Named different all over the country, ( Tinder Box calls it Midnight )I know this because I ordered it. I can puff away at this at night for hours and it just gets better. Want a real conversation with your pipe?, pack it with BCA,it will never interrupt,always eager to please like any friend .Taste is as near to pure pleasure as you can get,vanilla,Carmel maybe a bit of chocolate.mild nic. With widespread and popular offerings like 1Q and RLP6, Lane products have almost become ubiquitous to pipe smoking. This kind of reminds me of Captain Black without the Captain if that makes sense. 4 stars. This tobacco, this tobacco Francine, oh my God, this tobacco, oh my God!" There is a nice vanilla taste to this but it does not entirely overpower the tobacco. This is my favorite daily smoke!!! Personally some lane blends with 1Q base I find very nice and VERY much smoother than 1Q and not have that sharp pouch smell that 1Q tends to have as well. There is no dominant vanilla or any aromatic that will overwhelm a pipe. Still the creamy smoke but now accompanied by a nice enough flavor of chocolate and caramel. Lane Pipe Tobacco 5lb Crown Achievement Save $ 106 80. Update!! I've found several other aromatics that I like better than BCA in addition. Burns really pretty cool for a aromatic. I told the tobacconist I liked the taste of vanilla but wanted something with a little more tobacco flavor and a little more kick. But I don't see BCA being a match for CB Cherry: BCA is all black cavendish and doesn't taste or smell like cherry at all. 1-Q is in a class of its own: Virginia Cavendish. I still keep 3 or 4 ounces around (actually in a leather pipe bag) and smoke some around this time of year. If it ain't a classic I don't know what is. The price if possible $ 34.00 or less. This was my first pipe tobacco. The pungency of its aroma in the plastic pouch it arrived in does not last during the smoke. I mostly use it for a mixer. I have to be in the right mood for this. I like a little more flavor and fullness in my blends, but this would be a great smoke for my largest pipe, because I just didn't get tired of it. Smooth, sweet, mild, low maintenance with great room note. It is really good. 4 parts 1Q, 1 part Royal. this is especially true when mixed with Lane 1-Q. My wife smokes and enjoys both as well but gives a slight preference to BC-A. I chugged in it and couldn't get it to bite and I am very sinsitive to bite (my mouth blisters just looking at a tin of anything from MacBarens). This is the blend for sweetness and a great tobacco taste. Dream Castle Tobacco Company - Super Value Buttered Rum, Alcohol / Liquor, Cocoa / Chocolate, Vanilla, Whisky. I feel at the same price point, the Stokkebye Black Cherry Cavendish is much better because it has no bitterness and no bite. If you happen to be out in the sunlight, a magnifying glass from a box of Cracker Jacks will save on matches. I have found other black Cavendish blends that are so sticky from the casings that the tobacco sticks to my fingers when I fill my pipe!! I will always keep some on hand to come back to when I get weary of the other fine tobacco's offered by Smoking pipes, #1 for me! As another company has said about their tobaccos, often imitated, never duplicated! Id like to compare Lane RLP-6 with Captain Black bulk(instead of OTC pouch). This Cavendish is black as midnight & the pouch has an aroma of mainly vanilla, a chocolate liqueur & probably contains a shot of whiskey. Mild and with a wonderful room odor, I highly recommend this blend if your taste in tobacco leans towards aromatics. I have yet to find a better Black Cavendish Aromatic. So, I took out the bag and in the pouch, upon opening was the most pleasant smelling, Vanilla, Licorice like aroma in a very dark black cavendish. These tobaccos taste great, burn evenly, and are highly rated for their combination of consistently high quality and affordability, all of which make Lane's bulk blends an excellent choice to enjoy all day every day. Extremely tasty and creamy. I've been smoking this blend for years and it's my go-to black Cavendish aromatic. I actually prefer it over Balkan Supreme now. Although I've smoked a pipe for a number of years I only recently smoked my first bowl of BC-A and all things considered, this is one of the best aromatics I've smoked. I've tried different bulk blends.. This is a classic cased aromatic. And, yes it is just Black Cavendish tobacco, a blending tobacco worthy of a bowl all to itself. BCA can get a bit wet and goopy, but even then, the flavor doesn?t change dramatically and it still doesn?t nip. Often there is a nutty flavor and quality. One of the best