Use the useState() hook to create a state variable, containing content and wordCount.Use the value prop and 0 as the initial values respectively. See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here. TextArea A default TextArea. Typically, you will control a text area by declaring a state variable: This is useful if you want to re-render some part of the UI in response to every keystroke. is not supported. . Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? :) I'm still learning React Hooks and React in general, but this works perfectly, I'll need to do some further reading to see how this is working in more detail. You cannot pass value={undefined} first and later pass value="some string" because React wont know whether you want the component to be uncontrolled or controlled. TAGs: ASP.Net . true. Product Bundles. ; Create a method setFormattedContent, which trims the content down to limit characters and memoize it, using the useCallback() hook. The form owner is either the

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