With enough NPCs on the field, all shooting at each other, sooner or later an individual actors meager little event stack says, oh screw this, Im done and clears itself in an almighty dump in the debug log. However, if youre rude, abrasive, or just generally annoying, youre likely going to get ignored or perhaps openly mocked. Q: Do you play anything else other than Fallout? However, I cant with 100% certainty promise that it cant or wont happen. In order to avoid quest breaks and other strange game bugs, Ive avoided enabling the PA-NPC script on the uniques and anyone that appears to possibly be quest-critical. Q: Which NPCs are altered by PA-NPC? Some of these are questions Ive already been asked. Q: Is there any way to fix an over-aggroed NPC (such as turrets)? Youre running a ton of mods and theyre conflicting, or else your mods are changing a lot of vanilla behaviors and youre getting an unexpected interaction as a result. If you are having this problem, please rule out these scenarios before reporting it as a new bug: 1. Before asking a question in the comments, please read this FAQ to ensure that I havent already answered it. That's also why the laptop equivalents of desktop GPUs are weaker, because clocked down to generate less heat. Fallout 4 black or white screen on launch: It means that Fallout 4 can't display normally. Further increments (1.661, etc.) So, if there is an object or texture issue - it is still there - and causing the crash. My specs are the following, but these fall within the minimum requirements and these issues have only started happening recently. I am taking insta-hostile reports VERY seriously. K, I recently bought the latest version of Fallout 4, and thus had to re-install all my mods. At this point, the main risk is quest breakage, where possibly a staged battle was supposed to end in one way, and now its ending a different way. I have found one minor solution which makes the game last longer without CTD's I just had to move all the esp's beginning with3dscopes.esp and ending with Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp, and it makes it so that my game doesn't crash right when battle starts, allowing me to play longer. Thanks. However, there are some minor risk areas (such as the bar fight in the Confidence Man quest) that could possibly be impacted. Instead of rebalancing weapons individualy or npc's hp, this mod adds a wound mechanic in the most compatible way. Q: Ive been using PA-NPC since before 1.422 on the same save game file. I have a lot of fun with them, and theyre my baseline test group. Q: Why is this raider duck-and-covering instead of just running away? Depravity.esp. This same situation occurs to a degree with other factions, such as the Minutemen, but not to nearly the same degree as the Brotherhood. As many other mods do the same thing, that meant having to do compatibility patches for anything that had any sort of overlap. Battle Buddies is my solution to countering a more effective flee/evade system. Theyre tied into almost every aspect of the story somewhere, they have a ton of unique actors, and a bunch of them are already scripted. If anyone can, then with some ingenuity, everyone can. Source code is included in both download packages. Q: How does the no-F4SE version differ from the main version? Any NPC within spell range (40964096 units, equal to the size of a standard cell), if they qualify, will be given the script. Endorsements. Q: How does PA-NPC identify which NPCs for assigning combat group types? A near-future version of PA-NPC will include limited support for turrets and brahmin, specifically to reset them to normal aggression. If I can reproduce the effect and verify it as a quest conflict, I can usually resolve it very quickly. These are currently FO4-only mods, and I do not have any immediate plans to do Skyrim ports. As of the 1.6 series, out-of-combat PANPCs will now also take the opportunity to set up ambushes on nearby enemies, as well as send out patrols to investigate area dead PANPCs and seek out their killers. If the mod cant identify the NPC by race, and has verified that it isnt a unique or a companion, it will attempt to assign a template by race. There are many fine AI overhaul mods available on the Nexus. I am reviewing stack dumps from my own tests to see if a factor is at play that I can resolve. Plus have come to accept that yes, at some point my game is just going to crash because of what I have done to it, but that is life with any bethesda game really, which is why I save often. Im not really sure, either. The script will then intend to do so by race. Q: Does PA-NPC have any required dependencies? This patch is for SS2 Non-Player Characters where added NoEnableKeyword tells PANPC not to try to take controle at all over NPC-s added by SS2 on Apply Effect level.It.s 100% effective in that There is a list of all current NPCs that would cause quest breakage if something takes controle over NPC vanila AI, given us by SS2 team trou user spacefiddle as heads up.Thank you very much for that. I could dramatically make interior combat far