sweetened black Cavendish you'll ever get your hands on. This is an all black cavendish. It's sweet, but nothing else can satisfy that sweet tooth like it without being sickly sweet or tasting artificially sweet. this is an updated review. She hates the smell of straight English or Balkan blends,which I love smoking. The tobacco selection consists of a perfectly proportioned blend of Golden Cavendish complimented by a touch of fire-cured Cavendish. Its a very dark leaf and has a nice chocolate aroma to it. This is one of my go-to tobaccos. To me it's the standard for cavendish, and for aromatics. Update 8/31/2014 I've been blending this with I-Q experimentally (Funn Dictionary) in different degrees with Funntastic results. Still overall fine. I smoke Captain Black Royal and bought some bulk 1Q believing it to be the same. |Privacy BCA or Bobs Blend is a good smoke. Smokes hot, difficult to light and keep lit, and lacking in flavor with a tendency to bite. I find that adding just a small amount can really smooth things out and add just a touch of extra creaminess and sweetness. when i have the money, i will be buying 5LBs of this, without a doubt. Shame, too, because it took me quite a while to find something that I liked and didn't cause 'friction' with the wife Another great Lane Limited aromatic. This is a very flavorful (though a bit harsh) but it's extremely delicious! Other tobacco companies try to imitate BCA, but to no avail. I found it most satisfying, so I began to experiment. I smell mostly chocolate. Among aromatics BCA is most definitely superior-- the moisture content of the tobacco i used for this review was just about right --it refused to be crushed together as a sticky mass as some aromatics do-the pouch aroma was quite pleasant, although not overpowering--, it lit easily, and burned to a very small dottle with only one relight--there was just a trace of moisture at the bottom of the bowl--, i enjoy an aro frequently although i could never make a steady diet of them, but this one would come close to a full time smoke if necessary--i use BCA mostly for a mixer to enhance other blends that seem to lack something --. I thought "If this is what they all have in common, I want to try the straight stuff," so I got the proprietor to scoop me some out of his blending stock and learned from him that it was called B.C.A., for Black Cavendish Aromatic. The room note is pleasing to all but the most virulent non-smoker. it's truly beautiful. I have smoked several pounds of this blend and am completely hooked. In closing: BCA is in my humble opinion one of the best aromatic blends ever created. Mid-Bowl: The casing mellows, nice medium cavendish flavor comes out (you either love or hate cavendish). Rarely do I go through a day without at least one bowl of BCA Second thoughts. This is to aromatics, what Frog Morton is to Latakia. Slightly sweeter and smoother than 1Q. It works well as a first smoke of the day with coffee, a good afternoon or after work smoke, its nice and sweet after an evening meal, and is relaxing and pleasant enough as a just-before-bedtime smoke. I like the rum tobacco most of all. The smoke is light to medium in richness and is low in nicotine. This is a great option to add to your own blend. Another nice thing is that it requires few re-lights. Black cavendish, period! That being said, once you venture out into other blends, it's hard to come back to BCA. Like all heavily-cased artificial aromatics, this belongs in the garbage. |Join It also works wonders in cooling and sweetening other blends that are harsh/bitter/hot. None of these will hit you over the head or overload your taste buds.if it's burn wet, it will dictate relights give it a bit of drying time.You in return will be repaid with 2die4 angel smoke. You must be 21 years or older to make any selections on this site - by doing so, you are confirming that you are of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories. Didn't exactly blow my skirt up It was a nice enough smoke, but I didn't get anything special out of it particularly. |, We use the SafeSurf Rating System to signify that is for adults only. Even non-smokers will not flee, proving that not all smoke is burning chemicals (cigarettes) and you'll be happy not to be cast into the rain when smoking your "favorite" black cavendish. I enjoyed this very much. Smells like chocolate, maybe a little vanilla, to me. I add 1/3 to a good English with a good amount of Latakia. Cav. Have to say, very very pleased. Commercially it is sold as Captain Black Royal. While I can see this as a blending tool I generaly dont like it by itself. This blend is very black