You can literally hit the enemy weaknesses with two of your four party members, use your strongest attacks with everyone else (although keep in mind each wave is strong against all attack forms save for two, so those "strongest attacks" are being watered down considerably), and not clear the wave in two turns. Oracle will explain that one of the foes ahead is the Section Chief, but which one? EXECUROBO isn't weak to anything, so any character will be able to contribute to chipping away EXECUROBO's health, but it also means you're not going to be scoring knockdowns, either. Before school you'll be pestered by Ann regarding Okumura. Head back up the ramp, loot a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_], then go into the SAFE ROOM to unlock the WEAPON PRODUCTION fast travel point. To the east and north are more large robots. We'll be done with school automatically today. Talk to him and opt to hang out and he'll be interrupted by his phone. Continue north and you'll get a scene about the door up ahead, beyond which the Treasure apparently lies. Wouldn't be much of a Palace if that didn't happen, but c'mon guys, you can jump up there. This actually makes this fight much more bearable, although I (BK) still really don't like how poorly they designed this fight as a whole. ([_SOJIRO AFFECTION +2_]), which Sojiro obviously can't argue with. One SAFE ROOM out of eight, to be precise. While you're here, you might as well prepare for the upcoming oh month. Nice. Dispatch a Savage Shadow at the southwest/northwest juncture, then head northwest and loot a chest for a [_BLACK ROCK_], while another Shadow on a platform to the southeast holds a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_]. If you successfully strike a trick shot, your Technical Rank will increase. Using the +20% multi-target magic + Amp + Boost + Magic ability ALSO reaches a total of 140% increase. Ambush the Shadow here, loot a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] to the west, then search the northern wall to find another pair of LEVERS. The fight is pretty much in the bag at this point. The two bundles for sale today are the Pumpkin Ghost Set (14,800 Yen), which consists of a [_LANTERN NECKLACE_] and [_PUMPKIN SOUP x5_]. The choice, of course, is yours to make. If you do not have at least six PSYCHO BOMBS or CURSE BOMBS and six AIR CANNONS or HAPPY BOMBS we highly encourage you to use Kawakami to craft some. Whew. Different color, different name, different weaknesses - the CORPOROBO MDL-WKR bots you should be familiar with, but the CORPOROBO MDL-DM is weak to both WIND and BLESS. Follow this second set of pipes to the south to find a chest containing a [_MODEL GUN_]. Head to the north AIRLOCK and use it, and when you arrive in the next section, hide and ambush a Shadow. Might not be a bad idea to save beforehand, in case something goes awry. You'll then fight two Shadows call Pagan Saviors. Nab a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] along the northern end of the pillar in the middle of this room, then contemplate your options. Very nice! Thank you! Finally, be sure to read the note from BKSTUNT below - while HAERAVON has been shaping a longer-term strategy for this fight, BKSTUNT has some last-minute advice for the underprepared, including an unexpected way to make this boss fight easier upping the difficulty? The CORPOROBO MDL-GMS boast tons of Hit Points and are only weak to PSY and CURSE attacks. The day will start with a scene involving Kasumi, a "Middle-Aged Teacher" and Maruki. If you followed our advice over the past couple of days and used Kawakami to make various bombs you might not feel compelled to make any more (again, six that can inflict PSY/CURSE and six that can inflict WIND/BLESS should suffice), but your optional are fairly limited, as the damned cat won't let you leave Leblanc on the eve of your showdown with Okumura. It'll do as advertised and take down the lasers blocking the ramp up north. If you have a well-built party that's perhaps a touch over-leveled, you can probably just focus on buffing Fox/Joker/Queen/Skull with CHARGE/CONCENTRATE and unleashing devastating attacks on the next round while Mona focuses on healing. This will take you on a longer, enemy-strewn path to the boss. Finish up with "Where's my reward?" Lovely. Just walk back home and when you enter Leblanc, opt to "meet with the others.". It's all downhill from here After the fight you'll confront a repentant Okumura, who admits to much wrong-doing while providing scant few details. Sweet! Go east and Mona will point out an elevated walkway and query whether there's a way to climb up. It's a game with an incredibly deep and entertaining combat system, and a intriguing plot, but one aspect that. Probably a bad analogy. Persona 5 Royal - BOSS - Pagan Savior Philo 1.1K subscribers 3.6K views 2 years ago This shouldn't be too difficult. for [_MISHIMA AFFECTION +3_]and Mishima will be pretty happy about it. After that, it's time to head to SHINJUKU and pay