Your rabbit will start losing fur from its neck, followed by shedding down the neck, back, stomach, and tail. Fortunately, most of these concerns can be treated with medication and additional attention from the owner. keep in mind that natural molting is a seasonal process in rabbits. Apart from the dental issues that accompany snuffles, it leads to fur loss around the mouth, chin, and eyes due to saliva burn from drooling. Saliva burn is caused by dental problems in rabbits. It is usually classified by the presence of dandruff-like flaking on the fur. Your rabbit may lose fur She has many toys that we try to switch out every couple of months. Another possible reason for hair loss in rabbits is parasites, such as mites or fleas. Once you establish its barbering, rescue the weak bunny from the dominant one. A greater hair shedding can usually be observed twice a year when the coat's renewal is complete. If your rabbit has ringworm, it will cause them to lose patches of fur. The first thing to know about rabbit hair shedding (also known as molting) is that it is a perfectly normal. It is normal for your bunny to shed old fur so taht they can grow new ones, but when it becomes excessive, its no longer normal. In the meantime, here are some possible causes of hair loss . Over time, however, your rabbit will start to slow down and sleep more. The length of time it takes for a rabbit to shed its hair varies from a few days to up to 3 weeks. There will be tufts of fur strewn about the room and the rabbits behavior toward each other will likely change as they become warier of each other. 6 Reasons Rabbits Will Flip Over Their Food and Water Bowls. Several parasites could infect your rabbit and leave it very itchy and uncomfortable. After your rabbit has finished shedding, their coat will return to normal. 3) Parasite infestation. Just make sure youre providing your rabbit with plenty of good quality hay and fresh vegetables to help keep his coat healthy. One major symptom of stress in rabbits is hair loss which can affect certain parts of the rabbit. In addition to skin, rabbits shed fur as well. loss from the ears and infections that can damage the inner ear and reach the A rabbit may be born hairless and then grow their hair eventually with the right care. If you have multiple rabbits living together, theres a high chance they fight when youre not there. If your rabbit is allergic to something in their environment (such as dust, pollen, or certain types of food), they may start to lose patches of fur. Your rabbits skin and coat should be a window to its health. Another possible cause of hair loss is stress. Your vet will be able to accurately diagnose the problem and help your rabbit recover. This is because tropical rat mites permanently reside on a primary host, which is often rats and sometimes pigeons. Sometimes a tide line becomes apparent, which looks like a line across the rabbits fur, where the moult is progressing, and often you can observe the skin as being darker where the new fur is growing through. Parasites: External parasites, like mites or fleas, can cause rabbits to scratch excessively, leading to hair loss. My Dog's Poop Starts Solid Then Goes Soft, Why Is My Dog Bleeding From Its Anus? This is especially common among rabbits with a large dewlap (what is a dewlap?). They also fight for dominance. Superficial pyoderma can also lead to hair loss, itching, and ulceration of the skin. These can grow out of control, and impinge on the tear ducts. Rabbit alopecia can be very serious and even life-threatening if not treated properly. Jackson, R., Rogers, A. D., & Lukefahr, S. D. (2006). Avoiding hard surfaces, wire bottom-cages and cleaning up moisture in the cage are also necessary for preventing sore hocks in the future. 6. central nervous system. Second, your rabbit may be shedding more because of stress or illness. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. If they have a parasitic infection, it could lead to severe itching, which would, in turn, lead to your bunny scratching its body so hard that its fur falls out. These may include: If a rabbit is stressed and they pull their hair out as a consequence, you are likely to see clumps of fur on their front paws falling out. It can be caused by several things, including stress, parasites, and certain medical conditions. Rabbits exhibit their nesting behavior by pulling out tufts of fur from their chest, sides, and belly and lining their nests with the fur and other household items, such as couch and pillow stuffing. -Other types of skin infections, such as those around cuts or scrapes, can also occur. The crust, especially around the ear, would have an unpleasant musky smell. Mange mites will also cause fur loss around the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and forepaws. It is common for rabbits to suffer stress during certain instances in their lives. Luckily it develops as a symptom of a disease. This can happen when a rabbit is stressed or anxious, and they start grooming themselves excessively, leading to bald spots. The exposed skin will often be dry, scaly or may even display reddish lesions. If youve noticed that your rabbit is losing patches of fur, it can be concerning. After noticing that one rabbit was just staying under her cage all day I captured her and had a look to see what was wrong. If your rabbit isnt getting enough fiber in their diet, they may shed more fur. Common causes of alopecia in rabbits include: If your rabbit has alopecia, it can be helpful to check for, and tell your vet about other symptoms such as: Please note, our vets and nurses are unable to respond to questions via this form. World Rabbit Sci., 14, 147-155., Click to attach a photo related to your comment. leakage and while medications begin to kick in. Below are seven reasons your bunny could be losing its fur and what to do in each case. An early symptom is alopecia around the backend. Ringworm: Ringworm is a type of fungus that can affect both humans and animals. Fur that is wet for long periods of time can eventually lead to hair loss. If your rabbits are fighting, make sure theyre all spayed and neutered. 