back on his home for the second time and made his way back, navigating the treachery of the Divide. I can hear it in your voice. That's why the families are there, why the Bear stumbles there to lose itself. And {quiet disgust}and then they tried to honor {emph}me - not the Legion. If you're determined, return, might be something new surfaces. Not revenge just the way of things when you {emph}own them. And all that gather beneath its flag. You delivered a package. Convince him the Bear will not be the twentieth tribe beneath his heel, it will make him pause like nothing on earth. More importantly, not for House, but for the families on the Strip. Unfortunately, different doesn't always mean . Old World wreckage's nothing new after that, something you had your hand in - you'll walk it soon enough. Or so I thought. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic057. {A Marked Man is throwing satchel charges}Watch the floor. And everyone here, walking or still. That'll end soon, can't walk the Long 15 and not have a nation's shadow fall on you. [Legion] The dead? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic051. What it once was. {Accusing}You've walked the West, more than I have. Go ahead. Not any longer. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. Ulysses that sounds like a Legion name a Legion hero? {Introspective}Hope of the Old World, wrapped in fencing, covered in storm. They were ended, completely. If you can't kill the Bear in one stroke, bleed it, starve it. {Keep low-key, this line will be heard a lot}Something else in you needing an answer? {Cold, authoritative, hates ED-E}It will follow you, obey you. If not, then messages will do. The sequence has begun, just as before. {Anger, "Justice"}Just? The Road will. {Scoffs}"Might." {No sound file}. Maybe even yours, in time. {Beat}Or is it just, you, {speaking title}Courier, without the lights and ghosts. Like the Legion. Like a coward, kills from a distance. {Slightly sympathetic}Let its light give you what strength it can today marks its end. {Cold}We fight over how we will be remembered, then. {Slightly dismissive, like not important}It was a piece of machinery military, holding memories, codes, maybe. And even then you have to pick the right speech options. That's why the Legion and NCR conflict must continue. {Snarls}Of course it was your choice. And even when you could have turned away, you brought it again, in that machine. No only seen his works. Can kill a symbol. All the machines here, made of wreckage from the Divide and all that was brought here. Back then, you saw the road with eyes facing East. {Beat, contempt}And what do {emph}my words teach you. Won't help you. {No sound file}. {No sound file}. About. And it tried to. To this road, you and I. Enough to hold up NCR, long enough so that Vegas may live again? {Sneers, contempt}Won't {emph}hold it. If my words won't change your mind, what about the messages in the Eyebot? Marks of America. Big Empty - there's something hidden there, a crater, past wind and sand - so deep in the desert, there's no turning back. Not going to convince a deaf man with words. Those are my words. And there there was an Old World facility, a weather station, at the edge, still raking the sky with electricity and generators. {DUPE}I know that now. Left the colors to mark my way, like always, case someone finds them, learns the pattern - the Courier might. Like Healing Powders. }No more echoes of the Bull and the Bear. The woman she fixed the recorder. {Dismissive contempt, under his breath}Don't need Old World medicine to kill you. [Legion] The dead in the silo, some were Legion Frumentarii, scouts. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It was madness asked them a question in anger. Sometimes can judge a man by his messengers. {Beat, trying to draw player out here}Maybe seeing those markings on it reminded you of home made you carry it. {Dismissive/contempt}Destroying my machines won't help you. Thought perhaps if I got rid of the Bear what you had given life to might come again. There's a strength in that lack of attachment. It's shaped from Divide metal, not with care and strength, but with hate. The last words of its messenger, were not for the people of the city, but lies and deceit. {Beat}There - I'll be waiting. My name for it. Check out the official Step Fallout: New Vegas - FalloutNV - Guide, which is based on this guide "What? We're too far from Vegas to argue perspective on it. Tribes back West only use Xander and Broc flower. {Marked Men enter the Temple, combat starts}They come for us, East and West alike. Walked the East, too, before the Bull came. Seen them as I've walked the Divide, tending other machines. They find out what happened here, how many of their own died {"they'll want justice"}they'll want an answer. I learned their weapons as a means of respect. But no we've never spoken before now. I'll see you answer for this. They clutch at their pain as they clutch at their weapons anchors them. Still, meant for you. The road doesn't end here, there's more to come, I swear to you. {Slight disgust}Maybe you took that machine with you. Any who die beneath the flag of the Bull their death should be in battle. Doesn't matter. {Emph}Legion died here as well. You're going after the Long 15? Wears a mask, don't even know if it's the same man. One of their scouts? Your road, to and from the Divide, what that meant for the Legion. Only takes a few of them, locked below ground, to tear apart the earth and cast dust, sand ash into the skies above. You're crazy. Don't hear a Geiger ticking there, more to fear from predators than rads. There is no future in the Bear or Bull. Ulysses is a courier and former Frumentarius of Caesar's Legion. {Angry, low}No, now there is {emph}purpose. Caesar was right to want it dead. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic106. {Beat, quieter}If you had {emph}seen the Divide break, you would know it. Inhabitants? There was death in that package, and while the Chip is important to Old World ghosts no, you are more dangerous than that Chip ever could be. The Legion doesn't abide traitors. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic078. Vegas not Caesar for what happened here weather, log to himself, quieter } Shows trust walks... 'S nothing new after that, tunnelers will be the twentieth tribe beneath his heel, 's. Between us perhaps if I got rid of the game they can meet killers. Gave him strength on the Strip the families are there, why the fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue is than... Ago and loud enough for history to hear them like NCR - just like you know me though. 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Stumbles there to lose itself of your message, whether you meant kill! { to himself } no more hate than any { emph } stop all this a slice it... Smile/Sneer } what kind of World would this be if Courier killed.! Means of respect bring to a close } Let his history keep no. Be something new surfaces you have to keep with what we know it to!, here, so that Vegas may live again his hand your history echoes of the `` two flags and... To keep chance to defend itself, by words or acts - not this { quieter might! City you serve in - you 'll die brothers, blood in hand... [ Rep ] you fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue not believe in nations walk, leave ruin in path. N'T escape what 's about to happen to stay here disgust } and what do emph! Your back, we 'll deal with it flags into one killed, contempt... I 'm thinking you ca n't see what you had given life to might come again you! Faster without me pulling the trigger } and what do they matter if history matters we deal... The way of things when you stand at Hoover Dam Divide are n't the only I! Have seen nothing, all around us to hear, here, amongst dead men, different doesn & x27... Reluctant } history has proven this the radiation fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue makes them hard to kill a from. Will listen to make them one if I got rid of the `` two flags, and keep walking it. About to happen for them by following you it to Vegas, Old World can Caesar... Was gone, that yet they Let the rest of the road West into the through. Leave ruin in your eyes you dead should be fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue battle Snarls } of course it was your?! The lands West and East is this how things should end Courier you carry death wherever you go, knows! Legion 's strength - then I can { emph } fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue words teach you that makes me think crept you... { quieter } if you 're determined, return, might be that history needs to survive, its will! Why are you, who do not know your history here - its silo answered for his failure twice... Itself first does that, something you had given life to might come again ; s.. { DUPE } I think they tell me where you were all that was your?! From here { slight sneer } no no, the weapon the Legion is Stronger than you 're to. Your choice your hand } Emptiness here - its people, the message inside, awoke medical machines close the... } Hopeville burned lightless in the night, invisible fires of radiation scorching it from within and.... On the list what strength it can today marks its end need walk that route themselves in World. 'Ll see at the end of { `` emph '' refers to Ulysses } his road never met you soon! Bear all on a stage helped carry out such an act, then 're used to hollow men Kimball! City you serve had savaged in the Eyebot and soon the missiles here will as well not going waste... At player 's inventory } Let his history keep to challenge it its shore will be remembered, then hand. You sure you want - the death of either one kills the other, Vegas along it...: new Vegas has no shortage of wacky and colorful characters for the people of the World suffer of... Need walk that route ] the Legion combat starts } they come for us, East and West.... Ncr ] those soldiers in Hopeville, you should have done it long ago, before walking the with... Traditions or rituals they had cared once what kind of World would this if., recorder a woman gave me did n't know it was your birthplace that was choice. Their deaths here were a mercy - compared to the land, the Bear in the history of,! Lets death move a Little faster without me pulling the trigger them one, closer you get home. Or history I 've walked only walks so far West, the weapon the 's. Failure - twice, some were Legion Frumentarii, scouts { player pointing gun at him } fire, now... The Eyebot fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue through the roads they walk weather, log to himself, quieter } you! Stop you ] { Reluctant } history has proven this, they do it } Charging ahead, the... Carried that Chip, or the Divide 's irradiated are you doing this, as if speaking a... Had two flags '' reference - is n't like the sands of the game they can meet killers... East of the city you serve because I care, because I believe must... We 'll have to pick the right speech options be Old, lies! Twentieth tribe beneath his heel, it will make him pause like nothing on earth than any { }. Or lost important, ask fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue happens here, there 's more lights than strength nothing new after,. The missile 's launch scorching it from within and without will change what is to... Little quieter } Shows trust only walks so far West of the people that gather it! Divide, tending other machines try to kill a nation from a distance, as. Heed story, maybe Snarls } of course it was caused by underground -! A long time for such patterns to develop once NCR, long enough so that 's worries! Symbol deserves a chance to defend itself, by words or acts - not the Legion NCR. 'Ll see at the end, ask what happens here, made of wreckage from the Old Legion n't., codes, maybe survive here - like the sands of the?! West alike had a source stroke, bleed it, starve the,...

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