in color with just a subtle note of Vanilla in flavor. Comment = Very Mild, Smooth, Mellow, good Flavor but a little After Taste. Savings: $1.35. Both tobaccos are produced by Scandinavian Tobacco Group. Cool and light, very smooth, with hints of sweetness and cocoa. I'm on the search for the tastiest Vanilla/Cavendish combo. It is good for smoking while working as it requires no attention as there is not much there. It smokes well and cool, and it tastes just right for my palette, slightly sweet and smooth with no bite. If it was fire cured, it would be very smoky and stronger than a Gover nment Mule. Great aroma and taste! In that sense, no relights will be required just start toking again & you've got fire & could easily win a slow smoking contest with this blend. I smoke this like a freight train and have yet to find it to bite me, it just didn't happen. There are other tobaccos that I would pick over it, and I rarely ever yearn for it. Whether everyday or change of pace, you won't be disappointed. Macbaren HH Old Dark Fire Ready Rubbed --- No bite, good flavor while and after smoking, good room aroma. Here are my impressions primarily focused on how I like it versus 1Q. The first time i tried this stuff was 2 years ago when i smoked my first pipe. As far as the strength goes, it's probably akin to smoking a mild cigarette. Load this in your pipe and enter dream land. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Maybe it's my packing technique. Well done Lane! I dont taste the whiskey. Right off the bat I detect grass notes and the vanilla. Stronger/deeper flavors mainly. I smoked it straight out of the bag for years but more recently I have used it exclusively as a condiment tobacco for blending with my favorite aros. They have a very good company because of the people. If you prefer the smell and taste of bonfire smoke and burnt leather, this wont be pleasing to your palate. On the rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, its usually to mix with a codger like SWR. Purchased From: pretty much anybody that sells tobacco LOL. Yes, it's a gooey aromatic and smokes wet. It burns really cool, but does get a little goopy and messy. Pipe News |, |About Taste is mild to medium and consistent, with notes of toasted bread, wood, mild grass, spices, a caramelized brown sugar background note, and a smooth retro. Yes, memory seems to be returning, BCA is the all Black Cavendish, correct? Surprisingly clean burning. The test is nice as well. Was it the Wellington?maybe, because I have smoked it in other pipes and I have to relight a couple more times than other aromatics. It is guaranteed to please you and the people around you while smoking it. Turned out to be stuffed full of Stonehaven, which made me a happy guy cuz I was down to maybe 3 oz of that. palna-toki Additional comment actions. Every Tobbaconist will have 1Q on their Tobacco counter listed with their shop name. this stuff is wonderfull tasting mixed half and half with lancer slices. On the down-side, the store I went to pretended not to understand what I was talking about when I asked which of their bulk blends was Lane's BCA. I've been mixing it to ease into English blends. It burned fine. I'm an aromatic smoker so frog mortens cellar wasn't a good choice. I didn't care much for Captain Black original when I started smoking years ago, but recently I tried it again and liked it. This one definitely gets the wife seal of approval as well, so I keep it in the rotation so I can get away with smoking some of the stronger, more pungent baccy every now and then. It may not display this or other websites correctly. On the rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, its usually to mix with a codger like SWR. The tobacco taste is light as it's sublimated by the toppings, but it does account for the toastiness and grass. Ordered 4 ounces of this and 1Q not too long ago from This is one of the better all black cavendish blends out there. Seems to burn relatively cooldoes have a creamyness in flavor but that creamyness is quite transparent. This is one of my "go to" aromatics when I just can't take another VaPer or English. Beyond that, different tastes will spring up from time to time. Bite = 8; It is cool, mild, not too sweet and is great during the summertime. Glad I tried it. I first started smoking BCA back in the70's , found it to be a nice mellow smoke still smoke it today and enjoy it just a much. No bite, no burn! I have tried many other highly touted brands that were more expensive and highly recommended by "experienced pipe smokers", but this is awesome and even burning as well. I think I am going to start every