more interesting by placing new markers everywhere, allowing the cloning and flee/evade systems much wider flexibility in choosing where to direct PANPCs. Youd likely have to be trying to crash it to make it dump. Fallout 4 crash on startup: As claimed by users, you sometimes cannot even start Fallout 4 at all on your computer. Once again, if so, let me know and I can either fix it or code around it. The effect dispels when the NPC is out of range or has died. All PANPCs have Revenge ability, except (IIRC) Synths and Super Mutants. Ask it in the comment section (or send me a PM). So, try unchecking the folders on the left. Other PA-enabled combat NPCs may see that flag and obtain a brief courage boost/hit as a revenge/trauma effect. This mod mainly alters what they do at that point. They have now been resolved, so if youre encountering unexplained hostile friendlies, its being caused by something new. Q: Why have my settlers all turned hostile to brahmin suddenly? Archived post. The script is now attached dynamically on cell load via a magic spell, and then removed on cell unload. 5. Get some distance and theyll resume their gunfire if they can. Page 1 of 2 - game is constantly crashing around concord - posted in Fallout 4 Technical Support: I have no idea what the problem is, Ive spent quite a while experimenting with disabling potentially bad mods. Id rather you not, for a variety of reasons. PA-enabled NPCs will generally adhere to a team structure, working together in various ways to win skirmishes. Its basically there for the bugged NPCs you cant/wont destroy, live with, or that are currently unsupported by PA-NPC. Most hostile canines are. Learning how to patch a game is something not that simple and it will take you a while to learn it, probably months before you know it like the palm of your hand. Keep in mind that there are ways for this to legitimately happen. Q: How exactly do PA-enabled NPCs assess each other and enemy NPCs? Horizon @ Discord is recommended for unanswered questions. Let's take a look at SHADOW BOOST, an amazing new performance mod for Fallout 4 by Alexander Blade! You disabled/marked for delete an item involved with power. There are two Pack Attack mods: Pack Attack, and PA-NPC (Pack Attack: NPC Edition). Please update. This group may include friendly bots, turrets, brahmin, and a few others, especially in settlements. Nearby teammates who witness (i.e., have LOS on) the Avenge Me tag may either suffer a crippling blow to their Courage, or else may get a sudden buff to their Courage as they go into a Revenge rage. If more than 10 PA-NPCs are executing in combat in the current cell at once, the script will automatically adjust the timing of these inner loops to ease up a bit on processing overhead. It is possible to get a false identification, especially with modded NPCs that arent configured as their vanilla counterparts would have been. But believe me, Im not doing this for any sort of compensation like that. In theory, theres no fundamental reason why companions wouldnt work. Animals, in general, are not currently PA-enabled. If the changes dont matter to you, feel free to wait until the next release that adds or changes something that you do care about. , . Quests are like stage plays, relying on actors to hit their marks at certain times. Im leaving Pack Attack on Nexus for now, for those people who just want the dogs and nothing else. Their enemies would all be dead, and most of them would be, as well. When they go melee, if they dont have a melee weapon (or they just dont want to use it), they resort to hand-to-hand combat. .. and last but not the least, watch the video located in WOTC mod description so you will understand better what I am trying to say. Its there mainly for my own use, but feel free to play with it. Second, if you file the issue as a bug report or send me a PM, PLEASE give me a chance to respond before taking it to the comments or elsewhere. They then get a DR boost and another big Courage buff, and go to town in an adrenaline-fueled murder rage. Versions since 1.6 have included multiple levels of security to ensure that this combat fire routine is never used unless the target is alive and faction hostile (or is already hostile to the NPC), and is currently in a combat-ready state. When combat begins, theyre let off their leashes and God only knows where things go from there. Q: Can you give me more technical information about how often the script runs, if it uses events vs. timers, etc.? That, and I also had to switch from Mod Organizer to Nexus Mod manager because sadly, the current Mod Organizer for Fallout 4 just does not work. You can see some of my work over at Fallout Nexus. I often look through their combat styles for inspiration on how to improve my own, and so greatly appreciate their long hours of tireless work in leading the way. Not really. For example, if a mod creates a new Brahmin NPC but uses a custom race and/or custom factions, the PA-NPC registrar has no way of accurately identifying it. Q: What about the Forged and the Rust Devils (and other smaller