Chihaya for a MONEY READING. To be blunt, this is a very poorly designed fight thanks to this change. Follow the blue robots into the room to the west and you'll trigger a scene when you enter, which ultimately leads to a fight. Fortunately, Tsukasa shows up and makes it abundantly clear why he calls his targets "princess". Given how much of a bother it was to get into Kaneshiro's Palace, if Okumura gets his silly UFO off the ground, he'll be literally out of reach, so haste is in order. We'll be interrupted by some cultists, who would clearly rather indulge in delusion than accept reality. All in all, it's hard to argue with a party of Joker/Queen/Fox/Mona, as that's potentially three potent healers, and all our companions should know HARISEN RECOVERY by now, which may just come in handy. Persona 5 Royal - Included ContentAbout the GamePrepare for the award-winning RPG experience in this definitive edition of Persona 5 Royal, featuring a treasure trove of downloadable content included! Now that our stats are maxed we really have no more need for DVDs at all, but if you want to pick one up, you can. We thrashed Noir's rape-bot fiance, now it's time to hunt down that discount-bin Darth Vader, Shadow Okumura. We've got no IMs to guide us, so we'll have to let BKSTUNT decide what oh. With the final minion out of the way, it's Okumura's turn. Skull equipped with a PORTABLE BATTERY accessory isn't a bad option, either. Don't try to be cute, just get a Persona that resists or nullifies PHYS and lay into SHADOW ISSHIKI, healing when you must. Persona 5 Royal - P5R Okumura Palace Overview and Infiltration Guide April 7, 2020 Pixel Jello Persona 5 Royal 16 A complete walkthrough and strategy guide of Okumura Palace in Persona 5 Royal. Enter the northern room and ignore the bots, making a beeline for the [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] at the far end of the room. While the original game didn't feature them, Persona 5 Royal brings Will Seeds into Persona 5's story (among many other things). Do so and you'll be on a new section of the factory to the south of the last one. After the fight, choose whichever dialog you wish and nab the [_VENTURE SABER_] that Isshiki leaves behind. When they're down, continue north along the path until it goes no further.. No shopping on TV and the ol' plant is doing fine, so no real reason to hang around Leblanc. if you decided to remain friends or "I wanted to hear your voice." We fought the former earlier, and they're both weak to FIRE, while the latter is weak to LIGHTNING and NUKE, which makes sense, since he uses the WIND element. Things escalate from there, and when Tsukasa advances on Makoto, make the stakes clear by saying "Your fight's with me." This critter is L69, which actually doesn't seem that far off anymore. Next: Week 25: (October 10th - October 16th), Week 2: (April 18th - April 24th [KAMOSHIDA'S PALACE]), Week 6: (MAY 16th - MAY 22nd) [MADARAME'S PALACE], Week 7: (MAY 23rd - MAY 31st) [MADARAME'S PALACE], Week 11: (June 20th - June 30th) [KANESHIRO'S PALACE], Week 15: (July 25th - July 31st) [FUTABA'S PALACE], Week 16: (August 1st - August 7th) [FUTABA'S PALACE], Week 20: (September 1st - September 11th), Week 21: (September 12th - September 18th), Week 22: (September 19th - September 25th), Week 23: (September 26th - September 30th), Week 24: (October 1st - October 9th) [OKUMURA'S PALACE], Week 29: (November 7th - November 13th) [SAE'S PALACE], Week 30: (November 14th - November 20th) [SAE'S PALACE], Week 31: (November 21st - November 30th) [SHIDO'S PALACE], Week 32: (December 1st - December 11th) [SHIDO'S PALACE]. Jump through the AIRLOCK and fly to another section to the north, then continue north through another AIRLOCK to reach the third WILL SEED. After the fight, we'll have quite a few scenes. Note it for now and continue up another ramp to find a chest containing ''[_ARC MAGATAMA x3_]', then from the chest turn northwest and look up to find a UFO you can GRAPPLE onto. There is an easy solution to get through this though: you can set the game's difficulty on MERCILESS to do much more damage when you hit an enemies weakness. Beyond you'll find another circular hub room, with three more rooms braching off it. 10/3 would have still been pretty late in terms of getting new party members, and it would have stepped on Haru's toes a bit, but Well, you'll see. After you get that intel you'll have to put down your foes, which include a pair of CORPOROBO MDL-WKRs and a CORPOROBO MDL-AM. He's going to hang out with Makoto. Jump a gap to the north, head up a ramp, then turn west to climb onto a higher ledge before continuing north. Though said to be the savior of the angels, he used to be a human, the king of Salem." Persona 5 background Melchizedek is the fifth Persona of the Justice Arcana and can be found as a Persona in the Depths of Mementos with the title "Pagan Savior." Say what you will, pick a fight, and you'll be facing off against four CORPOROBO MDL-WKRs and a CORPOROBO MDL-GM. Contiue