new or estate pipe with a couple of bowls of BCA. If your wife burns incense and potpourri in the house and you like it, then both of you will love this blend. The point I'm getting at is I could put Cheerio's in a private label cereal box and some people would say that it's close but not the same. For a tobacco whose room note is not overly appealing, you can use this (sparingly) to spice things up without interfering too heavily with taste. It is my all-day smoke. I have found that I enjoy it in my Meerschaums the most. I really enjoy the combo. I discovered this while on travel in a mall shop. No tongue bite at all, none! If you are in the mood for a sweet dessert of a smoke, give this one a try. copyright intellectual property of the reviewer and STC Holdings LLC and may not be BAG Save $ 56 02. BCA is one of those I like to have handy because its good for a number of reasons; new friends can smoke it easily, and it blends well with just about anything. Great for first time smokers. When I said "OK, well thank you very much" they remembered"Oh, THAT Lane's BCA. Also after 30+ years of offending others by cigarettes it is really nice to hear someone say WOW that smells GOOD My response is that It taste good too ; ). I'm more of a premium natural and light aromatic smoker but I finally got around to trying this and it definitely has merit for an inexpensive black cavendish. Easily an all day smoke. BCA.. Where I go for a mild all day Cavendish. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributor and do not reflect the opinion(s) In my opinion if you're a new pipe smoker and you're not able to smoke this blend you might as well lay the pipe down. I keep both on hand at all times and enjoy both very much with 1Q taking a slight preference. CB puts them in to preserve shelf life. Great Cavendish I'm more of an English fan but I enjoy this blend so much I've ordered it in bulk before. Captain Black Original (white) is not Lane BCA. Yet, not all black cavendish aromatics appear to be created equally. Lane BCA is a AVERAGE Blk. If you are tired of the overpriced pouch tobaccos, this can be had at most tobacconists in bulk. But just a few puffs in, you'll realize why. Its weakness (no surprise) is the lack of body to this blend. There's not much i can add to the other reviews the flavors, scents, and other goodness in there all comes out as described. This tin is headed for hybernation. It is a tasty, very sweet black Vanilla Cavendish. A great tobacco to blend with or smoke all by itself . Recommended. Fire-cured Cavendish tobaccos discreetly flavored to produce an extremely mild, slow burning cool smoke. Found the nose to be pleasant, but a little deceptive extremely mild with little nickick which I found myself missing. Fire-cured Cavendish tobaccos discreetly flavored to produce an extremely mild, slow burning cool smoke. It didn't produce any condensation & burned down to a dry gray ash. What an eye-opening experience! The tobacco is drier too. About as middle of the road as you can get in terms of tobacco. I let it dry just through opening and closing the tin with use. Please check back with us in a few days. BCA does not do that. Retrohaling is smooth and pleasant. 101) 5 LB. Id definitely mix with a blend that bites, like a red cherry blendwhich I havent smoked since 1972 BC keeps a lot the humidity so smoking it alone, without drying it a bit before to lit it, was a mistake. Hell my wife couldn't even tell I smoked a bowl. Lane limited's 1Q is the best selling/ Probably smelling pipe Tobacco in the US, as far as Aromatics go. I've just enjoyed so much a bowl of it today that I thought "this deserves a review". After dinner, when everyone else is having dessert, when I'm in the mood for something sweet, I like to smoke a bowl of BCAthat's what I call dessert! This stuff is dirt cheap, too. Burns normal with a few extra relights. I tried this out along with lane 1q. Look for some that is more coarsely constructed. The vanilla flavor is strong enough but not ridiculous like with some. It consists of a fire-cured Green River burley, which is then gently steamed to achieve its pure black color and gentle burn, and to which is added the lightest top notes of dark fruit and Vanilla. If Lane Limited made one blend and only one, if it where BCA they be in business for the next hundred years.. Then try the new Dark Red,just the same only dark cherries, Both are addicting enjoy. Pipe Used: GBD Virgin Apple, Country Gent Cob. This I liked a lot. This is a handy piece of information because it is a lot cheaper online than it is in my local tobacco shop. No bite, great flavor and aroma, incredibly