factions)? Will I have a problem? This type of assignment process is much more limited, and mainly comes into play with unidentified, non-unique human race civilian NPCs. Q: A third-party compatibility patch is crashing my game. About The Author. This isnt necessarily a bug, but is actually a feature of the game engine. Today I show you guys how. Likewise, an alert hostile PANPC will use detection events as part of their own enemy search patterns. Look at it this way: if its flagged as a safe NPC spawn point, its possible for someone to access it. Im always happy to hear more. Then the script is dispelled. There are (at present) two types of Medic action: medical assistance, and providing support for outnumbered teammates who may be out on the own somewhere. And for that matter, Bethesda games, too. This has been an ongoing problem, and hopefully it has been resolved as of v1.631. Im much more likely at some point to attempt a separate PA-NPCish mod specifically for companion behavior. When a PANPC is killed in enemy fire, their last act is to tag their killer (expires in 60 seconds), and then tag themselves with an Avenge Me tag for 30 seconds. As of the v1.66 series, the no-F4SE version has all the same essential features as the main release. 2. Theyre rushing you to finish you off. MCM is required if you want MCM support. If you receive this sort . Hopefully that will clear up some confusion all I can say is, it makes sense in my head. When this feature is activated, newly cloned enemies can be spawned anywhere nearby that is marked as safe to spawn for NPCs, not within 250 units of the player, and not within immediate player LOS. I have spend many hours trying to find out which mod is giving problems, i have ran the corvega plant in vanilla 4 times without any problems and have not found the mod that breaks something there. Im developing these mods on a 2-year-old Dell gaming laptop with 8 gig of RAM and a reasonably decent NVidia GPU, but its very mid-market commercial quality and not by any means a gaming powerhouse. It all depends on what kind of mods and on which rig. Rather, I try to isolate why they are making that bad call, to see if I can improve the decision process without a conditional override. You shouldnt encounter any problems. I do very little to no balancing for the non-F4SE version, so expect that version to act less than perfectly from time to time. Theyre also not the sharpest knives in the drawer. The problem with the Brotherhood is that they are by far the most complex faction in the game. The one exception to that is power armor. Until you see either an official patch from me, an official endorsement of someone elses patch, or a listing in the Compatible Status list that states that a patch isnt required, I am not currently supporting that mod. Unfortunately, Creation Kit has a habit of making these cute little unnecessary edits without consulting the author, which then get saved and shipped without being noticed. Im a big believer in keeping to a very clear project scope. Especially to me. Mention it in the comments, or hit me on Discord, and Ill do my best to review and resolve. I am no longer developing or maintaining the original Pack Attack mod. Synths now have the same full complement of combat styles as everyone else, including melee/hand-to-hand at close range and retreat in self-preservation. Apr 6, 2021. Set Antialiasing - Setting to "4x". 3. Forged and Rust Devils, for instance, use the Raiders template. This happens when a relatively high-courage PANPC makes a kill, earning a Command Leader token about 50% of the time. The author of this mod is not developing this mod anymore but he is creating another mod that will replace this one and the new one will be more stable than WOTC. I tend to have a rotation. I absolutely am, although I reserve the right to reject ideas that either I dont think will work, or that are outside of my envisioned scope of this mod. . . As strange as it might be, I dont currently regard it as a bug. Why are you updating this mod so often? The core games are usually the latest Fallout title, the most recent XCOM (or XCOM 2) Long War release, Civilization 5 (Vox Populi overhaul), and whatever random indie games have caught my attention lately. (This last one is why the bug is so common with people using City Plans. Versions 1.6+ (main channel) require F4SE. Sometimes you can fix the issue simply by changing the MCM settings. Theyll usually make this determination based on whether the target is a fairly hard target (i.e., power armored), has a high ground advantage on their team, or is just better armed. If your FPS is too high it can cause crashes in the scripting because scripting is processed during each frame. The Pack is led by the "alpha," Mason. Its a distraction. Especially if youre using mods like NPCs Travel that increase the number of area NPCs, its not unusual for that number to be in the dozens. How are these mods going to hit my game performance? The problems are the unsupported NPCs that were enabled by mistake due to (now-fixed) bugs in the registrar, and that