forward and jump onto some canisters, then turn northeast to spot a GRAPPLE POINT above you. JUMP across the pipes here to reach the platform the chest is on to score the [_ARMAGEDDON ROD_] weapon for Ryuji. keeps the tradition of post hangout calls alive by pestering us electronically outside of Leblanc. Along the way you'll find plenty of Shadows, most of which you can ambush by waiting for them to pass by, then climbing on top of some cylinder. If you can manage to spare the turn, buffing with CHARGE/CONCENTRATE for the next wave will help quite a bit. Climb onto some pipes, then turn east and vault up on some more pipes. We're not going to do any of those though. Okumura probably won't bother buffing them, and they don't have any attacks other than ASSAULT DIVE. First things first, search to the east to find a chest containing [_RAGE VIAL S x3_], then hit a SWITCH to the north and ride another elevator down. His gambling addiction must be fed, after all. We'll hang out with the old mobster today, but before we do anything else return to the RENTAL SHOP on CENTRAL STREET and return the "31" DVD. The latter option will ultimately lead back to the ring you were on earlier, but if you want to fill out the map and get all the treasure you'll just have to make the trek. Kill it, then turn around and nab [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] before pressing onto the north, going up a ramp to the west, dispatching another pairs of Shadows in the room to the north and looting a second [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] in the southwestern corner of said room. Ha. You'll earn [_MAKOTO AFFECTION +3_] if you respond with "You'll find someone someday." Leave the room and jump back down to the circular walkway, then continue counter-clockwise until you reach some canisters at the end, above which you'll find another vent you can crawl through. Ignore it for now and cross a bridge to the east to find a dangerous enemy (likely a GIRIMEHKALA) and take it out. Still a week to go before we need to reach the Treasure Room. Info P5 Shadows P5 Questions Royal Shadows Royal Questions To be fair, in that version this fight was way too easy. Excellent! what is a class 6 felony in california; joint military postal activity; Inicio; Biblioteca; Generador de Documentos; Blog; . They block Curse and use strong Physical attacks but are weak to Wind. I mean, that's a LOT of money! Hitting L50 is not at all discouraged, and if you can hit the Velvet Room and score some powerful Persona during Fusion Alarms, all the better. From here it should be a simple matter to work your way across the pipes and crawl through the vent to reach the WILL SEED ROOM, wherein you'll claim the [_GREEN GREED SEED_]. And that's all we have for today. Ambush and dispatch two enemies, continue through a door to the north, defeat another robo-guard, then loot another [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] in the northwestern corner. Put Kawakami to work, then let's spend our time hanging out with Sojiro. This foe is weak to WIND, so Mona actually wouldn't be bad here, but Joker will do in a pinch. Haru will bug you about going to the Palace today, and she frankly has a right to be concerned. Once in combat you'll be facing off against three CORPOROBO MDL-WKRs and a CORPOROBO MDL-DM. Is that a thing? However, remember that some answers may still change the nature of your relationship, so choose carefully. Since it lowers your damage output considerably, you need a means of curing it - Mona's ME PATRA ability will do the trick, as will REPENTENCE ASHES and ALERT CAPSULE items. The one immediately to the west contains a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_], while the one back south (you'll need to use the AIRLOCK to reach it) contains a chest housing some [_PHYSICAL OINTMENT x2_]. Pull the ALPHA LEVER to finally open the way to our destination. Makoto will finally realize we've gone WAY off topic and just like that we'll get our rank up: Our bonding moment won't last long, as Eiko will message Makoto and gloat about her relationship before bringing up the idea of a "double wedding". Who you spend Christmas Eve depends on who you're in a relationship with. We use the time to finish up another book, but if you need to catch up on infiltration tools (the aforementioned bombs, in particular) you should do that instead. When you're ready, continue through the door to reach the DISPOSAL LINE. We strongly suggest you make a HARD SAVE before you leave Okumura's Palace. ", after which the sheep will bleat louder and more pathetically before "country girl" Chihaya gives them a proper talking-to. Make your way east, then turn south and you'll see a ramp leading up. The other option today is the Ghost Repellent Set (9,980 Yen), which includes [_BAPTISMAL WATER x5_] and [_EXORCISM WATER x5_]. As usual, he will call us as we get home, warning us about Tsuda seeing our face. Speaking of which if you want to stock up on more items from the CHURCH in