208217 & SC037585, Find out more about PDSA's vet care services. In many cases, this type of fur loss is also accompanied by wet skin or fur in these areas. $200. The next day, he started to lose fur around his eyes. The discomfort would lead to your rabbit repeatedly scratching its ears and losing the fur there. A diet that is lacking in nutrients can lead to a condition called alopecia, which causes the hair follicles to stop growing. This could be caused by stress or being mounted by another rabbit, even a doe. The nerves in the tail are damaged when it is pulled or cut off, and this damage is permanent. Fur loss associated with ringworm fungus is often bald, patchy and round with distinct edges. The treatment for ear canker in rabbits is 3 treatments of ivermectin injections once every 10-14 days, or one moxidectin injection every 10 days for two treatments. Does experience a phenomenon called false pregnancy, in which the hormones and ovary of your female bunny trick it into believing that it is pregnant. rabbits behind if burnt badly, you may have to keep it dry and protected and [Ear Mites in Rabbits: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Recovery, Cost, Prevention]. infection your rabbit is suffering from. helping your rabbits skin heal with a dry butt bath for rabbits. Your rabbit has a mite infestation. It is often accompanied by dental problems and manifests how cold affects humans. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know youll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit. Contact your vet if you notice your rabbit losing fur. If you're not sure why your rabbit is losing fur, take him to the vet for a checkup. Use of straw and wood shavings as nest material in primiparous does. Their breathing is different Image Credit: Xaya, Pixabay. A buck living with a doe would sometimes pluck out its fur for the cause. Urine burns can also cause the skin to become red and raw. Rabbits do shed a lot during normal molting seasons. While losing some fur is natural and to be expected, its important to be aware that it can be a sign of dominance or an underlying medical issue. This is completely normal behavior for rabbits. Inheritance of the naked gene and associations with postweaning performance and thermotolerance characters in fryer rabbits from an F2 generation. If our rabbit is losing an abundant amount of hair, it could be due to nutritional deficiencies. If you are concerned about your pets health, please contact your vet directly. This parasite gets into your bunny ears and produces red-brown crusts in the ear canal, causing severe discomfort for your bunny. During those heavy shedding seasons, you'll notice your rabbit's coat gets ragged again after only a few hours. These parasites live off of the blood of their host, and they can cause anemia and other health problems in rabbits. The process takes 2-6 weeks. Registered charity nos. Some causes of alopecia in rabbits are perfectly natural, but some are not, and require treatment. Mites: Mites are tiny parasitic insects that can infest rabbits (and other animals). Moulting usually occurs twice a year and can last for several weeks. You need to take your bunny to the vet to have its teeth trimmed and then change its diet of roughages to a higher one to help trim its teeth. Often, your rabbit's itchiness can be prevented by keeping its environment clean. The more dominant bunny might begin to pluck out hair (barbering) from the other in the guise of harmless grooming. This can mean that one rabbit is anxious in the pair and trying to appease the other, more dominant rabbit, but its not necessarily indicative of any behavioral or health problems. Domestic rabbits might shed moderately every 3 months. the best possible treatment. Another reason for losing hair in rabbits is parasite problems which cause itchiness. Infectious diseases - this could be a bacterial infection or other. At the early stage of this infection, bunnies would show a beige or whitish crust starting at the borders of their ears, edges of their eyelids, mouth, nose, and toes. The best way to avoid flystrike is to keep your rabbit in a dry habitat. This will remove the loose fur that's on the surface of your rabbit's coat. Conditions that cause abnormal levels of fur loss range from irritating to life-threatening. An infection due to a wound or an infestation due to mites or other parasites are also possible causes. Obese rabbits and heavy-bodied or giant breeds, such as the Flemish Giant or the Californian rabbit have a higher risk of sore hocks. If the situation doesnt change, you might have to keep them separated. Mange is caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei or all other Sarcoptes species. Ringworm is a fungal infection that can cause fur loss and scaling, causing a round bald spot of red, irritated skin. There are few animals which are as susceptible to stress as rabbits. Ear canker, or Psoroptes cuniculi, is one of the most debilitating and painful mite infestations a rabbit can experience. According to Preventive Veterinary Medicine, risk factors for flystrike in rabbits include warm, humid temperatures and rabbits that are 5 years of age or older. You can tell if your bunny has a urinary tract infection from its urine. This can be caused by a number of things, including stress, poor diet, and parasites. Rabbits that do not receive a correct handling from their caretaker or which have hygiene issues in their environment are likely to develop eye issues. Mange mites (Sarcoptes scabiei or Chorioptes sp), Saliva burn (fur loss on the dewlap, under the chin and on the