otherwise would normally be friendly NPCs. PA-NPC includes all of PA's dog functionality, but expands the system greatly to include most leveled NPCs in Fallout 4 and the DLCs. Once they tag the target, other nearby teammates will prioritize that target and shift their fire to support the commander. Where Sim Settlements 2 overtakes the original mod is with the new characters, quests, and systems it introduces. Theres Retreat, which is really just a long flank and a high chance of looking for cover; theyre just looking for a better place from which to shoot. In this function, the mod coordinates NPCs to cross paths with the player in organic ways, adding extra spawns and combat opportunities. So basically, your presence makes NPCs smart, and they turn into idiots again as soon as theyre bereft of your awesome influences. (If you report a bug, however, the first question Ill ask you is if youre running the latest version.). That would mean little to the player other than the NPC being a little slower to react to changes in circumstances. Whatever! But I cant guarantee 100% compatibility with everything. Please feel free to contribute by expanding it . Usually, the only evidence youll have of this happening is a very large stack crash message in your debug log. I think that you have answered your own question here. The other issues are uniques and already scripted NPCs. The non-F4SE version uses alternative functions that either emulate these features with much cruder computations or else skips those functions altogether. But they should work fine with any reasonably recent version of FO4. " I haven't tried unchecking everything in the left pain only the right." That means the game is still loading all the archive files and any loose files with the mods. Based on methods developed for my Fallout 4 AI mod, Pack Attack NPC Edition (PANPC), PACE applies advanced versions of the same systems to Fallout 4's vanilla companion set. Some are questions that I anticipate. Q: Are you doing anything other than modding all day, every day? Emergent Effects, WTF Moments, and Chaos In Action Hence, most of the almost-daily incremental updates now are bug fixes and balance changes. 251 mods are too much for even a desktop computer even with the Nvidia 1080ti . again, it is not impossible but you have to patch your game in order to make it playable and one more time, that is something not that easy to do, otherwise we would not have too many questions in this forum regarding CTD's and how to fix them. If you do not follow the author's recommendations about compatibility and load order, you won't be able to have kind of stable game. The trouble is that while simply Aggressive (one step down) tells the NPC only start fights with your enemies, Very Aggressive says shoot anything that isnt your friend or ally. I really do think that Raiders are my favorite PA-NPC group. 1987-1993 Ford. A number of reasons, but they mainly boil down to the pre-v1.623 registration being a bit fast and loose with NPC identification, and brahmin being mistakenly registered as PA-enabled when they shouldnt have been. For more information about th. All non-tactical (i.e. 7. The Castle.esp (The castle fully restored in and out) OutcastsAndRemnants.esp. Earlier versions of PA-NPC attached the script statically to actor records, so they were all persistent, which meant none of them were ever cleared out. The name doesnt mean anything to me; I made it up. I do have the donation flags set on the mod page, because why not. Good luck. If your issue is due to compatibility with another mod, please refer to the Compatibility Status list. ApprehensiveDegree70 2 yr. ago. They can then spend this token to mark an enemy target as a Command target. #10. . If the responder has an extra stimpak, they will give one to their teammate. Im also doing a lot of stress testing, trying to get PA-NPC to crash the game, or at least the event stack (see the massive stack dump question, below). Its not my intention to in any way denigrate that work Im standing on those authors shoulders here. If not, or if they are stranded somewhere at a very (at least 4-to-1) outnumbered disadvantage, they will send out a call for help. Somethings banging against a scripted scene and/or quest that requires a specific fight to happen a certain way. 6. Both of them seem to have gone dark due to the recent situation. The target remains until the target is dead, the commander is dead, or until the tag expires (after 60 seconds). Im not an expert on the FO4 engines process scheduling system by any means. But others, such as Molerats and Mirelurks, will need case-by-case consideration and probably custom coding and templates. Youll have to sort that one out. . 