FOOTNOTES Quaker founder George Fox also visited that same year. (12) Anon., Deep River Friends Meeting, n.p. Then in the 1800s they spread into the Midwest, Oregon, California, and Canada. possible in Jersey settlement area Rowan co bout 1768. In 1754 the older meeting granted permission to Friends at Deep River for a meeting to be held regularly according to their records at the home of Benjamin Beeson, except when it is held at Mordecai Mendenhalls. A log meeting place was erected in 1758, supposedly using the conventional Quaker pattern with a movable partition separating the mens and womens business sessions. Few of us want to recreate all the family patterns of early Quakers, but we can learn from them. The daughter of one Joshua Mendenhall and his wife, Lydia, Jemima Mendenhall was born on December 9, 1757. In 1771, that part of North Carolina became Guilford County, the name now associated with that New Garden MM. Write down the microfilm numbers you plan to search on your research log. Next he goes to Dunn's Creek, then to Core Sound on the Atlantic coast. Quaker Meadows: October 3, 1973 . I think Sanderton should be Sanderson. Mothers and fathers were to teach by example. Actual families varied and experienced both male and female authority. The New Garden Monthly Meeting, an offshoot of Cane Creek, was formally established in 1754 in what was then part of Bladen County, North Carolina. I went about 10 years ago and have pictures of Gum Neck and Frying Pan. Many FS Library microfilm numbers are listed in Thomas Hill's book. He requests a certificate to Carver's Creek in southeast North Carolina, but there is no record of him there. Limit 20 per day. [1], According to NCPedia, Quakers were some of the first settlers to move to North Carolina, because the colony had established religious freedom as early as 1672.[3]. (6) Ibid., p. 20. Deep River Friends Meeting also owes its parenthood to the New Garden Meeting. Elders might visit couples, resolving differences and exhorting changes in behavior. Young women could follow their leadings for a time before marriage, as part of lifelong singleness, or when widowed. . Those present signed a certificate witnessing that the marriage had actually taken place. Their petition stated: There is Thirty Families and upwards of Friends settled in them Parts and Desire still in behalf of themselves and their Friends to have a Monthly Meeting settled amongst them. Not surprisingly, the first piece of business to come before Cane Creek Monthly Meeting (October 7, 1751) was a request from Friends of New Garden for permission to hold a meeting for worship. Her daughter, Martha Vickers, born March 27, 1786, married William Milhous on June 10, 1807. Some prospective husbands complained about womens meetings having the power to stop or delay a mans ability to wed. As Lindley Butler writes, "Quakers, or the Religious Society of Friends, are the oldest organized Christian church in North Carolinathe Irish evangelist William Edmundson visited the Albemarle region in March 1672 for three days, holding the first religious services in the colony and laying a foundation that would result in North Carolinas becoming in its early years virtually a Quaker provinceWhen Edmundson returned to the colony in 1676, he reported that Friends were 'finely settled' The earliest Quaker meetings were at Perquimans and Pasquotank, both located in northeast North Carolina along Albemarle Sound. Chapter IV ~ Soon the Quakers Followed, Next to settle in Guilford County were Quakers, the Society of Friends. Quaker settlement in North Carolina began in Perquimans and Pasquotank Counties, some 200 miles east of Guilford County. Their leader was Joseph Nichols, who originated this sect in Caroline County, Maryland. Self-control was a key value. Gender roles tended to be less restrictive than they would become after 1800. Looking for early settlers Parramoresdecendents of John Parramore who came to the eastern shore of va in 1622 This collection can be found at the FamilySearch Library on the third floor and is available digitally here. Message. Wives and mothers also traveled in significant numbers as ministers, forcing families to cope. Dunns Creek met in a part of Bladen County that became Cumberland County in 1754. Core Sound, given its coastal location, is, unsurprisingly, one of the earliest Quaker meetings recorded in North Carolina. Quaker children were taught strict obedience. Some of those families include Bond, Burcham, Hill, Hiatt, Horton, Love, Pinson, Jackson, Jessup, Simmons, Stanley and Taylor. Nearly all of the main Quaker families from which we are descended are covered in books or articles in the North Carolina Friends Historical Collection at Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. by Blackwell P. Robinson In 1750 Quakerism was the third largest religion in the British colonies with about 250 monthly meetings. Looking for Chaplain/Chaplins in the Currituck Co. area. I am looking for any Litchfields in the mid to late 1700s. Never defining people in terms of their sexuality, Friends accepted those engaged in such relationships and their calls to ministry. There were small Quaker meetings established before 1740 in North Carolina as well as in Virginia. Hinshaw discusses Cane Creek on page 343 of Volume I of his Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy.[15]. I have strong family roots in that area, so I was aware . Their settlement continued to grow and in 1772 they were granted their own Monthly Meeting by the Quarterly Meetings in Orange and Rowan. Im not familiar with the history about this and Ive tried to look it up, but everything Im seeing about Russellborough says it was founded by Capt. They may contain a history of the meeting, lists of members, marriages, deaths, removals, and disownings. Aunts and nieces seem to have had special bonds reaching from assistance in a girls education to her care for the elderly aunt. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 500 College Ave. Swarthmore, PA 19081 Telephone: 610-328-8496 email contact:, Friends Historical Collection, Hege Library, Guilford College 5800 W. Friendly Ave. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone 336-316-2450 email contact: Search all monthly meetings in the state if you are not sure which monthly meeting your ancestor belonged to. That may be my link, especially if he Adams family moved further west by the 1750s. Does anyone know if descendants of Edward Moseley ended up in South Carolina? The Plantation was originally called Mount Hope and the property remained in the Tripp Family until the 20th century. Children left home to board at these schools, where girls and boys studied many of the same subjects, but separately. Hi Kenneth! Meetings also required that when a widow wed, the children of a previous marriage would receive their due inheritance. Careful records of witnesses were kept in hope that courts would recognize the marriage and the legitimacy of the children in it, thus avoiding challenges to inheritance. i am historical demographer living in Columbisa; I have some census training. by Blackwell P. Robinson of U.N.C.-G (to 1890) James Brown was born in Pennsylvania in 1681 to Quakers James Brown and Honor Clayton Brown. Meanwhile the New Garden settlement became the focal point of Quakerism in North Carolina and in the South. (3) Dorothy Lloyd Gilbert, Guilford, A Quaker College (Guilford College: Trustees of Guilford College, 1937), p. 20. A complete list of the forty families of them parts cannot be made, but William Wade Hinshaw in the. What we know of James's time in North Carolina comes from Quaker meeting minutes, which have been transcribed in three sets: James Brown Senr 1753 certificate request, 1761 apology and readmission, and Carteret County 1764-66. Early Quakers knew better. Some mothers left infants and small children behind. North Carolina, Family Heritage Publishers, 2007. Flour 2s6p wood for cutting. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Quakers never preached sexual abstinence, but spouses were warned they must not put earthly love for a partner above their love of God. Women often viewed a religious journey as a sacrifice of the comforts of home and the love of family. Richard Sanderson is my 8X grandfather. Ancestry ThruLines Proceed with caution! In return, the meeting assisted in maintaining a household and raising children while a wife and mother was away. It is a difficult time to these parts on some counts. North Carolina historian David Cecelski uses a map he found recently and other sources to explore the history of a largely forgotten group of Quaker settlements that flourished on the North Carolina coast more than 200 years ago. We had pretty close service among them, and laboured for the establishment of a meeting for ministers and elders in their monthly meetings; which we found was much wanting: and we had reason to hope that the proposition would be adopted; divers Friends being convinced of its usefulness, and seemed glad that it became our concern to recommend it. Did any of your Leonards come into Georgia? Around 1752, he moved to North Carolina, where he apparently lived out his life, dying there around 1766. Im glad I found this. All of these meetings were located in Bladen County, NC in the 1750s. Then, in 1672, a Quaker missionary by the name of George Fox borrowed a rotten canoe from a captain who resided on Edenton Bay and spent several days paddling to Bennett's Creek. The book lists all known monthly meetings in alphabetical order, with their locations, dates of existence, known records, and location of the records. This page was last edited on 9 December 2022, at 02:11. The Moseley Map was created in 1733 by Edward Moseley (1682-1749), who was Surveyor General of North Carolina from 1710 just after the famous John Lawson and was marketed at the time as A New and Correct Map of the Province of North Carolina.. The Cross Index to Quaker meeting records found on FS Library microfilm 2148 is a list of surnames with the name of the monthly meetings where the surname occurs. Durham, North Carolina: Seeman Printery, Inc, 1966. they were here in the mid 1700s. They traveled abroad throughout their childbearing years, and some still averaged the same number and spacing of children as their contemporaries. Though many gun shops were in the vicinity, none of the pacifist Quakers made guns. Quaker families cared about their children, but not in the sentimental manner that would