KANDA, now's the day to do it. Namely UNTOUCHABLE, which has new arms and armor. Sisters? Be sure you have a PERSONA that is strong against PHYSICAL ATTACKS, as well as a Persona that can heal up one ally fairly well. You'll get a call from Kasumi after class, which leads to quite a few scenes. Not bad! Head head, loot another [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] and go through the eastern-most AIRLOCK to reach another small room. Loot a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] to the south, then look for a chest off in the distance to the east. You'll be reminded later, at the end of the run. Drop down off the pipes onto the floor, then head up the ramp near the SAFE ROOM, continue past the balcony overlooking the factory (where you had the scene earlier) then continue east down a ramp and turn north through a door to reach the factory floor. Exit through a door to the east, jump down onto and cross the arm to the east, then turn north and grab another [_STORAGE CAPSULE_]. But again you'd have to have the items ahead of time. The way forward is in the room to the north, where you'll find a lift you can use to advance, but before you do, go search the two rooms you unlocked. More importantly, this completes the request "The Money-Grubbing Uncle" and allow us to continue boosting Sojiro's confidant rank and we didn't even have to waste a whole day going to MEMENTOS to do it! persona pagan savior weakness Oct 21, 2020 Persona 5 pagan savior weakness . The inky void of space? By this point in Persona 5 Royal, you've met the wonderfully demure Haru Okumura, daughter of the fast-food magnate, Kunikazu Okumura, who owns Big Bang Burger where you've been taking on the ridiculous burger challenge. Forced to transfer to a high school in Tokyo, the protagonist has a strange dream. You know, aside from the trivial ask of defeating the most difficult boss in the game. persona 5 royal pagan savior weakness. Head out and use the ALPHA AIRLOCK to go north (it's the only way we can go, for now) to reach a small room with four AIRLOCKS in it. Well, it's not the ID we need, but it can still help us reach our goal. If you can get your hands on a Persona with MAEIGAON, you'll be in good shape, but MAEIGA or MAPSIO might suffice. Do so and you'll drop down just beyond the door that blocked your way earlier. Using Pagan's Allure + Amp + Boost + Magic ability reaches a total of 140% increase. Cross the mechanical arm after it falls, ambush a Shadow on the far side of the room then loot a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] to the south. After the dialog, go ahead and nab the [_STORAGE CONSOLE_] ahead of you, then kill the Shadow patrolling furhter on, using the conveniently-placed boxes to ambush them. If you fail to do this, they will all be replaced with 100% health workers. Obviously turn order will influence how things play out, so Fox/Joker/Queen might end up getting their turns after Mona, in which case they'll use CONCENTRATE/CHARGE after the BATON PASS sequence. Yeesh. If you follow a walkway to the west you'll find a vent that leads to an area where the GREEN WILL SEED is located, but there are currently lasers guarding it. This means each wave will attack once, then flee. After that, Futaba's uncle will come in and make an epic ass out of himself, after which say "I was just protecting Futaba." The former you'll see play out, but the latter is a subject for immediate discussion. That said, when she does become available, she's fairly useful, as many enemies are weak to PSYCHIC. Persona 5 Negotiation Guide. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost. Once across, endure some more chatter, make sure you're healed, then advance west to engage the yellow robots you saw a while back. At least, it should be. Assuming you opt to go through the door (skip the following paragraph if you GRAPPLED onto the UFO) you'll have to sit through some chatter before you're free to challenge the Shadow-filled hallway ahead. You shouldn't need to press a lever yet, so just head east and go through the AIRLOCK to reach another hallway crawling with Shadows. You should get a short scene of them saying something when you do this. Okumura should be going full-tilt now, and these foes are unique in that they won't use physical attacks, opting instead for single-target, mid-tier elemental spells. When it's gone, once again you'll find some [_STORAGE CAPSULES_] you can loot and two more LEVERS. Rounding out the list of useful items are RASEETSU OFUDA and KONGOU OFUDA, which will buff the entire party's ATTACK and DEFENSE, respectively, something you can also facilitate with TARUKAJA (Skull) and MARAKUKAJA (Queen). If you go north first, respond to the robot by saying "Sorry." Today we're going to push Makoto's confidant rank to romanceable levels, so travel to AOYAMA-ITCHOME to find BKSTUNT's favorite nerd outside of school. 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Mps Summer School 2020 Calendar, Gd Folk Knowledge, Articles P