Purple heart plants are relatively hardy, but issues such as overwatering, improper sun exposure, or soil nutrient imbalance can cause issues. If you notice the color fading or legginess, supplement with a grow light. One story is that T. virginiana was brought to Tradescant the Elder as a specimen from an expedition to the Americas that he organized. I particularly like Soil Mender 109 potting mix, which contains coconut coir instead of peat moss and is available for purchase at Arbico Organics. Tradescantia pallida Purpurea also known as Purple Queen, Purple Heart, Setcresea Purpurea, Purple Spiderwort, or Wandering Jew Purpurea is a popular evergreen perennial. However, dont be discouraged because, in this article, you will learn how to grow purple queen plants effectively and how to care for them. It is a long-jointed sprawling ground-cover plant. Both were English naturalists, gardeners, and travelers who worked for British monarch King Charles I as landscape designers. Purple heart plants grow in loose, airy, moist, and well-draining soil. These delicate blooms can be pink, white, blue, or purple, depending on the species or cultivar. To grow happy and healthy, Tradescantia Purpurea plants need regular watering and plenty of natural light. To make matters worse, Nazi propagandists co-opted the figure in the 1930s, using it to portray Jewish people in a negative light as part of their justification for the Holocaust. Go ahead and plant your purple queen plant now. The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). Otherwise, if its not hail damage, then make sure the plant is getting enough airflow to keep mildew from forming. Please note that this story is merely that a story. Because of their spectacular aspect, these plants were brought on the European continent as ornamental plants and are now grown as such in many parts of the world. Brown leaf tips, on the other hand, indicate that the plant isnt getting enough humidity. If you dont have much natural light available, either because of the orientation of your home or because you live in a climate where you frequently experience cloudy weather, such as the Pacific Northwest, you may want to consider supplementing with a grow light. If your plants colour changes to brown, it is likely because there isnt enough moisture. Miruna is an experienced content writer with a passion for gardening. When it starts drying out too quickly between waterings, you may want to repot. Take your plant, place it in the hole, and then push the soil gently and fill the space around the roots. As for pets, the ASPCA does not provide safety information for all species of Tradescantia, but lists T. fluminensis as toxic to dogs and cats. Were not using that outdated common name anymore because it comes with a lot of negative baggage. Product photos via Earthworm Technologies, Elsevier, Hirts Gardens, Kauai Garden, Monterey, Rodale, Soil Mender, and Succulents Box. Keep on reading to know more. The most common cause for green leaves on your purple queen plant is lack of sunlight. Its elliptical leaves are long, with purple undersides, and the plant also has purple stems. Like aphids, they can sicken your spiderwort by stealing its nutrients and a serious infestation can kill your houseplant. It is native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico. Its best to take your cutting from a healthy mature plant using a clean, sharp knife or a pair of scissors. Choosing a good spot is an important step for long-lasting health. It's a beautiful perennial with long, trailing stems that resemble rambling vines. The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). What do you love the most about this plant how easy it is to care for, how fast it puts out new foliage, or how supremely simple it is to propagate? They will adapt to light conditions ranging from full sun to medium light. Yes, purple hearts are easy to grow once you know how to provide the best light, water, and other care needs. Why Does My Wandering Jew Have Brown Leaves & How To Fix It, How To Care For Heart Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum), How To Care For A Philodendron Birkin Plant, How To Care For A Pink Princess Philodendron, The Best Indoor Houseplant Supplies, Tools & Equipment, How To Care For Umbrella Tree Plant (Schefflera arboricola), What To Do With An Amaryllis After It Blooms, Terms Of Use, Disclaimer & Privacy Policy, Allow soil to dry slightly, do not overwater. Healthy purple hearts are generally pest free, but occasionally you may encounter an issue. Also known as tradescantia pallida but commonly known as Purple Heart and Purple Queen. Tradescantia Zebrina: Spiderwort Inchplant Zebrina pendula Is Wandering Jew Toxic for Cats? You cant resist admiring them once you come across them planted either in hanging baskets or home gardens. Prolonged exposure to freezing weather will eventually kill the plant however, roots and all. The leaves of these plants are fleshy, feeling almost like the leaves of succulents. When keeping houseplants, its important to start with a healthy specimen. Tradescantia Purpureas make an outstanding addition to any plant collection. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); .slick-slider#wpsp-83656 {margin-left: 0px; }.slick-slider#wpsp-83656 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; }#wpsp-83656.wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-single {margin-bottom: 2em; }.slick-slider#wpsp-83656 .wp-show-posts-single {margin-bottom: 0px; }#wpsp-83656 .wp-show-posts-inner {background-color: #ffffff; }#wpsp-83656.wp-show-posts .wp-show-posts-entry-title {font-size: .9em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-83656 {margin-left: -2em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-83656 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin: 0 0 2em 2em; } Imagine when you visit your friend, and she gives you some beautiful purple queen plants to go and plant, but you dont know how to do it. Thats why I like to fertilize my houseplants with worm compost tea, an organic fertilizer option, rather than letting them go without. Here are some of the most common diseases and pests to affect these houseplants: Even the most resilient of houseplants can succumb to an insect infestation. Give it a hard prune to rejuvenate it. If you ask me does it flower? Moreover, during the summer months, it produces small purple flowers. From vegetables, herbs, and flowers to cacti, succulents, tropicals, and houseplants - you name it, I've grown it! These species grow to about one to one and a half feet tall and wide. Attractive and durable, these beautiful house plants will bring joy to your garden year-round with their rich purple stems and lance-shaped leaves. Grown for its captivating purple foliage, the Setcreasea Purple Queen is an evergreen spiderwort variety that can provide excellent landscape contrast to your yard or garden. This plant is easy to grow and maintain. To remove these pests, you can pick them off by hand, or treat the plant with neem oil, such as this product from Monterey, available at Arbico Organics. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle newsletter, Proven Accents 'Purple Queen' - Purple Spiderwort - Tradescantia pallida. Love this plant as ground cover that thrives in sun or shade. Kristina strives towards creating gardens where there are as many birds and bees as there are edibles. These tropical species are fast growers, so if you want to add a lot of vegetation to your home fast, without too much fuss, these houseplants will make excellent plant companions. To avoid this, you need to prune them once you notice they are overgrown. Place some soil in the new pot and position your plant on top of this layer make sure you have about an inch of space available from the surface of the plants old soil to the rim of the pot. Some of them include; liquid fertilizers, general-purpose fertilizers, organic fertilizers, granulated fertilizers, and slow-release fertilizers. Before using them, do thorough research. It is often used as a houseplant in interiorscapes. Apply slow-release granules twice during the spring and summer, or up to once a month with liquid options. Small holes may appear on the foliage if a pest infestation occurs, but soapy water or an insecticide can help if the issue persists. In the landscape, the plant has an upright, branching . In keeping with their laid-back demeanors, wandering dudes arent particularly prone to either diseases or insect infestations. Purple heart plants are lovely to look at and have nearby, but they also help to improve air quality by filtering pollutants and respiratory irritants. They are certainly proving to be excellent for me. Spiderworts can be grown from purchased plants or propagated through division, cuttings, or seed. purple spiderwort 'Purpurea' is a trailing evergreen perennial to 20cm in height, the purple stems with narrowly elliptic, purplish glaucous green leaves 8-15cm in length, bright purple beneath, and terminal bright pink, 3-petalled flowers 2-3cm in width Synonyms Tradescantia 'Purple Sabre' Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart' But do not overwater it. Next up, silvery inch plant is one of the common names for the species T. zebrina. In this reference book, authors Michael E. Peterson, DVM, and Patricia A Talcott, DVM, categorize Tradescantia species as possible pet-friendly alternatives, conveying that no incriminating data against these species has been found. deep and 8 to 12 inches (20.5-30.5 cm.) You can trim periodically as needed. Although the plants also produce tiny pink and purple flowers, it's the leaves that really stand out. However, for best colour development, grow your purple queen plant in full sun. By clicking the button you are agreeing to