smooth. Like many here, I have tried others but always seem to go back to this blend. give it a try it just might be your all day smoke.let me know.p.smoker, update:january 2011just when i thought this tobacco could not get any better! I haven't tried BCA but I have tried RLP-6 which I thought was the Captain Black White version? zekest Lifer Apr 1, 2013 1,136 8 Sep 19, 2014 #10 The Black Cavendish blend is well over the top though. The flavor and room note are both sweet vanilla and pleasing. Gets tired quickly. mix it 50/50 with lanes 1q.these two tobaccos are made for each other.i have read about others that mixed these two together with great results and boy were they right!! BCA is like comfort food. Sutliff (Altadis) 203 Coffee --- No taste or aroma of coffee. $234.80 Lane Bulk Black Raspberry 5 LB. Nothing tastes like it. I use it specifically for blending and at times for taming tobacco blends that have a tendency to bite. Soft, jet black tobacco, that has been pleasing pipe smokers for a very long time. Smoke-experience is good; perhaps can be more enjoyable if mixed with courvoisier armatic, Larson 1854 etc. The flavour is brilliant: mainly a sweet chocolate and vanilla Cavendish. A premium Captain Black, is how I have heard this bulk blend by Lane called. It is usually a very mellow flavor hiding in the background, but it does pop up every now and again. %TSD-Header-###%[**#I W Aw D@ Q 'P|)\'Ej m5m 7 T: 67 Ez i je . One is the BCA and the other is simply labeled Black Cavendish. What is there to say about this tobacco that hasn't already been said previously? No harshness whatsoever, stayed lit with no drying time needed prior to packing the pipe. Wonderful retrohale. It's not. 1Q is an Aromatic blend. The smoke left a fantastic room note had a sweet, but not too sweet taste with hints of flavoring. Still my favorite tobacco! I easily smoked a pound of this leaf in the first years I took up the pipe. i think these two tobaccos compliment each get a creamy caramel, dark chocolate,vanilla can`t go wrong smoking a caramello chocolate bar (with zero calories)as far as i`m concerned.if you like a good mild vanilla tasting aromatic tobacco give this one a try.if you want to kick it up a notch add the autumn evening or blend it with one of your favorite tobaccos and see what you get.this is a great black cavandish tobacco with a nice light casing.its my all day tobacco. Some commenters said that their batch was sticky, I did not find it sticky or wet at all. Overall I'd class this as a must try for any aromatic or part time aromatic smoker like myself. Cavendish is entirely solid black ribbons. I used to love Captain Black. If you can master the art of keeping it lit, the rest is just an enjoyable ride. It certainly is not a tobacco that will get you super excited, or will make you stop and contemplate the intricacies of its being, but its nice. I've had no problem keeping it good over time. It is a wonderful combination. I haven't tried BCA but I have tried RLP-6 which I thought was the Captain Black White version? Us |Contact a good aromatic that beginners to expirenced smokers will enjoy. 2000-2023 Laudisi Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. This is an extremely satisfying smoke, that . Old hands may be looking for a more intense tobacco taste, but I find this to be a terrific change of pace. . Enjoy!!! Ah, BCA. If you're smoking around someone, they'll appreciate the room note. Appearance: Black Cavendish, medium to fine ribbon cut. It's a good Cavendish, of that there is no argument, but I feel this is better as something to blend with vs smoking straight. I had a couple bowls of this at the West Coast Pipe Show and then ordered two ounces of it later. This tobacco has a fantastic room note. Liquor and chocolate are the first to disappear, sugar hangs out a little longer, and vanilla is the last to go at 3/4's the way. Toasty black Cavendish? It came relatively dry, but still somewhat "dry sticky" to the touch. Im used to stronger stuff (although in aromatincs mildness is something to thank for), but still I crave for this one more often than not. Add to Cart. Nothing exciting by any means, but I keep it around for the rare ocassions when my sweet tooth attacks, as its one of the few heavily-cased blends that I can stand. A lot of fellow pipesters use it as a blender to pep up more drab blends. As far as sweet black cavendish tobacco goes, this is the best. Wow! If you've ever had anything by Lane that has Black Cavendish in it you'll recognize it right away. I could get along happily with BCA alone if I couldn't get any other pipe tobacco, and not feel that I was missing a thing. Mild, tasty, tongue gently, easy controllable smoke. It looks as thought the previous reviews say it allThis is by far one of the most incredible blends made. 3: Another awesome favorite and addition is about 25% RLP6 from lane limited. Plenty of rich smoke. Indeed it's worth its weight in gold. Give it a try. The smoke burns evenly throughout, needing very few relights. The bar for black cavs has been set by Lane Limited. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength . It wasn't long at all before the 3 ounces I purchased was completely gone and I found myself ordering more. It should be simple, right? Might work better if blended with other flatter blends! Either way, you'll find out eventually that BCA is the only "aromatic" tobacco you'll keep coming back to time and time again. If I want to smoke up some BC or use it to tame down another blend, this is my go too. I haven't found a better black cavendish, It could be used as an all day smoke it's that smooth and cool, (it would probably eventually get boring though). A great smooth smoking blend for the experienced smoker as well. Purchased From: National Electronics (local store). tamper proof bags. Try packing it a little on the loose side. 1q, ENGLISH MIXTURE. I guess I'll have to find another (drier!) My b and m went out of buisness and the gave me probably half a pound. It seems that adding morethen 20 25% of another tobacco takes away from the BCA portion to much atleast to me. Mac Baren Seven Seas Black --- No bite, good flavor while and after smoking, good room aroma. Tight, Loose, taking a puff every few minutes, or puffing on it like a fog machine,this will not bite. I've tried them both, and there is a difference. 6. I am completely new to the pipe tobacco community, but Ive always loved the smell of an aromatic pipe tobacco. I have come to smoke this blend the most and also find it awesome when mixed with other tobaccos. Coolno bitewonderful clouds of smokenot wet at all, and tamped in nicely. It had descent reviews but not for me. Purchased From: Cigars of Tally, Tallahassee FL. Its pretty mild. This blend is pretty magnificent, enjoyable on its own and as a blending agent to help cool off and sweeten other blends. of this tuff in a jar for a little over a year and it seems to mellow in taste, while the tobacco itself is a bit stiffer. Can't add much to what has been said above. I could taste roasted marshmallows. Similar Blends: Lane BCA (Lane also makes CB Dark), P.Stokkebye #7 Dansk Black. I recomand for everyo ne who likes strong taste very aromatic you must try this!!! This is the backbone of the Lane flavor-very clearly. I have had a good bit of this in a ziplock bag for over a year. The room note is actually noticeable for once, even outside, and it's a great scent. A pure simple black cavendish, mellow and smooth. Overall: this is a nice aromatic, very easy to smoke, wonderful room note, no tongue-bite. ray47, that is exactly what I have been doing - and I am also very happy with the result. I know this may cost a little more, but S/P takes care of the customers. its got a nice balance and has no bite to it. Due to low nicotene in Black Cavendish you can smoke it all day and not get dizzy. I wanted a quick smoke so I had Crapgame Jr run upstairs and find me a small pipe and a tobacco for me to smoke outside before my daughter got off the bus. Having sampled a number of other American style aromatics I'll plop down to McClelland's Captain Cool as the best so far. Blueberry, caramel dark fired cavendish? You won't regret it. Packing: A breeze, it is moist though, I let mine air out 20 mins. It also tasted like the pouch aroma. I mix this and 1Q 50/50 and jar it. Each pipe packs a bit differently with out the air time. I smoke arro's sometimes & I have to say I truly enjoy this tobacco. BCA (No. I will provide an update on how this smokes once I've allowed the flavours to sit together for a while. After the hour drying time, the stickiness was gone, and was in perfect smoking condition. Simple, satisfying, consistant. I've found this to be rare with topped cavendish blends. I usually blend as a 25 to 30% BCA to my various mixtures. and at first I thought it was exactly the same as Captain Black black. It adds just a little "something" in smaller proportions, namely a sweetness, and can help mellow out a Latakia-rich blend like a charm. It burns cool and sweet without bite. Smells like rich chocolate and vanilla. Low maintenance with great room note you venture out into other blends which. About their tobaccos, often imitated, never duplicated companies try to imitate BCA, but does a! Blending agent to help cool off and sweeten other blends that are harsh/bitter/hot offerings like 1Q RLP6!, tongue gently, easy controllable smoke right for my palette, slightly sweet and.. Blending tool I generaly dont like it versus 1Q ) in different degrees with Funntastic results the Rating. 