later become fashionable in the 19th century. Within the next five years, fifty certificates were received, forty-one of them coming from that island. However, after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, they did aid in caring for the wounded, both American and British. My Great great grandmother was Caroline perry Privett . Then, to prevent their horses from straying during the extended silent meeting, they drove them into the open angle and closed it by a third log, thus forming a triangle. I found an Adams plantation on the map in the Beaufort area. Site by. ). According to "Our Quaker Friends of ye Olden Time," James Johnson and other Quakers from Chester County, Pennsylvania removed to North Carolina between 1751 and 1770. The practices and testimonies they developed helped unify Friends throughout the next century. History of Centre Friends Meeting, 1757-1954. Couples who were disowned could continue to worship with Friends and, with repentance, regain membership. My Moms side comes from the Coopers of the south shore of Albermarle Sound and specifically the communities of Gum Neck, Frying Pan and Alligator in Tyrrell County. If i can assist let me I am in Va. Beach area. Choose the volume for your state and become familiar with the format of the book/microfilm. As some Quakers acquired wealth in the 1700s, relatives might loan money or invest in new business ventures together. It seems to me Kendal communities and services reflect sound management, adherence to Quaker values, and respect for each individual. By Anne L. McCarthy . According to the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, "Early Quaker settlers found their way into North Carolinas Cape Fear River valley beginning in the 1730s. Three years later the older meeting granted Centre Friends the privilege of holding their own meetings for worship from house to house. Single women were most likely to undertake a traveling ministry. The text continues, stating: They [the men previously identified] represented some of the oldest and best Quaker families in Pennsylvania. Our meetings, like meetings in the past, can be vital centers for family-like relationships and support. Records of Monthly Meetings hold the most vital information for genealogists. Also Edward or Thomas Stockstill, Stogsdell, Stogdell. edited by Sydney M. Cone, Jr. project of The Guilford County Bicentennial Commission, 1971, Early Quaker Families, 1650-1800. Login to post. Parents could not count on living until all their children were grown, and they expected relatives to be willing to help raise them if necessary. This one item is also available on microfiche 6038227. Quakers did not separate religious life and secular life. Quaker missionaries arrived in North America in the mid-1650s. The Tripp family of South Pamlico is noted on the map. As was true of most of the earliest graveyards, there is no record of the names of the greater part of the people buried in the oldest part. The FamilySearch Library does not have copies of all Quaker records. Singleness was unusually acceptable among Friends. He was a delegate to the 2nd Continental Congress in 1776. If a family was slipping into poverty, more prosperous brothers and sisters would help. This means, of course, that the forty families were spread over a rather wide area, Deep River being six miles southwest of New Garden and Centre eighteen miles southeast. "[12], Cane Creek is located in north central North Carolina. Bradford Monthly Meeting in Chester County, Pennsylvania, reported on the 19th day 12th month 1740: " Abraham Marshall has for some time had drawing in his mind to visit Friends in Virginia and North Carolina and desired a certificate for same." In the 1660s, however, Friends sought to establish order for their community while continuing to honor that of God within each person. Some single women found fulfillment in lifelong commitment to other women. By the early 1660s, more than 50 other Quakers had followed Harris. The list below is a wonderful condensed index that I had saved in my archived files on my computer, although, unfortunately, Im unsure of its attribution, so if you know who originally published the list below, please leave a comment in the boxat the bottom of this article. There was a William Green in my ancestory. Protect yourself from fraud. Only submission to God was enough to cause a woman to put down her responsibility to those closest to her. Josh R. said "Well, traveling is fun.except when you have back issues.then it's less fun, so I traveled to visit some family in NC and in the process of a 5 hour flight plus the drive to and from the airport (another 1-2 hours) my lower and" At a time when men were leaving their household workplaces to take jobs outside the home, Quaker men were called upon to be the chief nurturer of their children. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF (right-click PDF and Save link as to download) at the Internet Archive. In addition women welcomed ministers in their homes, held meetings there, and wrote letters to hold the community together. I saw the name Hardy listed but not Hardison. I am surprised that Russell isnt on the list. [K] Eastern shore between Albemarle & Pamticoe Sounds: 1-North Shore-Pamticoe River:Lillington[A], Adams, Pilkington, Snoad, Boyd, 2-Bath Town: Kenyon, Odeon, Aldeson[S], Martin, Worsly [J], Salter[E], Riouset, Adams, Jones,Ottiwell, 3-East of Bath Town to the Sound: Jewell, maule [P], Perkins, Barrow, Adams [P], Dowry, Jones [P],Woodstock, Slade, Jasper, Mattamuskeet, Tuskeruro Indians, Mallard Creek, Chicod Creek, Salter [E], Kingman, Worsly, Blount, Reading,Coldom, Hill, Slade, Slade [B], Crofton, Maule [P], Locker, Peyton [R], Trip [J], Porter, Nevil, Turner[R],Leigh, Jones, Campaign [R], 2-Craven Precinct Johnson, Beards Creek, Frank[M], Wilkinsons Point, Dawsons Creek, 1-Craven Precinct-New Bern Fonville, Handy, 2-South of Trent River up to New Bern Jones [Frederick]-7375 acres, Wilson [W], Hancock,Palatines, Glover [C], Hatch [A], Handcock [H], [Q] Hatteras Island:Gibbs, Neal, Hatteras Indians, 1-Near Beaufort Town Taylor [N], Shakelford, Shaw, Rustul [R], 2-Across North River, east Wicker, Burnet, 1-NE shore New River[Jacksonville] Howard, Lillington[H], 3-Along the coast between New and Cape Fear Rivers [Jacksonville to Wilmington] Johnson,Beasly, Frederick, Alexander, Vaile[J], Nixon, Hauser, Swann[S], Staples, Hudson, Watts, Perry,Porter, Howe, 4-East bank NE Branch Cape Fear River Harrison[C], Watts, Mardsen, Carter, And now, for the map (clicking on the map will bring up a much larger version from East Carolina University in a new window).. Among them were the Borens, Coffins, Macys, Starbucks, Gardners, Worths, Beards, Swains, Barnards, Wickershams, Reeces, Russells, Bunkers, and Stantons. Che had a great plantation off the Swift Creek of the Neuse River. 1.2 Quakers in North Carolina 2 Quaker Meetings 2.1 Core Sound (Carteret County) 2.2 Carver's Creek 2.3 Dunn's Creek 2.4 Cane Creek 2.5 New Garden 3 Sources 4 Additional resources Background Settlement of North Carolina North Carolina was one of the original Thirteen Colonies. This settlement soon became the center of a very active community engaging in trade and local industry. Margaret Fell and others were known for the supportive roles they played during the Religious Societys early years. 1768. Unfortunately, there are no other extant sources as to the birth of the inimitable Dolley Payne Todd Madison, who often served as Thomas Jeffersons official hostess and then as First Lady, in her own right, as wife of the fourth President of the United States. After receiving the approval of a meeting, individuals embarked on journeys that could be long and dangerous. His daughter Priscilla married Robert Dunn. Indicative of their growth is the fact that in 1780 they built a larger meeting house, where the North Carolina Yearly Meeting was held in 1787 and again in 1789. Others studying the early North Carolina Quakers may find it of use. Families attempted to live their lives in daily obedience of God. One account says the place looked very much like a barn and was warmed by stoves, whose pipes extending through the overhead ceiling, discharged their contents into the space beneath the rafters. Children were instructed from an early age that the good of the group, not their own personal preference, must always come first. [G] PASQUOTANK PRECINCT between Little and Pasquotank Rivers: Hall, Nixon, Lowry, Evans, Salton, Boyd, Baily, Swann, Pritchard, Hague, Palin [J], Pendleton, Davis,Mabson [F], Reed [W]. As the area became more settled, other Quaker groups, known as monthly meetings, were established. Growing up, my dad said Core Point was where he and all the kids in the Caton community went to go to the beach.. Their exodus from Nantucket has been attributed to the fact that they had heard of the fertile lands of Carolina at their yearly meeting and having inspected them, cheerfully quit an island in which there was no longer any room for them. My Fathers side is Reason shown thru northern and eastern North Carolina Dating back to the 1700s . Just when the first Friends came to this majestic wilderness is unknown, but certainly there were a few here by 1751. (11) Ibid. He proclaimed that those living in the Light had no need for the domination of husbands over wives. Without assistance from the outside world, they were responsible for retaining sharply defined gender roles, solving their own problems, and raising perfect children. My family lines in Pitt County are Atkinson (Bensboro Plantation), Rives, Bryan, Hill, Whitmel. As they increased in number, a larger and more permanent place of worship was needed. There was also a Hugh Boston, who could have been his father or brother in the same area. My dads side of the family owns land over at Core Point, and in fact, the Tripp Cemetery is at the end of Down Shore Road (where they own property). The 24th [December], we went to New Garden, and staid amongst Friends in that settlement till the 28th. Great Plantation off the Swift Creek of the same subjects, but William hinshaw... Known as monthly meetings in Orange and Rowan southeast North Carolina and in 1772 they were here in same! Had special bonds reaching from assistance in a part of North Carolina as well as in Virginia project... A family was slipping into poverty, more prosperous brothers and sisters would help it is a difficult time these... 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