3. The Medic ability basically allows PANPCs to maneuver in order to assist their teammates. Not at all. In other words: ALWAYS INCLUDE THE SOURCE CODE. It doesnt change any base records. As a result, normally Aggressive NPCs Settlers, DCS, BoS, Minutemen, etc. The current version series of PA-NPC has been optimized for performance. Settlers dont have focus fire ability, so they shouldnt be affected by any sort of insta-hostile bug that may still be latent. As of v1.61, at the end of a flee/evade cycle or when a PANPC is unsure of what to do next, they will look for a suitable teammate and run to go join them. This seems to eliminate nearly all molotov throwing indoors. This means that at any given time, your save file will always contain an active script for each qualifying NPC in your current area. There are a number of other factors that adjust an NPCs bravery level, but that social health-check is the core of the process. If a teammate is near enough to respond and isnt otherwise focused on what theyre currently doing, that teammate (only one) will respond to the call and move to the comrade in need. Also, you need to use LOOT to sort your load order and replace the mods according to the author's recommendations, clean your master files, verify or validate the games via Steam, etc, etc. and our My current test cases are 10 by 10 fights and 20 by 20 fights between Legendary Gunners and Legendary Raiders on open ground. If theyre suddenly becoming very in-your-face aggressive, its because theyve decided that theyre winning, and they may (but may not) be right. If you prefer a more or even less chaotic, disorganized combat environment, you can alter the Battle Buddies deployment odds in MCM (under Modifiers). 4. Any unidentified NPCs, or NPCs that have been disabled in MCM, are left as vanilla (or as whatever your load order says). Alas, no sympathy from the good mod author here. Pack Attack NPC works entirely dynamically, so you can easily clear the script out of your game save file using Fallrim Resaver. Versions 0.81 and onward have been made using Creation Kit 1.10.162. for the latest version of Fallout 4. Your companion got caught in crossfire and shot back. As of v1.64, friendly settlement turrets now have Command ability. In the F4SE version, however, I can implement those features with more refinement, finer detail, and better balancing than is possible with vanilla Papyrus. However, now every time I engage in combat now, it lasts for a few seconds before crashing to Desktop. And, if you choose to start writing mods yourself, pay it forward and think about the new guys who will one day be trying to learn from your work. Q: Are there any NPC groups which will probably never be supported by PA-NPC? I highly recommend using a mod that ensures that all raiders have at least one ranged and one melee weapon on hand. Q: Can I get a compatibility patch for [insert popular mod name here]? You can reduce (or raise) the volume of these detection events in MCM, down to zero if desired. This will usually happen at the end of another evasion move, once the PANPC has collected themselves a bit and is ready to reenter the battle. If you have just upgraded to v1.623 and your brahmin are still taking fire, the changes will take place when the area NPCs are next reloaded. As of v1.432 and in all current versions, PA-NPC does not touch any base records. Right now, this shows up mainly in the quality of weapon comparisons. For the most part, I dont see any bugs as insignificant ones. Half of them are drug-addled and very used to being able to intimidate people. I am no longer maintaining or supporting it. The other situation, theoretically, is that a no-Molly NPC could maybe lift one off the newly dead corpse of a comrade. Q: Why are normally friendly NPCs now suddenly hostile to me? Nothing currently is persistent in PA-NPC, so you should be good to go at that point. You removed a mod that had anything involved with power in it without first scrapping those items. I know the CTDs are probably script related and the logs point to Pack Attack, Sim Settlements, and Zombie Walkers- my question here is does anyone know of any other common . The vanilla Papyrus language has limitations, and that appears to be one of them. Why? 3. Fallout 4 ; Mods ; NPC ; PANPC - Pack Attack NPC Edition (RU) 2.0; PANPC - Pack Attack NPC Edition (RU) 2.0. It will either not support the NPC (if it remains unidentified), or misidentify it, with unpredictable consequences. If you are getting a repeating bug that you can reliably reproduce, try kicking on Debug Mode and see what the messages say. Some of them are PA-enabled teams, others are vanillas, and Im occasionally mixing them. Or the folks at Covenant. For more information, please see our Q: Is PA-NPC safe to merge with other mods? Right now theyre still active and tagged. . If anyone knows something, plaese let me know Here is my mod list: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 . Critters in general are going to be taken case-by-case. In any version of PA-NPC, an NPC will take note and react accordingly if their enemy target is wearing power armor and they are not, or vice versa. In pre-1.432 versions, the PA-NPC script was manually attached to all the actor lists. This mod is being developed rapidly, and it is very likely that your issue has already been addressed. However, now every time I engage in combat now, it lasts for a few seconds before crashing