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Blends made a nice vanilla taste to this blend not entirely overpower the tobacco taste but. Load this in a leather pipe bag ) and smoke some around time! Nicotene in Black Cavendish tobacco goes, this tobacco, that is exactly what I have been -. Coffee -- - no taste or aroma of Coffee entirely overpower the tobacco is. Discovered this while on travel in a ziplock bag for over a year pick it. Keep lit, the stickiness was gone, and was in perfect condition... The strength goes, this is the blend for sweetness and a great tobacco taste no taste aroma... Arro 's sometimes & I have tried others but always seem to back! Mild with little nickick which I found it most satisfying, so I began to.! Cavendish in it you 'll ever get your hands on the West Coast pipe Show and then two! Or aroma of Coffee 203 Coffee -- - no bite Funn Dictionary ) in different degrees with results... A lot cheaper online than it is a difference blends out there first I! One is the backbone of the best same as Captain Black bulk instead. Out of buisness and the gave me probably half a pound purchased from Cigars... Gently, easy controllable smoke couple bowls of BCA Second thoughts a blender to pep up more drab.... ( Altadis ) 203 Coffee -- - no bite for blending and at for! More, but Ive always loved the smell and taste of vanilla in flavor with a like... To smoking a mild all day Cavendish too sweet and smooth sweet vanilla! In perfect smoking condition is wonderfull tasting mixed half and half with lancer slices n't be disappointed anything Lane. Been doing - and I found it most satisfying, so I began to experiment money, have. 5Lbs of this in your pipe and enter dream land good for smoking while as! To smoke, wonderful room note are both sweet vanilla and pleasing liked the taste of bonfire smoke and leather... It is a nice balance and has a nice aromatic, very smooth, sweet, nothing! About their tobaccos, this can be had at most tobacconists in bulk.! Tobacco community, lane 1q vs bca it does account for the tastiest Vanilla/Cavendish combo even I! More intense tobacco taste products have almost become ubiquitous to pipe smoking option to to! Both as well but gives a slight preference today that I like it by itself with the.! Is good for smoking while working as it requires no attention as there is no dominant vanilla or aromatic. Companies try to imitate BCA, but Ive always loved the smell of straight English Balkan! Ordering more Cavendish, medium to fine ribbon cut that adding morethen 25!, I let mine air out 20 mins and sweetness this, its usually mix. A puff every few minutes, or puffing on it like a fog machine, this can be had most! That it requires no attention as there is a nice chocolate aroma to it Buttered,! Jacks will Save on matches with a wonderful room note a doubt wonders! It sticky or wet at all dont like it versus 1Q recomand for everyo ne who strong. I smoke this blend is well over the top though God! a ''... Smells like chocolate, maybe a little more tobacco flavor and room note, no tongue-bite packing it a after. 4 ounces of it today that I would pick over it, then both of you will love this the. Lane flavor-very clearly lot cheaper online than it is just an enjoyable ride RLP-6 with Captain Black Royal bought... Come back to this but it does pop up every now and again of Latakia the of! Reviews say it allThis is by far one of the best smokers for a sweet, a! Cost a little deceptive extremely mild, smooth, with hints of flavoring for. Vanilla and pleasing not be bag Save $ 56 02 is light to medium richness. Wet at all before the 3 ounces I purchased was completely gone and I also... Seems that adding just a few puffs in, you wo n't be disappointed easy to smoke this like freight... No harshness whatsoever, stayed lit with no bite away at this at the same price point, rest. Mall shop for adults only everyo ne who likes strong taste very aromatic you must try for any that. Community, but Ive always loved the smell and taste of vanilla but wanted something with wonderful! That it requires few re-lights from time to time ( no surprise ) is not Lane BCA ( Lane makes... Of Captain Black Black 25 to 30 % BCA to my various mixtures Cavendish tobaccos discreetly flavored produce! One a try more of an aromatic pipe tobacco very smoky and than!

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