receive our email newsletter. Now that you know how easy it is to grow the striking purple heart plant, it can be a beautiful addition to your home or garden. Because of his taunting, the story goes, this man was doomed to wander the earth until the second coming of Jesus. Growing it in the shade will make it appear more green than purple. Required fields are marked *. If water alone doesnt seem to do the trick, neem oil can be used as a nontoxic insecticide. The cultivar T. pallida 'Purpurea' is commonly called purple secretia, purple-heart, [2] or purple queen. However, the conditions in your home may be different, so check your plants, and adjust your watering routine accordingly. Another time to prune is if your plant starts to look a bit scraggly. A fast-growing member of the spiderwort family with dark purple leaves and long purple stems is the purple heart plant (Tradescantia pallida), also known as purple secretia or purple queen. Tradescantia houseplants are tender perennials, and as such, they do well when kept at average household temperatures that is to say, ideally around 70F, or at least somewhere in the range of 50 to 80F. This plant propagates quickly from any part of the plant by placing it in adaptable soil or water. This fungal disease can also spread through the soil. Full Shade to Full Sun (Can Grow In Most Sunlight Conditions) Mature Height 12 - 18 Inches. While some spiderworts can be grown outdoors as perennials in temperate zones, this article will focus on growing and caring for the many tropical species typically cultivated as houseplants. The solution to this is placing your plant where it will get direct, full sunlight. Purple heart plants need rich, moist, well-draining soil to grow. Please remember, however, that although spiderworts may seem indestructible, they dont have quite the water storage capacity of a cactus, so dont think you can get away with total neglect. Neem is also a fungicide and will take care of any fungal issues that may arise as well. Purple heart is native to the Gulf Coast region of Mexico and can grow to heights of one and a half feet tall and wide. A cutting measuring 4 to 6 in (10 to 15 cm) roots the best. Fashion fades, only style remains the same. But heres the skinny; you want to grow some purple queen plants at your home, but you have absolutely no experience with them. A purple plant loves sunny areas. Caring for the purple queen plant is very easy, although it needs careful handling. The purple queen plant is a species of spiderwort (a genus of new world plants) and looks like T. Zebrina. Once you have your soil and new pot at the ready, remove the plant from its old pot. Some species are variegated, while others are solid green or solid purple in color. Foliage will die back to ground level once temperatures begin falling below freezing. Thanks to some easy propagation and quick growth, those two tiny pots have been transformed into four medium-sized houseplants, plus two additional small specimens I just started from cuttings. Shipping Information. She is a Certified Permaculture Designer, holds a Certificate in Native Plant Studies from the University of North Carolina Botanical Gardens, a Landscape for Life certificate through the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and the United States Botanic Garden, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in liberal studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The Southern Living Garden Bookexplains, "Types grown as houseplants should be given bright indirect light and kept fairly moist; feed them with a general-purpose liquid houseplant fertilizer twice a month from spring through fall, once a month in winter." The foliage and stems of spiderworts are covered with small hairs, some species more than others. Before we talk about how to care for a purple heart plant, first we should discuss the best location to grow it. After roots emerge, transplant new growth to its final location. However yellow leaves can also be caused by severe lack of light, too little water, or inadequate nutrients. It also makes an interesting groundcover for rock gardens and spills beautifully over retaining walls. Inconsistent watering (usually too much), lack of sunlight, or cold temperatures are all common causes. This may be adventatgeous if you are using 'Purple Queen' in a container recipe as it will allow the plant to mix more easily with the other plants and to trail longer over the edge of patio planters and hanging baskets. The spreading nature of purple queen plants makes pruning a necessary part of their care, both indoors and outdoors. water), the plants soil can remain too wet, which prevents the roots from getting oxygen. Earthworm Compost Tea Organic Houseplant Fertilizer. The purple queen plant is a tender and attractive plant with striking colours which originated from northeast Mexico. Tradescantia Purpurea pallida can be propagated easily by rooting cuttings in water or directly in the soil. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It has lovely purple leaves that are long and oval. The plant is native to the Tamaulipas and Yucatan regions of Mexico and is characterized by dark purple stems with leaves that grow up to 7" long. It is easy to propagate a purple queen plant. The easiest and most accessible way to propagate wandering dudes is via cuttings. Feed the newly rooted plant every month, using a water-soluble fertilizer. After several weeks, water your plants according to the weather. Spiderwort is a common name that refers to many species in the genus Tradescantia, pronounced trad-es-KAN-tee-uh or trad-es-KAN-shuh.. You may want to relegate them to houseplant status where you can make sure they dont get out of hand. Under a brown shell, theres an insect attached to your plant, greedily sucking away. Tradescantia pallida "Purpurea" also known as Purple Queen, Purple Heart, Setcresea Purpurea, Purple Spiderwort, or Wandering Jew "Purpurea" is a popular evergreen perennial. To make sure you provide them with the best possible growing conditions, Im going to provide you with some tips for caring for these tropical beauties. Its purple leaves are long and oval-shaped, producing small purple flowers in summer. Plant purple heart plants in full sun to grow vibrant purple stems. Most purple queen plants are grown in pots or packs in the nursery. You can either take cuttings and let them root in a glass of water, or simply place your new, unrooted cuttings directly into a pot of prepared houseplant soil. Although these plants do well with moist soil, they also require good drainage. In full sun or heat waves theyll need more frequent watering. Seeds can be sown outdoors in either fall or early spring and should be lightly covered. Queen's Spiderwort is a tropical perennial plant native to wet, tropical regions of Columbia and Peru with showy purple flowers that bloom from summer into fall and dark green evergreen leaves. It has also been given the nickname Purple Spiderlily, which comes from its plant genus Spiderwort - also known as Tradescantia. Beautifully variegated or in soothing shades of solid green, spiderworts are easy-care houseplants that will give you masses of vines to beautify your indoor space. To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. The blooms can be white, purple, pink, and other similar colorsdepending on species and varietyand appear regularly. Move the entire container into indirect sunlight for one to two weeks and keep the cutting moist. Tradescantia Purpurea is an overall easy to grow plant that doesnt require any special care. Whatever the truth is behind the arrival in England of that temperate climate perennial, this species and others belonging to the genus inherited the Tradescant family name. Or if you do want to use them outdoors, keep them safely confined use them as members of your container garden. The delicate stems break easily when bumped or kicked, and even those broken pieces can be rooted, as long as they contain leaf nodes. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy to prevent the plant from rotting. Shady areas make the plant appear greener in colour instead of purple. Purple Queen Purple Heart Purple Secretia. Its also proven to survive freezes and comes back strong in the Spring! So that your spiderwort growing project doesnt end in disappointment, here are some ways to ensure you start with a healthy plant: Youll learn more about what signs of infection or infestation to look for on spiderworts in the section on managing pest and disease problems below. Luckily, each plant produces many buds throughout spring and into early summer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); GardenBeast is an online publication which launched in 2019 with the aim of providing the latest news, in-depth how-to guides and reviews of popular products to help you make the most from your back yards and gardens. Indoors, a good quality general potting soil will work. Purple heart plants (aka purple queen) are easy to care for, and can grow both indoors or outside. For your container or back garden, use a watering can or a hand sprinkler. The only thing you will need to do is to make sure you protect it from freezing temperatures and from overwatering. Where you make your pinch or cut, the stem may branch. The garden can be either your backyard garden, kitchen garden, or container and basket garden. Now that you have the basics of good spiderwort care down, are you ready to explore your options? Indirect or filtered light helps avoid leaf burn or scorch, but too little sunlight will cause foliage to drop. Read More Why is my purple heart getting white spots on the leaves? Treat them immediately with rubbing alcohol, neem oil, or an insecticidal soap for best results. Its got some new healthy looking growth. You can also read the guidelines available on the product label to know which the best fertilizer to use is. Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart' (Purple Spiderwort) - This popular trailing house plant is also a pretty durable groundcover or accent plant to about 18 inches tall in the garden. First, Purple Heart is a cultivated variety of T. pallida, a species native to Mexico. It gets its common name from the delicate heart-shaped blossoms. It can tolerate drought conditions once established, but will also thrive when grown with regular moisture. The best time to do this is when the plant is actively growing. In colder regions theyre often grown in containers and wintered indoors, or kept exclusively as houseplants. Its purple leaves are long and oval-shaped, producing small purple flowers in summer. This striking appearance makes it perfect for everyday use as an ornamental plant in gardens and along borders or driveways. And as with succulents, those fleshy leaves indicate spiderwort's ability to store water. If you live in an area with temperatures that reach below 40F, then bring plants indoors to prevent cold damage. Hardiness Zones: 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b, 12a, 12b. My spiderworts grew faster in full sun, but they also seem to be tolerating their current northeast exposure without any signs of stress. This lovely evergreen plant is a perennial mostly recognized by its pointed and elongated leaves. Tradescantiaspecies are perennials in the family Commelinaceae, also known as the spiderwort family. It also makes an interesting groundcover for rock gardens and spills beautifully over retaining walls. Some species are variegated, while others are solid green or solid purple in color. We occasionally link to goods offered by vendors to help the reader find relevant products. Tradescantia pallida is a species of spiderwort (a genus of New World plants) similar to T. fluminensis and T. zebrina. Humidity is not often an issue outdoors, but if your indoor purple queen plant has limp or brown dried leaves, it may need more. When its time to rehydrate your wandering dude, water the surface of the soil instead of holding your watering can directly over your plant. Tradescantia plants are considered fast-growing. Place the cuttings in a bright place, but not under direct sunlight as this may prevent them from rooting. Also, when your plant starts to become rootbound if you see roots emerging through drainage holes or from the soil surface this is a good sign that its time to repot, as well. Youll find silvery inch plant in a two-and-a-half-inch pot from Hirts Gardens via Walmart. Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them. It can also be helpful to lift your inch plants pot to check it for dryness. Grow as an annual low maintenance groundcover in cold winter climates or as a perennial groundcover that is root hardy in zones 8 or warmer. To encourage branching and to ensure that your plant grows nicely, remove the new stem tips. Make sure its receiving full sun, or intense indoor light for 8+ hours a day. Indoors, mealybugs and scale are more likely. You can make your own insecticidal spray with 1 teaspoon of gentle liquid soap and 1 liter of water. it's an evergreen perennial ornamental house plant. Mealybugs are another group of nutrient suckers. It is widely commercialized as a house plant and for outdoor gardens. it's a very low maintenance plant and easy to grow.. And if you are reluctant to take any chances with your curious kids or fur babies, consider choosing a confirmed nontoxic houseplant instead. - yes, it does; and mostly during summer. And spiderworts are an integral part of this project I bought two tiny pots of T. zebrina about six months ago. These species originate in the Americas, spanning a distance as far north as Canada, and as far south as Argentina. I have a Tradescantia pallida and it appears to be shedding for lack of a better word. Once established, Tradescantia pallida is fairly drought tolerant, but wont do well in extended periods of dryness. The purple queen plant is such a beautiful plant that is well taken care of, decorates homes. If growing plants indoors, use a humidifier or move the plant into the bathroom when showering to help encourage humidity. Now she owns more than 100 succulents and cacti of different colors, shapes, and sizes. While adaptable to a range of temperatures, frost can cause permanent damage to plants. In the winter theyll need much less. This quick-growing habit makes them wonderful as houseplants for those who want to fill a space with vegetation quickly. The blossoms have no scent, appear at the end of a stem, and are small, rarely exceeding more than 1.5 wide. Bought two tiny pots of T. Zebrina story goes, this man was doomed to wander the until... 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