chest), Urine burn (hair loss on the hindquarters), Your rabbit may dislike being touched at the ears due to pain. For example, a lack of vitamin A can lead to dry/brittle fur and hair loss. Or, it could be because of poor diet or grooming habits. Worsening of the symptoms It could also experience urine dribbling. While some play fighting is okay, severe fighting should be Blocked tear ducts are often a result of dental issues. Cancer: Unfortunately, cancer is also a common condition in older rabbits and can cause hair loss as well as other symptoms such as weight loss and lethargy. Poor nutrition is one of the most common causes of fur loss in rabbits. However, the time duration differs from one breed to another and between two different rabbits of the same breed. Fur-plucking in the neck or dewlap, belly, and leg areas occurs in pregnant females who are close to delivery, to line their nest. Mucus would be coming out from its nose. If your rabbit is losing patches of fur, its important to take them to the vet to rule out any medical causes and get treatment if necessary. Rabbits housed in warm, humid climates are more prone to, 2. There are a few different conditions that can cause this symptom, so its important to get a diagnosis and treatment plan from a professional. severe signs of ear mites in rabbits include spasms of the eye muscles and The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. This may indicate that your pet bunny is suffering from some disease. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine, 142813., 4. For this reason, we should provide suitable alternatives which means she won't need to pull out her own hair. If you notice that this is the case, you might want to find out what is causing your pets anxiety. Alopecia can develop in patches or as thinning fur and is a symptom of many different conditions. Rabbits can develop alopecia due to many environmental factors and stress, but medical reasons are also possible causes. 5. These can include: There are some reports that does (another name for female rabbits) prefer wood shavings to straw. You would most likely see the clumps and patches of fur that have been torn out lying around on the floor. The somewhat permanent wet spots around these areas would wear away the fur and cause bald irritated skin. Let me know if you need anything else. There are many reasons why your rabbit might be losing patches of fur. However, in most cases, theres no need to be concerned. A normal rabbit will shed its fur every three months. It commonly occurs on the face, head, and ears in rabbits. Fighting: Fighting with other rabbits (aka bunny boxing or bunny Jiu Jitsu) can lead to patchy hair loss as rabbits scrape, bite and wrestle (bunny MMA in the bunny octagon).Bunny bullying is also known as "Barbering" - when one bunny picks on or bullies another. Signs that your pet rabbit is getting old may include a greying coat, cataracts or loss of sight, hearing loss, or sleeping more often. These However, treatment with appropriate medication, such as selamectin, often clears the problem even if the fur mites cannot be seen. A rabbit losing fur around their eyes is much a result of eyepiece free. Note that even the calmest rabbit can become unruly and grumpy when infested with burrowing mange mites. your rabbits fur may begin to fall off leaving bald patches. It is important to differentiate between healthy seasonal shedding in rabbits and unhealthy hair loss in rabbits known as alopecia. The freezing recommendation for any rabbit supplies is an excellent place to begin as is the use of fragrance-free laundry products for any washable rabbit bedding. Its not a deadly condition but its highly contagious, even to humans, and can cause painful and sensitive skin. Your veterinarian may need to test the abscess to see what kind of antibiotic will be best to use to reduce swelling and chances of a serious infection. Itching can cause loss of fur when the rabbit scratches its skin repeatedly. With barbering, the pregnant rabbit is removing fur to make a comfortable next for the arrival of her kittens. critical that you avoid diagnosing or treating any parasite infestation on your To treat overgrooming, try letting your rabbits have more Other bacterial infections on the skin can lead to scratching and itching, leading to hair loss. World rabbit science, 18(4)., 3. Treatment with miconazole or ketoconazole-containing creams prescribed by a vet is often effective for small lesions. She has never met another rabbit, and rarely leaves her room. I recommend using a pet playpen as their enclosure instead, Learn more about why its important to get your rabbit spayed or neutered, Why flystrike is so dangerous and how to prevent it, Learn more about the symptoms of URIs in rabbits, Second Cutting Timothy Hay from Small Pet Select, Read more about why I recommend this product, Jenkins, Jeffrey DVM. Reports have also been received of severe shock or deaths in rabbits after the use of baths of insecticidal dips that are usually considered safe. playtime or free running time. Srivastava, M., et al. Over time, this can cause fur loss on the affected areas. However, rabbits who grow up together can also be hostile towards each other because they had hit a hard path. Once you establish that your bunnies fight rather than play together, keep them separated from each other for a while to see if the hair loss continues. What could this be and should we take her to the vet? Its best to get medication and instructions from your veterinarian so you can help your rabbit get rid of the infection. 4. There are no recognized hairless rabbit breeds, but if the genetic discrepancies can be addressed, then it is possible such a breed may exist in the future. Usually, an actual pregnancy takes 31 days, while a phantom pregnancy takes 18 days. 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