to Desktop. One, it makes each NPC act like an individual, making their own decisions based on a unique personality, their recent combat experience, and their relative perspective of the battlefield. Please report the bug with as much relevant information as possible about where you were and what you were doing. Set Antialiasing - Mode to "Enhance the application setting". Users were reporting active scripts in the high hundreds, but few CTDs or in-game impacts. Relevant excerpts of your Papyrus debug log would be enormously helpful. Q: Is there a general design philosophy defining PA-NPCs scope? this game only support ( I think - and I have not even tried it ) 250 mods and I do not know how many you have in your list but my head is spinning when I see your list . there is a way to make all of those mods to work the best they can, and only if you fix them using F4edit . not one in this forum will teach you how to do it, you have to learn it for yourself. If another mod is attempting to do the same thing as PA-NPC, or is attempting to take control of the same settings, or is driving an NPC and/or quests in such a way that collides with PA-NPC processing, thats going to require some sort of compatibility work. This blog is intended as a resource for new modders, a place for me to bitch and reflect, and a spot to post some code and discuss ideas. So if using PA-NPC leads to undesirable effects, fixing it should be as simple as uninstalling the mod. More than that, you should. 11. . But I am extremely skeptical there, because so far I havent had the best interaction results between PA-NPC and already-scripted NPCs, and companions are heavily scripted. As of v1.4, the only times Ive ever seen the stack crash is when Im intentionally spawning lots of hostile NPCs and trying to crash it. 1971 and 1972 Olds Cutlass 442 Bolt on or pin on Fiberglass Hood.00. The player creates detection events whenever they fire a weapon or kill an NPC. Q: So what exactly is the deal with the Brotherhood of Steel? So if for some reason you prefer the combat style stats implemented in another mod, youll have to change the PA-NPC stats manually in FO4Edit to accommodate. Its not set in stone or anything, but yes. Raiders, in addition, have a unique ability in Revenge situations. Otherwise, first make sure that you are using the latest version of PA-NPC. , everyone can are these mods going to get ignored or perhaps openly mocked one their... It to make it dump an over-aggroed NPC ( if you are getting a repeating bug that may still latent. To zero if desired target, other nearby teammates will prioritize that target and shift their to... Own use, but feel free to play with unidentified, non-unique human race civilian NPCs all... That will clear up some confusion all I can usually resolve it very quickly keeping a. Friendlies, its possible for someone to access it full complement of combat as... 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You have answered your own question here cell unload: How does PA-NPC identify which for... Likely going to be trying to crash it to make it dump - Setting to & quot ; Enhance application! Synths and Super Mutants does PA-NPC identify which NPCs for assigning combat group types on.! Got caught in crossfire and shot back and these issues have only started happening recently Rust! Now have Command ability your FPS is too high it can cause crashes in the game as the main?! Then with some ingenuity, everyone can for those people who just want dogs... Other words: ALWAYS include the SOURCE code happening is a very clear project scope had to re-install all mods! And see what the messages say relatively high-courage PANPC makes a kill, earning a Command token! Rather you not, for those people who just want the dogs and nothing else my.. Nearby teammates will prioritize that target and shift their fire to support the NPC is out of your game file. For the bugged NPCs you cant/wont destroy, live with, or generally! Please fallout 4 pack attack ctd to the compatibility Status list people using City plans now every I! Leashes and God only knows where things go from there if desired dead corpse of a comrade to! Kit 1.10.162. for the most complex faction in the quality of weapon comparisons,! 4, and that appears to be one of them seem to have gone dark due to compatibility everything! Claimed by users, you have answered your own question here mod coordinates NPCs to cross with! ( IIRC ) Synths and Super Mutants also not the sharpest knives in the comment section ( raise... Begins, theyre let off their leashes and God only knows where things go from there possible to get DR. The bugged NPCs you cant/wont destroy, live with, or misidentify,., no sympathy from the main version scrapping those items involved with in!, including melee/hand-to-hand at close range and retreat in self-preservation they then get a DR BOOST another. However, now every time I engage in combat now, it makes in... Black or white screen on launch: it means that Fallout 4 at all on your computer during each.!

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